主要持有人权益变动 公司股份回购
事件日期 中文股东名称 持股人名字 涉及股份(股) 先前结余(股) 先前结余率(%) 先前类别 目前结余(股) 目前结余率(%) 目前类别 股份类别
2018-04-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-04-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 85104 120692398 10.3600 L 120692398 10.3600 L H Shares
2018-04-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 53692433 4.6100 S 53692433 4.6100 S H Shares
2018-04-10 Athos Capital Limited 878000 104278000 8.9600 L 105156000 9.0300 L H Shares
2018-04-10 Moskey Matthew Love 878000 104278000 8.9600 L 105156000 9.0300 L H Shares
2018-04-09 Athos Asia Event Driven Master Fund 385000 81222421 6.9800 L 81607421 7.0100 L H Shares
2018-04-04 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 21983000 51427859 0.0442 L 73849859 0.0634 L H股
2018-04-04 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 6268800 0.5400 S 6277808 0.5400 S H Shares
2018-04-04 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 439000 0.0400 P 439000 0.0400 P H Shares
2018-04-04 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 21983000 51427859 4.4200 L 73849859 6.3400 L H Shares
2018-03-27 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 456000 92993246 7.9900 S 93449246 8.0300 S H Shares
2018-03-27 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 456000 92927608 7.9800 L 93383608 8.0200 L H Shares
2018-03-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 116000 117887573 10.1200 L 117887573 10.1200 L H Shares
2018-03-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 47570265 4.0800 S 47570265 4.0800 S H Shares
2018-03-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-03-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 49000 117348692 10.0800 L 117348692 10.0800 L H Shares
2018-03-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-03-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 47575263 4.0800 S 47575263 4.0800 S H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 1567000 46008263 3.9500 S 47575263 4.0800 S H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 46008263 3.9500 S 46008263 3.9500 S H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 1589155 115759537 9.9400 L 117348692 10.0800 L H Shares
2018-03-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 54000 115759537 9.9400 L 115759537 9.9400 L H Shares
2018-03-05 Moskey Matthew Love 799000 92379000 7.9400 L 93178000 8.0000 L H Shares
2018-03-05 Athos Capital Limited 799000 92379000 7.9400 L 93178000 8.0000 L H Shares
2018-03-02 Athos Asia Event Driven Master Fund 213000 69725424 5.9900 L 69938424 6.0100 L H Shares
2018-02-26 Segantii Capital Management Limited 177000 58249000 5.0000 L 58072000 4.9800 L H Shares
2018-02-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 4000 113698909 9.7600 L 113698909 9.7600 L H Shares
2018-02-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 44306985 3.8000 S 44306985 3.8000 S H Shares
2018-02-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 28000 113742501 9.7700 L 113742501 9.7700 L H Shares
2018-02-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 44314985 3.8000 S 44314985 3.8000 S H Shares
2018-02-14 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 125000 113475708 9.7400 L 113475708 9.7400 L H Shares
2018-02-14 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-14 Segantii Capital Management Limited 188000 58044000 4.9800 L 58232000 5.0000 L H Shares
2018-02-14 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 36140565 3.1000 S 36140565 3.1000 S H Shares
2018-02-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 157000 113307852 9.7300 L 113307852 9.7300 L H Shares
2018-02-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-13 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 35906565 3.0800 S 35906565 3.0800 S H Shares
2018-02-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 184000 113128864 9.7100 L 113128864 9.7100 L H Shares
2018-02-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-12 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 35809565 3.0700 S 35809565 3.0700 S H Shares
2018-02-09 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 5820000 80551332 6.9200 L 86371332 7.4200 L H Shares
2018-02-09 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 5820000 80191970 6.8900 S 86011970 7.3900 S H Shares
2018-02-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 35531570 3.0500 S 35531570 3.0500 S H Shares
2018-02-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-09 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 122000 112990564 9.7000 L 112990564 9.7000 L H Shares
2018-02-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 143000 113043481 9.7100 L 113043481 9.7100 L H Shares
2018-02-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 35326571 3.0300 S 35326571 3.0300 S H Shares
2018-02-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 52000 110391452 9.4800 L 110391452 9.4800 L H Shares
2018-02-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 35051975 3.0100 S 35051975 3.0100 S H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 109264761 9.3800 L 110391452 9.4800 L H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 115000 109264761 9.3800 L 109264761 9.3800 L H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 34678734 2.9700 S 34678734 2.9700 S H Shares
2018-02-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 373241 34678734 2.9700 S 35051975 3.0100 S H Shares
2018-02-06 Athos Asia Event Driven Master Fund 2812246 56129902 4.8200 L 58942148 5.0600 L H Shares
2018-02-06 Moskey Matthew Love 2811000 78763000 6.7700 L 81574000 7.0100 L H Shares
2018-02-06 Athos Capital Limited 2811000 78763000 6.7700 L 81574000 7.0100 L H Shares
2018-02-05 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 60000 109191636 9.3700 L 109191636 9.3700 L H Shares
2018-02-05 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-05 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 34544599 2.9600 S 34544599 2.9600 S H Shares
2018-02-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 34241607 2.9400 S 34241607 2.9400 S H Shares
