主要持有人权益变动 公司股份回购
事件日期 中文股东名称 持股人名字 涉及股份(股) 先前结余(股) 先前结余率(%) 先前类别 目前结余(股) 目前结余率(%) 目前类别 股份类别
2023-08-22 陈良利 陈良利 4255493221 0 0.0000 L 4255493221 0.5038 L 普通股
2023-08-22 张惠娴 张惠娴 4255493221 0 0.0000 L 4255493221 0.5038 L 普通股
2023-08-22 袁子俊 袁子俊 4255493221 0 0.0000 L 4255493221 0.5038 L 普通股
2023-08-22 何丽贞 何丽贞 4255493221 0 0.0000 L 4255493221 0.5038 L 普通股
2022-09-06 余斌 余斌 117840000 4427721722 0.5242 L 4309881722 0.5103 L 普通股
2022-05-25 余斌 余斌 174434000 4602155722 0.5449 L 4427721722 0.5242 L 普通股
2022-05-24 Sharp Bright International Limited Sharp Bright International Limited 146000000 4519333221 0.5351 L 4373333221 0.5178 L 普通股
2022-05-24 Cosmos Tianyu Holdings Limited Cosmos Tianyu Holdings Limited 146000000 4519333221 0.5351 L 4373333221 0.5178 L 普通股
2022-05-24 余斌 余斌 146000000 4748155722 0.5622 L 4602155722 0.5449 L 普通股
2022-05-03 余斌 余斌 143170000 5184619722 0.6138 L 5041449722 0.5969 L 普通股
2022-04-29 Sharp Bright International Limited Sharp Bright International Limited 230000000 5026833221 0.5951 L 4796833221 0.5679 L 普通股
2022-04-29 Cosmos Tianyu Holdings Limited Cosmos Tianyu Holdings Limited 230000000 5026833221 0.5951 L 4796833221 0.5679 L 普通股
2022-04-29 余斌 余斌 237150000 5421769722 0.6419 L 5184619722 0.6138 L 普通股
2022-04-28 余斌 余斌 100000000 5521769722 0.6537 L 5421769722 0.6419 L 普通股
2022-04-22 余斌 余斌 322962000 5844731722 0.6920 L 5521769722 0.6537 L 普通股
2021-01-06 Haitong International Investment Solutions Limited Haitong International Investment Solutions Limited 3000000000 3000000000 0.3780 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2021-01-06 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 3000000000 3000000000 0.3780 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2021-01-06 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 0 3000000000 0.3780 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2021-01-06 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 3000000000 3000000000 0.3780 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2020-04-17 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 117840000 3117840000 0.3935 L 3000000000 0.3786 L 普通股
2020-04-17 West Ridge Investment Company Limited West Ridge Investment Company Limited 117840000 117840000 0.0149 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2020-04-17 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 117840000 3117840000 0.3935 L 3000000000 0.3786 L 普通股
2020-04-17 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 117840000 3117840000 0.3935 L 3000000000 0.3786 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Investment Solutions Limited Haitong International Investment Solutions Limited 3000000000 0 0.0000 L 3000000000 0.3776 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 3000000000 144013332 0.0181 L 3144013332 0.3958 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 3000000000 3144013332 0.3958 L 144013332 0.0181 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 3000000000 3144013332 0.3958 L 144013332 0.0181 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 3000000000 3144013332 0.3958 L 144013332 0.0181 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 3000000000 144013332 0.0181 L 3144013332 0.3958 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Financial Solutions Limited Haitong International Financial Solutions Limited 3000000000 3000000000 0.3776 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2019-12-19 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 3000000000 144013332 0.0181 L 3144013332 0.3958 L 普通股
2019-02-18 中国华融资产管理股份有限公司 中国华融资产管理股份有限公司 965608152 965608152 0.1218 L 0 0.0000 L 普通股
2018-10-22 余斌 余斌 3800616814 1900308407 0.7206 L 5700925221 0.7206 L 普通股
2018-10-22 Sharp Bright International Limited Sharp Bright International Limited 3343888814 1671944407 0.6340 L 5015833221 0.6340 L 普通股
2018-10-22 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 3343888814 1671944407 0.6340 L 5015833221 0.6340 L 普通股
2018-10-22 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 3343888814 1671944407 63.4000 L 5015833221 63.4000 L Ordinary Shares
2018-10-22 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 3343888814 1671944407 63.4000 L 5015833221 63.4000 L Ordinary Shares
2018-10-22 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 17448888 8724444 0.3300 S 26173332 0.3300 S Ordinary Shares
2018-10-22 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 17448888 8724444 0.3300 S 26173332 0.3300 S Ordinary Shares
2018-09-14 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 8720000 1680664407 63.9400 L 1671944407 63.4000 L Ordinary Shares
2018-09-14 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 8720000 1680664407 63.9400 L 1671944407 63.4000 L Ordinary Shares
2018-09-14 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 8720000 17444444 0.6600 S 8724444 0.3300 S Ordinary Shares
2018-09-14 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 8720000 17444444 0.6600 S 8724444 0.3300 S Ordinary Shares
2018-04-17 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 48000000 1680664407 63.9400 L 1680664407 63.9400 L Ordinary Shares
2018-04-17 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 48000000 1680664407 63.9400 L 1680664407 63.9400 L Ordinary Shares
