Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.LONKING HOLDINGS LIMITED 中国龙工控股有限公司* (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with Limited Liability) (Stock code: 3339) POLL RESULTS AT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 28 MAY 2024 DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL DIVIDEND The Board of Directors of the Company is pleased to announce that all the resolution were duly passed by shareholders at the AGM on 28 May 2024.A final dividend of HK$0.08 per share was approved at the AGM and will be distributed on or before 31 July 2024.POLL RESULTS OF THE AGM At the Annual General Meeting of Lonking Holdings Limited (the “Company”) held on 28 May 2024 (“AGM”) all the proposed resolutions as set out in the notice of AGM dated 24 April 2024 (the “Notice”) were duly passed by the shareholders by way of poll.The poll results in respect of the resolutions proposed at the AGM of Lonking Holdings Limited held on 28 May 2024 are as follows: No. of Votes (Approx.%) Resolutions For Against 1 To receive and adopt the audited consolidated financial 3206846292 27160110 statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and the (99.16%) (0.84%) reports of the directors (the “Directors”) and the report of the auditors of the Company (the “Auditors”) for the year ended 31 December 2023.The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.* For identification purposes only - 1 -No. of Votes (Approx.%) Resolutions For Against 2 To approve the payment of final dividend of HK$0.08 per 3234006402 – share of the Company for the year ended 31 December (100%) (0%) 2023. The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution. 3 (i). To re-elect Mr. Li San Yim a retiring Director as an 3182131007 51875395 executive Director. (98.40%) (1.60%) (ii). To re-elect Mr. Chen Chao a retiring Director as an 3182343158 51663244 executive Director. (98.40%) (1.60%) (iii). To re-elect Mr. Zheng Kewen a retiring Director as 3182343158 51663244 an executive Director. (98.40%) (1.60%) (iv). To re-elect Mr. Yin Kunlun a retiring Director as an 3165076221 68930181 executive Director. (97.87%) (2.13%) (v). To re-elect Ms. Ngai Ngan Ying a retiring Director 2970964502 263041900 as a non-executive Director. (91.87%) (8.13%) (vi). To re-elect Mr. Yu Taiwei a retiring Director as an 2677048594 556957808 independent non-executive Director. (82.78%) (17.22%) (vii). To authorise the board of Directors to fix the 3229504806 4501596 remunerations of the Directors. (99.86%) (0.14%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution. 4 (i). To re-elect Dr. Qian Shizheng a retiring Director as 2679512755 554493647 an independent non-executive Director. (82.85%) (17.15%) (ii). To re-elect Mr. Wu Jian Ming a retiring Director as 3205814495 28191907 an independent non-executive Director. (99.13%) (0.87%) (iii). To authorise the board of Directors to fix the 3229504806 4501596 remunerations of the Directors. (99.86%) (0.14%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution. 5 To re-appoint Ernst & Young Certified Public Accountants 3166396693 67609709 (“Ernst & Young”) as an auditor of the Company and to (97.91%) (2.09%) authorise the board of Directors to fix their remuneration.The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution. 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors to allot issue 2716190684 517815718 and deal with new shares of the Company. (83.99%) (16.01%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution. 7 To grant a general mandate to the Directors to repurchase 3234006030 372 the shares of the Company. (99.99%) (0.01%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.- 2 -No. of Votes (Approx.%) Resolutions For Against 8 To extend the general mandate granted to the Directors to 2720439597 513566805 allot issue and deal with new shares under resolution (84.12%) (15.88%) numbered 6 by the number of shares repurchased by the Company under resolution numbered 7.The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.As at the date of the AGM the issued share capital of the Company was 4280100000 shares which was the total number of shares entitling the holders to attend and vote for or against all the resolutions proposed at the AGM. There were no restrictions on any shareholders to cast votes on any of the resolutions at the AGM and none of the Company’s shareholders has stated in the circular of the Company dated 24 April 2024 to vote against the resolutions at the AGM or to abstain from voting in the AGM.Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong was appointed as the scrutineer for the purpose of vote-taking at the AGM.Each of Mr. Li San Yim Mr. Chen Chao Mr. Zheng Ke Wen and Mr. Yin Kun Lun being the executive Directors attended the AGM.As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each of the ordinary resolutions no.1 to no.8 all the resolutions were duly passed at the AGM.DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL DIVIDEND A final dividend of HK$0.08 per share was approved at the AGM and will be distributed on or before 31 July 2024 to shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company at the close of business on Wednesday 5 June 2024.By Order of the Board Lonking Holdings Limited Li San Yim Chairman Hong Kong 28 May 2024 As at the date of this announcement Mr. Li San Yim Mr. Chen Chao Mr. Zheng Kewen and Mr. Yin Kun Lun are the executive Directors; Ms. Ngai Ngan Ying is the non-executive Director; and Dr.Qian Shizheng Mr. Wu Jian Ming and Mr. Yu Tai Wei are the independent non-executive Directors.