2018-02-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-02-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 102000 109013636 9.3600 L 109013636 9.3600 L H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 108227654 9.2900 L 108682791 9.3300 L H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 116000 108227654 9.2900 L 108227654 9.2900 L H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 39496729 3.3900 S 39496729 3.3900 S H Shares
2018-01-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 5658112 39496729 3.3900 S 33838617 2.9000 S H Shares
2018-01-29 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 39002762 3.3500 S 39002762 3.3500 S H Shares
2018-01-29 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-29 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 270000 107828655 9.2600 L 107828655 9.2600 L H Shares
2018-01-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 151000 107497656 9.2300 L 107497656 9.2300 L H Shares
2018-01-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 38705763 3.3200 S 38705763 3.3200 S H Shares
2018-01-25 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 327000 107240657 9.2100 L 107240657 9.2100 L H Shares
2018-01-25 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-25 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 38463781 3.3000 S 38463781 3.3000 S H Shares
2018-01-24 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 38466838 3.3000 S 38466838 3.3000 S H Shares
2018-01-24 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-24 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 219000 107233650 9.2100 L 107233650 9.2100 L H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 106756676 9.1700 L 107233650 9.2100 L H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 294000 106756676 9.1700 L 106756676 9.1700 L H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 31888645 2.7300 S 31888645 2.7300 S H Shares
2018-01-23 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 6578193 31888645 2.7300 S 38466838 3.3000 S H Shares
2018-01-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 31629792 2.7100 S 31629792 2.7100 S H Shares
2018-01-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-22 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 106000 106739678 9.1600 L 106739678 9.1600 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Asia) Corporate Holdings L.L.C. Goldman Sachs (Asia) Corporate Holdings L.L.C. 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Athos Capital Limited Athos Capital Limited 72778000 0 0.0000 L 72778000 0.0625 L H股
2018-01-19 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong) International Investments Limited Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong) International Investments Limited 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C. Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C. 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL 15304000 56339332 0.0484 L 71643332 0.0615 L H股
2018-01-19 Moskey Matthew Love Moskey Matthew Love 72778000 0 0.0000 L 72778000 0.0625 L H股
2018-01-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 106365120 9.1300 L 106739678 9.1600 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs International 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Asia) Corporate Holdings L.L.C 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong) International Investments Limited 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C 15304000 56339332 4.8400 L 71643332 6.1500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs International 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 高盛集团有限公司 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 71337970 6.1300 S 71337970 6.1300 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong) International Investments Limited 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Goldman Sachs (Asia) Corporate Holdings L.L.C 71181845 6.1100 S 71181845 6.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 17334717 48964509 4.2000 S 31629792 2.7100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 17334717 48964509 4.2000 S 31629792 2.7100 S H Shares
2018-01-19 Athos Capital Limited 72778000 0 0.0000 L 72778000 6.2500 L H Shares
2018-01-19 Moskey Matthew Love 72778000 0 0.0000 L 72778000 6.2500 L H Shares
2018-01-18 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 103000 105562117 9.0600 L 105562117 9.0600 L H Shares
2018-01-18 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 851000 69988287 6.0100 L 69137287 5.9300 L H Shares
2018-01-18 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 67708687 5.8100 P 66925687 5.7400 P H Shares
2018-01-18 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-18 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 47725509 4.0900 S 47725509 4.0900 S H Shares
2018-01-18 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 1434600 0.1200 S 1366600 0.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-17 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 701500 70434787 6.0500 L 69988287 6.0100 L H Shares
2018-01-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 1169999 104392118 8.9600 L 105562117 9.0600 L H Shares
2018-01-17 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 68155187 5.8500 P 67708687 5.8100 P H Shares
2018-01-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 47078509 4.0400 S 47725509 4.0900 S H Shares
2018-01-17 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 1434600 0.1200 S 1434600 0.1200 S H Shares
2018-01-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 602000 70869787 6.0800 L 70434787 6.0500 L H Shares
2018-01-16 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 102287118 8.7800 L 104392118 8.9600 L H Shares
2018-01-16 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 2105000 44973509 3.8600 S 47078509 4.0400 S H Shares
2018-01-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 1434600 0.1200 S 1434600 0.1200 S H Shares