2018-04-17 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 17444444 0.6600 S Ordinary Shares
2018-04-17 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 17444444 0.6600 S Ordinary Shares
2018-04-13 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 65444444 1000000000 0.3807 L 1065444444 0.4056 L 普通股
2018-04-13 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 65444444 1000000000 0.3807 L 1065444444 0.4056 L 普通股
2018-04-13 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 65444444 1000000000 0.3807 L 1065444444 0.4056 L 普通股
2018-04-13 海通国际控股有限公司 Haitong International Holdings Limited 65444444 1000000000 38.0700 L 1065444444 40.5600 L Ordinary Shares
2018-04-13 海通国际证券集团有限公司 Haitong International Securities Group Limited 65444444 1000000000 38.0700 L 1065444444 40.5600 L Ordinary Shares
2018-04-13 海通证券股份有限公司 Haitong Securities Company Limited 65444444 1000000000 38.0700 L 1065444444 40.5600 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 Haitong International Financial Solutions Limited Haitong International Financial Solutions Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 0.3820 L 普通股
2017-12-14 Haitong International Securities Group Limited Haitong International Securities Group Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 0.3820 L 普通股
2017-12-14 Haitong International Holdings Limited Haitong International Holdings Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 0.3820 L 普通股
2017-12-14 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 0.3820 L 普通股
2017-12-14 海通国际金融产品有限公司 Haitong International Financial Solutions Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 38.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 海通国际控股有限公司 Haitong International Holdings Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 38.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 海通国际证券集团有限公司 Haitong International Securities Group Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 38.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 海通证券股份有限公司 Haitong Securities Company Limited 1000000000 0 0.0000 L 1000000000 38.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 余斌 Yu Pan 1000000000 1909028407 72.9600 L 1909028407 72.9300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1000000000 1680664407 64.2300 L 1680664407 64.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-12-14 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1000000000 1680664407 64.2300 L 1680664407 64.2000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 余斌 Yu Pan 321860000 1909028407 72.9600 L 1909028407 72.9600 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 235000000 1680664407 64.2300 L 1680664407 64.2300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 235000000 1680664407 64.2300 L 1680664407 64.2300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 中国华融资产管理股份有限公司 China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. 321860000 0 0.0000 L 321860000 12.3000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 中国华融国际控股有限公司 China Huarong International Holdings Limited 321860000 0 0.0000 L 321860000 12.3000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-07-27 中华人民共和国财政部 Ministry Of Finance Of The People's Republic Of China 321860000 0 0.0000 L 321860000 12.3000 L Ordinary Shares
2017-06-02 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 50000000 1630664407 62.3200 L 1680664407 64.2300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-06-02 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 50000000 1630664407 62.3200 L 1680664407 64.2300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-04-13 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 60000000 1510664407 57.7400 L 1570664407 60.0300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-04-13 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 60000000 1510664407 57.7400 L 1570664407 60.0300 L Ordinary Shares
2017-04-10 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 65000000 1445664407 55.2500 L 1510664407 57.7400 L Ordinary Shares
2017-04-10 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 65000000 1445664407 55.2500 L 1510664407 57.7400 L Ordinary Shares
2016-06-25 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664407 1445664407 55.2500 L 1445664407 55.2500 L Ordinary Shares
2016-06-25 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664407 1445664407 55.2500 L 1445664407 55.2500 L Ordinary Shares
2016-06-06 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 55.2500 L Ordinary Shares
2016-06-06 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 55.2500 L Ordinary Shares
2015-08-11 中国东方资产管理公司 China Orient Asset Management Corporation 1639345042 1677955080 75.7000 L 38610038 1.7400 L Ordinary
2015-08-11 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2015-08-11 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 52176635 52176635 2.3500 S Ordinary Shares
2015-08-11 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2015-08-11 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 52176635 52176635 2.3500 S Ordinary Shares
2015-07-03 中国东方资产管理公司 China Orient Asset Management Corporation 38610038 1639345042 73.9600 L 1677955080 75.7000 L Ordinary
2014-08-06 中国东方资产管理公司 China Orient Asset Management Corporation 41291395 1680636437 75.8200 L 1639345042 73.9600 L Ordinary