2018-01-16 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 68592187 5.8900 P 68155187 5.8500 P H Shares
2018-01-15 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 41589509 3.5700 S 41589509 3.5700 S H Shares
2018-01-15 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-15 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 6000 99528117 8.5400 L 99528117 8.5400 L H Shares
2018-01-11 UBS Group AG 1390000 58886963 5.0600 L 57496963 4.9400 L H Shares
2018-01-11 UBS Group AG 3608587 0.3100 S 3608587 0.3100 S H Shares
2018-01-09 UBS Group AG 105000 59496963 5.1100 L 59178963 5.0800 L H Shares
2018-01-09 UBS Group AG 3608587 0.3100 S 3608587 0.3100 S H Shares
2018-01-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 3000 95152635 8.1700 L 95152635 8.1700 L H Shares
2018-01-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-08 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 38441328 3.3000 S 38441328 3.3000 S H Shares
2018-01-04 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 99000 94789334 8.1400 L 94789334 8.1400 L H Shares
2018-01-04 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-04 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 36239028 3.1100 S 36239028 3.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-03 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 93213336 8.0000 L 94789334 8.1400 L H Shares
2018-01-03 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-03 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 3515000 32724028 2.8100 S 36239028 3.1100 S H Shares
2018-01-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 3946001 89267335 7.6600 L 93213336 8.0000 L H Shares
2018-01-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2018-01-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 32791028 2.8100 S 32724028 2.8100 S H Shares
2017-12-27 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 3000 90344648 7.7600 L 90344648 7.7600 L H Shares
2017-12-27 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-12-27 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 32724028 2.8100 S 32724028 2.8100 S H Shares
2017-12-20 UBS Group AG 8483000 65013320 5.5800 L 64834320 5.5700 L H Shares
2017-12-20 UBS Group AG 9707767 0.8300 S 9707767 0.8300 S H Shares
2017-12-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 26265369 2.2500 S 26265369 2.2500 S H Shares
2017-12-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-12-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 46000 83536428 7.1700 L 83536428 7.1700 L H Shares
2017-12-19 Segantii Capital Management Limited 1880000 59533000 5.1100 L 57653000 4.9500 L H Shares
2017-12-18 UBS Group AG 2685000 64738320 5.5600 L 65050320 5.5900 L H Shares
2017-12-18 UBS Group AG 9707767 0.8300 S 9707767 0.8300 S H Shares
2017-12-13 UBS Group AG 6657000 63540320 5.4600 L 64049320 5.5000 L H Shares
2017-12-13 UBS Group AG 9707767 0.8300 S 9707767 0.8300 S H Shares
2017-12-13 Segantii Capital Management Limited 1146000 57962000 4.9800 L 59108000 5.0800 L H Shares
2017-12-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 26318369 2.2600 S 26318369 2.2600 S H Shares
2017-12-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-12-07 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 54000 83772287 7.1900 L 83772287 7.1900 L H Shares
2017-12-06 UBS Group AG 13657000 60251955 5.1800 L 59982955 5.1500 L H Shares
2017-12-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 26328369 2.2600 S 26328369 2.2600 S H Shares
2017-12-06 UBS Group AG 9525767 0.8200 S 9525767 0.8200 S H Shares
2017-12-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-12-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 86000 83535237 7.1700 L 83535237 7.1700 L H Shares
2017-11-21 UBS Group AG 8990767 0.7700 S 9097767 0.7800 S H Shares
2017-11-21 UBS Group AG 567053 58202779 4.9900 L 58769832 5.0500 L H Shares
2017-11-20 UBS Group AG 9003767 0.7700 S 8990767 0.7700 S H Shares
2017-11-20 UBS Group AG 367464 58570243 5.0300 L 58202779 4.9900 L H Shares
2017-11-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-11-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 26164369 2.2400 S 26034369 2.2300 S H Shares
2017-11-20 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 512352 81294612 6.9800 L 81806964 7.0200 L H Shares
2017-11-17 UBS Group AG 8991767 0.7700 S 9003767 0.7700 S H Shares
2017-11-17 UBS Group AG 442192 58128051 4.9900 L 58570243 5.0300 L H Shares
2017-11-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-11-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 23755230 2.0400 S 25240249 2.1600 S H Shares
2017-11-06 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 8980954 65032351 5.5800 L 74013305 6.3500 L H Shares
2017-11-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-11-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 23758756 2.0400 S 23574756 2.0200 S H Shares
2017-11-02 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 5983389 70625067 6.0600 L 64641678 5.5500 L H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 491000 23267756 1.9900 S 23758756 2.0400 S H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 4942278 65682789 5.6400 L 70625067 6.0600 L H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4847000 0.4100 P 4847000 0.4100 P H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 30221000 2.5900 S 22067000 1.8900 S H Shares
2017-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 8203000 61691249 5.2900 L 53488249 4.5900 L H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4847000 0.4100 P 4847000 0.4100 P H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 262000 28737000 2.4600 S 28999000 2.4900 S H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 524000 58040249 4.9800 L 58564249 5.0300 L H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 37000 23289756 2.0000 S 23252756 1.9900 S H Shares
2017-10-30 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 66743029 5.7300 L 65135960 5.5900 L H Shares
2017-10-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 2580457 57905513 4.9700 L 60485970 5.1900 L H Shares
2017-10-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 22743756 1.9500 S 23284756 2.0000 S H Shares
2017-10-26 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-10-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-10-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 21244230 1.8200 S 20876230 1.7900 S H Shares
2017-10-19 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 5258170 58803235 5.0500 L 53545065 4.5900 L H Shares
2017-10-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 0 0.0000 P 0 0.0000 P H Shares
2017-10-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 20928230 1.7900 S 21242230 1.8200 S H Shares
2017-10-17 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 6550530 57628013 4.9500 L 64178543 5.5100 L H Shares
2017-07-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 79651164 6.8400 P 71627419 6.1500 P H Shares
2017-07-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-07-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 8023745 83433164 7.1700 L 75409419 6.4800 L H Shares
2017-05-02 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 89910894 7.7200 P 86138517 7.4000 P H Shares
2017-05-02 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-05-02 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 3772377 93353894 8.0200 L 89581517 7.7000 L H Shares
2017-05-01 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 89366894 7.6800 P 89910894 7.7200 P H Shares
2017-05-01 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-05-01 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 544000 92809894 7.9700 L 93353894 8.0200 L H Shares
2017-04-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 93376602 8.0200 P 89010894 7.6500 P H Shares
2017-04-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-04-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 4365708 96828602 8.3200 L 92462894 7.9400 L H Shares
2017-04-06 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 84237242 7.2400 P 89803101 7.7100 P H Shares
2017-04-06 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-04-06 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 5565859 87689242 7.5300 L 93255101 8.0100 L H Shares
2017-04-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 89709592 7.7100 P 84237242 7.2400 P H Shares
2017-04-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-04-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 5472350 93161592 8.0000 L 87689242 7.5300 L H Shares
2017-04-03 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 89296792 7.6700 P 89709592 7.7100 P H Shares
2017-04-03 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-04-03 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 412800 92748792 7.9700 L 93161592 8.0000 L H Shares
2017-03-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 76191903 6.5400 P 81446303 7.0000 P H Shares
2017-03-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 5254400 79653903 6.8400 L 84908303 7.2900 L H Shares
2017-03-20 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69321503 5.9500 P 76191903 6.5400 P H Shares
2017-03-20 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-20 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 3262000 72783503 6.2500 L 79653903 6.8400 L H Shares
2017-03-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69321503 5.9500 P 69321503 5.9500 P H Shares
2017-03-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-16 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 3262000 72783503 6.2500 L 72783503 6.2500 L H Shares
2017-03-15 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69321503 5.9500 P 69321503 5.9500 P H Shares
2017-03-15 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-15 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 2942000 72463503 6.2200 L 72783503 6.2500 L H Shares
2017-03-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69321503 5.9500 P 69321503 5.9500 P H Shares
2017-03-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 2942000 72463503 6.2200 L 72463503 6.2200 L H Shares
2017-03-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69321503 5.9500 P 69321503 5.9500 P H Shares
2017-03-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-03-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 1030000 69564503 5.9800 L 70594503 6.0600 L H Shares
2017-02-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 681300 70095303 6.0200 L 69414003 5.9600 L H Shares
2017-02-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-02-14 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 69852303 6.0000 P 69171003 5.9400 P H Shares
2017-02-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 67164903 5.7700 P 69852303 6.0000 P H Shares
2017-02-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-02-07 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 2687400 67407903 5.7900 L 70095303 6.0200 L H Shares
2017-01-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57643310 4.9500 P 58331403 5.0100 P H Shares
2017-01-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2017-01-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 688093 57876310 4.9700 L 58564403 5.0300 L H Shares
2016-10-31 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 407000 58208859 5.0000 L 57801859 4.9700 L H Shares
2016-10-31 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-31 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-28 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 672000 58208859 5.0000 L 58208859 5.0000 L H Shares
2016-10-28 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-28 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-26 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 671770 58208859 5.0000 L 58208859 5.0000 L H Shares
2016-10-26 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-26 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-25 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 671770 58208859 5.0000 L 58208859 5.0000 L H Shares