2013-12-30 Shikumen Special Situations Fund 9960000 119566000 5.3900 L 109606000 4.9400 L Ordinary Shares
2013-12-30 高诚资本有限公司 Crosby Capital Limited 9960000 119566000 5.3900 L 109606000 4.9400 L Ordinary Shares
2013-12-17 中国东方资产管理公司 China Orient Asset Management Corporation 1680636437 1680636437 75.8200 L 1680636437 75.8200 L Ordinary
2013-12-17 中国东方资产管理(国际)控股有限公司 China Orient Asset Management (International) Holding Limited 1680636437 1680636437 75.8200 L 41291395 1.8600 L Ordinary
2013-12-16 Shikumen Special Situations Fund 11880000 133676000 6.0300 L 121796000 5.4900 L Ordinary Shares
2013-12-16 高诚资本有限公司 Crosby Capital Limited 11880000 133676000 6.0300 L 121796000 5.4900 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 1488428407 1488428407 67.1500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 1488428407 1488428407 67.1500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 建行国际集团控股有限公司 CCB International Group Holdings Limited 1488428407 1488428407 67.1500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 建银国际(控股)有限公司 CCB International (Holdings) Limited 1488428407 1488428407 67.1500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 建行金融控股有限公司 CCB Financial Holdings Limited 1488428407 1488428407 67.1500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 42764000 94940635 4.2800 S 52176635 2.3500 S Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 42764000 94940635 4.2800 S 52176635 2.3500 S Ordinary Shares
2013-10-10 中国东方资产管理(国际)控股有限公司 China Orient Asset Management (International) Holding Limited 1639345042 41291395 1.8600 L 1680636437 75.8200 L Ordinary
2013-10-10 中国东方资产管理公司 China Orient Asset Management Corporation 1639345042 41291395 1.8600 L 1680636437 75.8200 L Ordinary
2013-10-10 东银发展(控股)有限公司 Dong Yin Development (Holdings) Limited 1639345042 41291395 1.8600 L 1680636437 75.8200 L Ordinary
2013-10-10 Magic Sky Enterprises Holdings Inc. 1639345042 0 0.0000 L 1639345042 73.9500 L Ordinary
2013-10-10 Wise Leader Assets Ltd. 1639345042 41291395 1.8600 L 1680636437 75.8200 L Ordinary
2013-10-04 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 52176635 42764000 1.9300 S 94940635 4.2800 S Ordinary Shares
2013-10-04 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2013-10-04 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 52176635 42764000 1.9300 S 94940635 4.2800 S Ordinary Shares
2013-10-04 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664407 65.2200 L 1445664407 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2013-09-19 Lang Xing Investments Limited 15320000 15320000 0.6900 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-09-19 建银国际资产管理有限公司 CCB International Asset Management Limited 15320000 15320000 0.6900 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2013-09-11 Shikumen Special Situations Fund 2000000 132604000 5.9800 L 134604000 6.0700 L Ordinary Shares
2013-09-11 高诚资本有限公司 Crosby Capital Limited 2000000 132604000 5.9800 L 134604000 6.0700 L Ordinary Shares
2013-04-23 Shikumen Special Situations Fund 16000000 108804000 4.9100 L 124804000 5.6300 L Ordinary Shares
2013-04-23 高诚资本有限公司 Crosby Capital Limited 16000000 108804000 4.9100 L 124804000 5.6300 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-28 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 1406000 1502342407 67.7700 L 1503748407 67.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-28 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 1406000 1502342407 67.7700 L 1503748407 67.8400 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-27 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 171496859 1673839266 75.5100 L 1502342407 67.7700 L Ordinary
2012-06-27 杨受成产业控股有限公司 Albert Yeung Holdings Limited 209787590 209787590 9.4600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2012-06-27 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 171496859 1673839266 75.5100 L 1502342407 67.7700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-27 英皇证券集团有限公司 Emperor Capital Group Limited 209787590 209787590 9.4600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2012-06-27 陆小曼 Luk Siu Man Semon 209787590 209787590 9.4600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-27 STC International Limited 209787590 209787590 9.4600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2012-06-27 杨受成 Yeung Sau Shing Albert 209787590 209787590 9.4600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-25 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 1673839266 75.5100 L 1673839266 75.5100 L Ordinary
2012-06-25 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 1673839266 75.5100 L 1673839266 75.5100 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-22 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 38290731 1712129997 77.2400 L 1673839266 75.5100 L Ordinary