2016-10-25 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-25 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-24 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 672000 58208859 5.0000 L 58208859 5.0000 L H Shares
2016-10-24 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-24 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 672000 58208859 5.0000 L 58208859 5.0000 L H Shares
2016-10-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-21 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57283859 4.9200 P 57283859 4.9200 P H Shares
2016-10-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 672000 58870259 5.0600 L 58870259 5.0600 L H Shares
2016-10-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57998259 4.9800 P 57998259 4.9800 P H Shares
2016-10-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-10-04 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 57998259 4.9800 P 57998259 4.9800 P H Shares
2016-09-19 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 2295000 56575259 4.8600 L 58870259 5.0600 L H Shares
2016-09-19 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2016-09-19 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 55703259 4.7800 P 57998259 4.9800 P H Shares
2015-04-24 Lazard Asset Management LLC 52086636 76190044 6.5400 L 24103408 2.5300 L Common Stock
2015-04-17 Lazard Asset Management LLC 33078920 109268964 9.3900 L 76190044 6.5400 L Common Stock and ADR
2015-04-17 Lazard Asset Management LLC 40373000 109268964 9.3900 L 68895964 5.9200 L Common Stock
2014-10-24 Lazard Asset Management LLC 718000 116957964 10.0400 L 116239964 9.9800 L Common Stock
2014-09-11 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 8152731 59002280 5.0600 L 50849549 4.3600 L H Shares
2014-09-11 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2014-09-11 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 31577177 2.7100 P 31577177 2.7100 P H Shares
2014-09-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 9529640 73551550 6.3100 L 64021910 5.4900 L H Shares
2014-09-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2014-09-05 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 30984179 2.6600 P 31382179 2.6900 P H Shares
2014-06-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 1232424 69029711 5.9200 L 70262135 6.0300 L H Shares
2014-06-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2014-06-13 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 30760447 2.6400 P 30885446 2.6500 P H Shares
2014-05-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 897281 57344341 4.9200 L 58241622 5.0000 L H Shares
2014-05-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2014-05-27 花旗集团 Citigroup Inc. 30690133 2.6300 P 30822132 2.6400 P H Shares
2014-01-03 全国社会保障基金理事会 National Council for Social Security Fund of the People’s Republic of China 278000 93402115 8.0200 L 93124115 7.9900 L H Shares
2013-12-27 Lazard Asset Management LLC 2812000 115324964 9.9000 L 118136964 10.1500 L Common Stock
2013-04-26 Lazard Asset Management LLC 4415000 103069964 8.8500 L 107484964 9.2300 L Common Stock
2013-04-10 Lazard Asset Management LLC 704000 105111964 9.0300 L 104407964 8.9700 L Common Stock
2013-03-11 Lazard Asset Management LLC 635000 104477964 8.9800 L 105112964 9.0200 L Common Stock
2013-02-28 Lazard Asset Management LLC 1218000 102373964 8.7900 L 103591964 8.8900 L Common Stock
2012-10-11 Lazard Asset Management LLC 21495000 113045964 9.7100 L 91550964 7.8600 L Common Stock
2012-09-14 Allianz SE 6133000 62192000 5.3400 L 56059000 4.8200 L H Shares
2012-09-10 Allianz SE 3370000 71398000 6.1300 L 68028000 5.8400 L H Shares
2012-07-27 Lazard Asset Management LLC 1246000 116633964 10.0200 L 115387964 9.9100 L Common Stock
2012-07-06 Lazard Asset Management LLC 673000 128288964 11.0200 L 127615964 10.9600 L Common Stock
2012-06-07 Lazard Asset Management LLC 795000 128004964 10.9900 L 128799964 11.0600 L Common Stock
2012-05-24 Desmarais Paul G. 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-24 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-24 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-24 Nordex Inc. 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-24 Power Corporation of Canada 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-24 Power Financial Corporation 2071000 59978000 5.1500 L 57907000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-23 Lazard Asset Management LLC 483000 128327964 11.0200 L 127844964 10.9800 L Common Stock
2012-05-01 Lazard Asset Management LLC 2862000 126010964 10.8200 L 128872964 11.0700 L Common Stock
2012-04-12 Lazard Asset Management LLC 864000 116405964 9.9900 L 117269964 10.0700 L Common Stock
2012-03-30 Allianz SE 3080000 67332000 5.7800 L 70412000 6.0500 L H Shares
2012-03-01 Lazard Asset Management LLC 5948861 118477825 10.1800 L 112528964 9.6700 L Common Stock
2012-02-21 Lazard Asset Management LLC 1560000 115399825 9.9100 L 116959825 10.0500 L Common Stock
2012-02-14 Desmarais Paul G. 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary
2012-02-14 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary
2012-02-14 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-02-14 Nordex Inc. 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary
2012-02-14 Power Corporation of Canada 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-02-14 Power Financial Corporation 6435000 71250000 6.1200 L 64815000 5.5700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-02-13 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5160000 61640059 5.2900 L 56480059 4.8500 L H Shares
2012-02-13 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5300000 0.4600 S 6020000 0.5200 S H Shares
2012-02-13 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 55741059 4.7900 P 49861059 4.2800 P H Shares
2012-01-18 Lazard Asset Management LLC 3995000 102579825 8.8100 L 106574825 9.1600 L Common Stock
2012-01-12 Lazard Asset Management LLC 2510000 91069825 7.8200 L 93579825 8.0400 L Common Stock
2012-01-10 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 459000 57863059 4.9700 L 58322059 5.0100 L H Shares
2012-01-10 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6020000 0.5200 S 6020000 0.5200 S H Shares
2012-01-10 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 51287059 4.4100 P 51746059 4.4400 P H Shares
2012-01-09 Lazard Asset Management LLC 1948000 81301825 6.9800 L 83249825 7.1500 L Common Stock
2012-01-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1000000 58377059 5.0100 L 57377059 4.9300 L H Shares
2012-01-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7220000 0.6200 S 6220000 0.5300 S H Shares
2012-01-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 50601059 4.3500 P 50601059 4.3500 P H Shares
2011-12-12 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 3894000 61230938 5.2600 L 57336938 4.9300 L H Shares
2011-12-08 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1224000 69910826 6.0100 L 68686826 5.9000 L H Shares
2011-12-08 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 62122826 5.3400 P 60898826 5.2300 P H Shares
2011-12-08 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7232000 0.6200 S 7232000 0.6200 S H Shares
2011-12-05 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 3180000 70365938 6.0400 L 67185938 5.7700 L H Shares
2011-12-02 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 11720738 83089564 7.1400 L 71368826 6.1300 L H Shares
2011-12-02 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7220000 0.6200 S 7220000 0.6200 S H Shares
2011-12-02 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 75313564 6.4700 P 63592826 5.4600 P H Shares
2011-11-30 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 1026000 78730994 6.7600 L 77704994 6.6700 L H Shares
2011-11-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 92241025 7.9200 L 90995564 7.8200 L H Shares
2011-11-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 800000 12020000 1.0300 S 11220000 0.9600 S H Shares
2011-11-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 77356025 6.6400 P 77050564 6.6200 P H Shares
2011-11-18 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 86327025 7.4200 L 92241025 7.9200 L H Shares
2011-11-18 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6000000 6020000 0.5200 S 12020000 1.0300 S H Shares
2011-11-18 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 77356025 6.6400 P 77356025 6.6400 P H Shares
2011-11-15 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 13584000 69948882 6.0100 L 83532882 7.1800 L H Shares
2011-11-09 Desmarais Paul G. 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-09 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-09 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-09 Nordex Inc. 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-09 Power Corporation of Canada 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-09 Power Financial Corporation 4010000 84991000 7.3000 L 80981000 6.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-11-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 10000000 101320025 8.7000 L 91320025 7.8400 L H Shares
2011-11-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 10000000 17020000 1.4600 S 7020000 0.6000 S H Shares
2011-11-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 81269025 6.9800 P 81269025 6.9800 P H Shares
2011-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3595000 105915025 9.1000 L 102320025 8.7900 L H Shares
2011-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 8200000 26220000 2.2500 S 18020000 1.5500 S H Shares
2011-11-01 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 76664025 6.5900 P 81269025 6.9800 P H Shares
2011-10-31 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 111906025 9.6100 L 105915025 9.1000 L H Shares
2011-10-31 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5075000 21145000 1.8200 S 26220000 2.2500 S H Shares
2011-10-31 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 87730025 7.5400 P 76664025 6.5900 P H Shares
2011-10-25 Desmarais Paul G. 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary
2011-10-25 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary
2011-10-25 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary Shares
2011-10-25 Nordex Inc. 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary
2011-10-25 Power Corporation of Canada 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary
2011-10-25 Power Financial Corporation 10614000 95607000 8.2100 L 84993000 7.3000 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Desmarais Paul G. 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Nordex Inc. 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Power Corporation of Canada 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-20 Power Financial Corporation 2102000 91215000 7.8400 L 93317000 8.0200 L Ordinary
2011-10-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5000000 119476729 10.2600 L 114476729 9.8300 L H Shares
2011-10-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 22729000 1.9500 S 22729000 1.9500 S H Shares
2011-10-03 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 93798729 8.0600 P 88798729 7.6300 P H Shares
2011-09-28 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7680000 112640729 9.6800 L 120320729 10.3400 L H Shares
2011-09-28 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 15049000 1.2900 S 22729000 1.9500 S H Shares
2011-09-28 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 94642729 8.1300 P 94642729 8.1300 P H Shares
2011-09-28 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 4662000 57649882 4.9500 L 62311882 5.3500 L H Shares
2011-09-27 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 9000000 103640729 8.9000 L 112640729 9.6800 L H Shares
2011-09-27 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 9000000 6049000 0.5200 S 15049000 1.2900 S H Shares
2011-09-27 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 94642729 8.1300 P 94642729 8.1300 P H Shares