2012-06-22 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 38290731 1712129997 77.2400 L 1673839266 75.5100 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 42764000 1669365997 75.3100 L 1712129997 77.2400 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 481888136 1187477861 53.5700 L 1669365997 75.3100 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 42764000 1669365997 75.3100 L 1712129997 77.2400 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 481888136 1187477861 53.5700 L 1669365997 75.3100 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 1445664406 65.2200 L 1402900407 63.2900 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 42764000 42764000 1.9300 S Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 1445664406 65.2200 L 1402900407 63.2900 L Ordinary Shares
2012-06-19 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 42764000 42764000 1.9300 S Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 杨受成产业控股有限公司 Albert Yeung Holdings Limited 209787590 0 0.0000 L 209787590 9.4600 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 209787590 977690271 44.1000 L 1187477861 53.5700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 英皇证券集团有限公司 Emperor Capital Group Limited 209787590 0 0.0000 L 209787590 9.4600 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 陆小曼 Luk Siu Man Semon 209787590 0 0.0000 L 209787590 9.4600 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 STC International Limited 209787590 0 0.0000 L 209787590 9.4600 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 杨受成 Yeung Sau Shing Albert 209787590 0 0.0000 L 209787590 9.4600 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 209787590 977690271 44.1000 L 1187477861 53.5700 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 481888135 963776271 65.2200 L 1445664406 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2012-05-17 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 481888135 963776271 65.2200 L 1445664406 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2012-02-20 建银国际资产管理(开曼群岛)有限公司 CCB International Asset Management (Cayman) Limited 977690271 977690271 66.1600 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2011-09-20 建行金融控股有限公司 CCB Financial Holdings Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 建银国际(控股)有限公司 CCB International (Holdings) Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 建银国际资产管理有限公司 CCB International Asset Management Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 建银国际资产管理(开曼群岛)有限公司 CCB International Asset Management (Cayman) Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 建行国际集团控股有限公司 CCB International Group Holdings Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 中央汇金投资有限责任公司 Central Huijin Investment Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 中国建设银行股份有限公司 China Construction Bank Corporation 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 宏宇控股有限公司 Grand Cosmos Holdings Limited 963776271 963776271 65.2200 L 963776271 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 树辉国际有限公司 Sharp Bright International Limited 963776271 65.2200 L 963776271 65.2200 L Ordinary Shares
2011-09-20 Lang Xing Investments Limited 977690271 0 0.0000 L 977690271 66.1600 L Ordinary Shares
2010-11-01 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S Common Stock
2010-11-01 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 82806140 82806140 5.6000 L 0 0.0000 L Common Stock
2010-10-28 美国银行 Bank of America Corporation 1351276271 1351276271 91.4500 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary Shares
2010-10-28 Chestnut Fund Ltd. 1059841748 71.7200 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2010-10-28 DKR SoundShore Oasis Holding Fund Ltd. 0 285240908 19.3000 L 6335185 0.4300 L Ordinary
2010-10-28 PMA Focus Fund 990336731 990336731 67.0200 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2010-10-28 PMA Capital Management Limited 1073142871 1073142871 72.6200 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2010-10-28 PMA Prospect Fund 1046582411 1046582411 70.8300 L 0 0.0000 L Ordinary
2010-10-25 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 15623800 67182340 4.5400 L 82806140 5.6000 L Common Stock
2010-10-25 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S Common Stock
2010-09-30 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 15623800 82806140 5.6000 L 67182340 4.5400 L Common Stock
2010-07-23 汇丰控股有限公司 HSBC Holdings plc 963776271 963776277 65.2200 L 6 0.0000 L Ordinary
2010-06-01 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 23435700 59370440 4.0200 L 82806140 5.6000 L Common Stock
2010-06-01 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 0 0.0000 S 0 0.0000 S Common Stock
2010-03-29 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 23435700 82806140 5.6000 L 59370440 4.0200 L Common Stock
2009-11-02 汇丰控股有限公司 HSBC Holdings plc 963776271 6 0.0000 L 963776277 65.2200 L Ordinary
2009-10-23 DKR SoundShore Oasis Holding Fund Ltd. 0 274084679 18.5500 L 285240908 19.3000 L Ordinary Shares
2009-10-23 Chestnut Fund Ltd. 0 1070997977 72.4800 L 1059841748 71.7200 L Ordinary Shares
2009-08-13 美国银行 Bank of America Corporation 155000000 1506276271 101.9300 L 1351276271 91.4500 L Ordinary
2009-06-08 PMA Prospect Fund 6249520 1052831931 71.2500 L 1046582411 70.8300 L Ordinary Shares
2009-06-08 PMA Capital Management Limited 7811900 1080954771 73.1500 L 1073142871 72.6200 L Ordinary Shares
2009-06-03 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 6249520 89055660 6.0300 L 82806140 5.6000 L Common Stock
2009-05-20 Dalton Investments LLC 2954000 76181893 5.1600 L 73227893 4.9600 L Ordinary