2011-09-27 Desmarais Paul G. 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 83995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-27 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 83995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-27 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 83995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-27 Nordex Inc. 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 85995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-27 Power Corporation of Canada 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 83995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-27 Power Financial Corporation 3764000 80231000 6.8900 L 83995000 7.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-22 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 62000 104797729 9.0000 L 104735729 8.9900 L H Shares
2011-09-22 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7056000 0.6100 S 7056000 0.6100 S H Shares
2011-09-22 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 94752729 8.1400 P 94690729 8.1300 P H Shares
2011-09-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 118308 104679421 8.9900 L 104797729 9.0000 L H Shares
2011-09-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7000000 0.6000 S 7056000 0.6100 S H Shares
2011-09-21 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 94751421 8.1400 P 94752729 8.1400 P H Shares
2011-09-20 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 304000 104983421 9.0200 L 104679421 8.9900 L H Shares
2011-09-20 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 7000000 0.6000 S 7000000 0.6000 S H Shares
2011-09-20 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 95055421 8.1700 P 94751421 8.1400 P H Shares
2011-09-20 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 2300000 60300882 5.1800 L 58000882 4.9800 L H Shares
2011-09-15 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6785000 99858421 8.5800 L 106643421 9.1600 L H Shares
2011-09-15 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 104000 0.0100 S 7000000 0.6000 S H Shares
2011-09-15 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 96826421 8.3200 P 96715421 8.3100 P H Shares
2011-09-15 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 5505000 72180882 6.2000 L 66675882 5.7300 L H Shares
2011-09-14 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 9336000 90522421 7.7800 L 99858421 8.5800 L H Shares
2011-09-14 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4000 0.0000 S 104000 0.0100 S H Shares
2011-09-14 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 87622421 7.5300 P 96826421 8.3200 P H Shares
2011-09-12 Lazard Asset Management LLC 9912000 66102825 5.6800 L 76014825 6.5300 L Common Stock
2011-09-05 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 12258000 89088882 7.6500 L 76830882 6.6000 L H Shares
2011-09-02 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 5394000 94482882 8.1200 L 89088882 7.6500 L H Shares
2011-09-01 Lazard Asset Management LLC 1205000 57797825 4.9700 L 59002825 5.0700 L Common Stock
2011-09-01 Desmarais Paul G. 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-09-01 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-09-01 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-09-01 Nordex Inc. 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-09-01 Power Corporation of Canada 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-09-01 Power Financial Corporation 3237000 67063000 5.7600 L 70300000 6.0400 L Ordinary
2011-08-19 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 699000 80986875 6.9600 L 81685875 7.0200 L H Shares
2011-08-19 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2011-08-19 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 77432875 6.6500 P 78239875 6.7200 P H Shares
2011-08-09 Desmarais Paul G. 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2011-08-09 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2011-08-09 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary
2011-08-09 Nordex Inc. 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2011-08-09 Power Corporation of Canada 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2011-08-09 Power Financial Corporation 1861000 57643000 4.9500 L 59504000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2011-08-08 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 5897000 88469882 7.6000 L 94366882 8.1100 L H Shares
2011-07-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2684000 67253435 5.7800 L 69937435 6.0100 L H Shares
2011-07-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2011-07-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 64617435 5.5500 P 67301435 5.7800 P H Shares
2011-07-26 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 3462000 61447000 5.2800 L 57985000 4.9800 L Ordinary Shares
2011-07-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2908000 58194435 4.9900 L 61102435 5.2500 L H Shares
2011-07-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2011-07-04 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 55607435 4.7800 P 58515435 5.0300 P H Shares
2011-06-09 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 1600000 58828000 5.0500 L 57228000 4.9100 L Common H Shares
2011-06-09 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 263000 58463766 5.0200 L 58200766 4.9900 L H Shares
2011-06-09 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2011-06-09 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 55613766 4.7800 P 55613766 4.7800 P H Shares
2011-06-03 Allianz SE 550000 70132000 6.0200 L 69582000 5.9800 L H Shares
2011-05-06 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 1957000 80798882 6.9400 L 82755882 7.1100 L H Shares
2011-05-05 Allianz SE 1746000 82093000 7.0500 L 80347000 6.9000 L H Shares
2011-04-26 Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited 1610000 59512000 5.1100 L 57902000 4.9700 L Common H Shares
2011-04-13 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 5000000 70798000 6.0800 L 65798000 5.6500 L Ordinary Shares
2011-03-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 859000 57488799 4.9400 L 58347799 5.0100 L H Shares
2011-03-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S H Shares
2011-03-29 摩根大通 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 55324799 4.7500 P 56171799 4.8300 P H Shares
2011-03-24 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 2908000 70969000 6.0900 L 68061000 5.8400 L Common H Shares
2011-03-24 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 2155000 68719000 5.9000 L 70874000 6.0900 L Ordinary Shares
2011-03-18 Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited 687000 70089000 6.0200 L 69402000 5.9600 L Common H Shares
2011-03-15 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 2632000 82115000 7.0500 L 79483000 6.8200 L Common H Shares
2011-03-03 Allianz SE 7611000 98629000 8.4700 L 91018000 7.8200 L H Shares
2011-03-02 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 1578000 81536000 7.0000 L 79958000 6.8700 L Ordinary Shares
2011-01-07 野村控股公司 Nomura Holdings, Inc. 1664000 56919000 4.8900 L 58583000 5.0300 L H Shares
2010-11-23 Allianz SE 1000000 92739000 7.9700 L 93739000 8.0500 L H Shares
2010-10-15 The Dreyfus Corporation 5000000 59715000 5.1300 L 54715000 4.7000 L H Shares
2010-09-15 Allianz SE 797000 80924000 6.9500 L 81721000 7.0200 L H Shares
2010-09-14 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary
2010-09-14 Desmarais Paul G. 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-09-14 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-09-14 Nordex Inc. 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-09-14 Power Corporation of Canada 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-09-14 Power Financial Corporation 2801000 60626000 5.2100 L 57825000 4.9700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-08-09 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary
2010-08-09 Desmarais Paul G. 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-08-09 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-08-09 Nordex Inc. 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-08-09 Power Corporation of Canada 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-08-09 Power Financial Corporation 3407000 71849000 6.1700 L 68442000 5.8800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-15 Allianz SE 3207000 68136000 5.8500 L 71343000 6.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Desmarais Paul G. 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Nordex Inc. 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Power Corporation of Canada 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-13 Power Financial Corporation 3201000 59498000 5.1100 L 56297000 4.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Desmarais Paul G. 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Nordex Inc. 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Power Corporation of Canada 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-12 Power Financial Corporation 1505000 57993000 4.9800 L 59498000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-07 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 956000 80818000 6.9400 L 81774000 7.0200 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-06 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary
2010-07-06 Desmarais Paul G. 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-06 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-06 Nordex Inc. 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-06 Power Corporation of Canada 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-07-06 Power Financial Corporation 1000000 69770000 5.9900 L 70770000 6.0800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-06-24 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary
2010-06-24 Desmarais Paul G. 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-06-24 Gelco Enterprises Ltd. 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-06-24 Nordex Inc. 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-06-24 Power Corporation of Canada 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-06-24 Power Financial Corporation 1500000 58193000 4.9900 L 59693000 5.1300 L Ordinary Shares
2010-05-10 Allianz SE 1927000 71178000 6.1000 L 69251000 5.9400 L Ordinary Shares
2010-05-07 The Dreyfus Corporation 4000000 56754000 4.8800 L 60754000 5.2200 L H Shares
2010-05-06 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 4716000 66243000 5.6900 L 70959000 6.1000 L Ordinary Shares
2010-02-25 Allianz SE 4258000 80500543 6.9100 L 84758543 7.2700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-02-03 The Hamon Investment Group Pte Limited 2095000 58207000 4.9900 L 60302000 5.1800 L Ordinary Shares
2010-02-02 Allianz SE 4091000 67881143 5.8200 L 71972143 6.1700 L Ordinary Shares
2010-01-11 Allianz SE 2531000 56956000 4.8900 L 59487000 5.1100 L Ordinary Shares
2009-12-30 未来资产环球投资(香港)有限公司 Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 961000 58286000 5.0100 L 57325000 4.9200 L Common Shares
2009-12-01 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 711000 93649000 8.0400 L 92938000 7.9800 L Common H Shares
2009-10-07 未来资产环球投资(香港)有限公司 Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 1917000 57844000 4.9700 L 59761000 5.1300 L Common Shares
2009-06-24 未来资产环球投资(香港)有限公司 Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 2918000 60668000 5.2100 L 57750000 4.9600 L Common Shares
2009-05-04 未来资产环球投资(香港)有限公司 Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 3834000 54489000 4.6800 L 58323000 5.0100 L Common Shares
2009-04-16 全国社会保障基金理事会 National Council for Social Security Fund of the People’s Republic of China 1569000 92684115 7.9600 L 94253115 8.1000 L H Shares
2009-01-26 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 3391000 91425000 7.8500 L 94816000 8.1400 L Common H Shares
2009-01-02 霸菱资产管理有限公司 Baring Asset Management Limited 4992000 79277000 6.8000 L 84269000 7.2300 L Common H Shares
2009-01-02 Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited 4992000 66285000 5.6900 L 71277000 6.1200 L Common H Shares