

2024-06-25 00:00:00

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.ANNOUNCEMENT POLL RESULTS OF THE 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING; DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL DIVIDEND FOR 2023; AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR THE BOARD MEETING AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING; APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR; AND APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISOR At the 2023 AGM of the Company held on 25 June 2024 all resolutions set out in the Notice of the 2023 AGM dated 10 May 2024 and the Supplemental Notice of the 2023 AGM dated 7 June 2024 were duly passed.References are made to the notice (the “Notice”) of the 2023 annual general meeting (the “AGM”) and the circular (the “Circular”) dated 10 May 2024 and the supplemental notice of the AGM (the “Supplemental Notice”) and the supplemental circular (the “Supplemental Circular”) dated 7 June 2024 of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited* (the “Company”). Terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular and the Supplemental Circular unless the context requires otherwise.– 1 –I. PARTICULARS OF THE MEETING 1. Time of on-site meeting of the AGM: at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday 25 June 2024. 2. Time for network voting at the AGM: the time for voting on the voting platform of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System is 9:15 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on 25 June 2024. The time for voting on the internet voting platform is 9:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on 25 June 2024. 3. Venue of on-site meeting: the Company’s conference room at No. 62 North Xizhimen Street Haidian District Beijing the People’s Republic of China. 4. Way of convening the meeting: both on-site voting and network voting were adopted for the AGM. 5. Convenor of the meeting: the Board. 6. Chairman of the meeting: Mr. Zhu Runzhou. 7. Attendance of Directors: the Company has nine Directors six of whom attended the AGM. Mr. Dong Jianxiong Mr. Jiang Tao and Mr. Qiu Guanzhou the Directors of the Company did not attend the meeting due to other important official business. Mr. Shi Zhirong attended the meeting as a candidate for Director. 8. The meeting was convened in compliance with the requirements of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Articles of Association of the Company.II. ATTENDANCE OF THE MEETING As at the date of the AGM the Company has 17158381228 Shares in issue. In respect of all the resolutions set out in the Notice and the Supplemental Notice the total number of Shares entitling the holders to attend and vote for or against all the resolutions through on-site voting or network voting at the meeting was 17158381228 Shares. 149 Shareholders and proxies in total attended the AGM (including on-site meeting and network voting) representing 8067209065 Shares accounting for 47.02% of the total number of issued Shares of the Company as at the equity record date of the AGM (i.e. 19 June 2024) including 8 A Shareholders and proxies in total attending on-site meeting representing 5384798911 A Shares; 1 H Shareholder and proxy in total attended on-site meeting representing 1629776254 H Shares; and 140 A Shareholders in total attended network voting representing 1052633900 A Shares. None of the Shareholders has been imposed any restrictions regarding voting on the resolutions at the AGM. None of the Shareholders was entitled to attend but should abstain from voting in favour of any resolution at the AGM.– 2 –III. RESOLUTIONS CONSIDERED All of the following resolutions were considered and passed by way of voting by poll at the AGM. The poll results are as follows: ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS 1. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Report of the Board of the Company for the year 2023.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 786335809497.48802026185712.51201232400 2. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Supervisory Committee’s Report of the Company for the year 2023.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 805093667099.8135150399950.18651232400 3. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the independent auditor’s report and the audited financial reports of the Company for the year 2023.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 803113103299.5680348456330.43201232400 – 3 –4. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the profit distribution plan of the Company for the year 2023.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 806647782999.99137052360.008726000 5. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the remuneration standards for Directors and Supervisors of the Company for the year 2024.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 804963680899.7825175462570.217526000 6. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed provision of financing guarantee by the Company for Chalco Hong Kong Investment.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 806647782999.99137052360.008726000 7. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed renewal of liability insurance for the year 2024–2025 for the Directors Supervisors and senior management members of the Company.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 805780653999.986211112360.01388291290 – 4 –SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS 8. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the 2024 bonds issuance plan of the Company in the PRC and overseas.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 806376909399.985811419720.014226000 9. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the grant of general mandate to the Board of the Company to issue additional H Shares.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 654846127881.1834151779778718.8166950000 10. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the amendments to the Articles of Association the Rules of Procedures for Shareholders’ Meeting the Rules of Procedures for the Board Meeting and the Rules of Procedures for the Supervisory Committee Meeting.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 668242677183.0722136169665116.927823085643 – 5 –ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS (CUMULATIVE VOTING) (Note 1) 11. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the election of Mr. Shi Zhirong as an executive Director of the eighth session of the Board of the Company.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 794711268598.5113568245800.7044414000 12. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the election of Mr. Zhang Wenjun as a shareholder representative Supervisor of the eighth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.Voting results: Passed For Against Abstain (Note 2) Votes Proportion Votes Proportion Votes (%)(%) 776301133696.22921814142082.24881436000 Note 1: Cumulative voting is applicable to the ordinary resolutions numbered 11 and 12 and the proportion of affirmative votes is calculated by dividing the number of affirmative votes for the resolution by the total number of Shares represented by the Shareholders and proxies attending the AGM.Note 2: Any abstained vote or waiver to vote shall be disregarded for the purpose of calculating the voting result of that resolution.The AGM was witnessed by lawyers from Jincheng Tongda & Neal Beijing the legal adviser of the Company who issued a legal opinion on the AGM concluding that the convening of and the procedures for holding the AGM the qualifications of the attendees the voting procedures of the meeting the voting results and the resolutions passed at the meeting were in compliance with the requirements of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws regulations and the Articles of Association which were lawful and valid.Hong Kong Registrars Limited the H share registrar and transfer office of the Company acted as the scrutineer of the AGM for the purpose of vote-taking.– 6 –IV. DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL DIVIDEND FOR 2023 As approved a t the AGM by way of reso lu t ion the f ina l d iv idend i s RMB0.08 per share (tax inclusive) for the year 2023 totalling approximately RMB1372670498.24 (tax inclusive). In accordance with the Articles of Association dividends payable to A Shareholders will be paid in RMB and dividends payable to H Shareholders will be paid in Hong Kong Dollar. The actual amounts of dividend to be paid in Hong Kong Dollar shall be converted at the average intermediate exchange rate for Hong Kong Dollar to RMB (i.e.RMB1=HK$1.0963926) announced by the People’s Bank of China for the five working days prior to the date of the AGM (i.e. 25 June 2024) (inclusive). Based on the above exchange rate the final dividend payable on each H Share for 2023 is HK$0.0877 (tax inclusive).The Company has appointed Bank of China (Hong Kong) Trustees Limited as the agent to deal with the distribution of the H Share dividend on its behalf. The final dividend for 2023 is expected to be paid on or before 26 July 2024 to those Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company on Thursday 4 July 2024. Timetable arrangements such as the record date the ex-dividend date and the date of distribution of cash dividend for the investors of southbound trading will be the same as H Shareholders of the Company.The Company will publish a separate announcement in respect of its 2023 final dividend distribution to A Shareholders after the AGM. Timetable arrangements such as the record date the ex-dividend date and the date of distribution of cash dividend for the investors of northbound trading will be the same as A Shareholders of the Company.V. AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR THE BOARD MEETING AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURES FOR THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING At the AGM the resolution in relation to the amendments to the Articles of Association the Rules of Procedures for Shareholders’ Meeting the Rules of Procedures for the Board Meeting and the Rules of Procedures for the Supervisory Committee Meeting has been approved by the Shareholders by way of a special resolution. The revised Articles of Association the Rules of Procedures for Shareholders’ Meeting the Rules of Procedures for the Board Meeting and the Rules of Procedures for the Supervisory Committee Meeting will become effective on 1 July 2024 full text of which has been published on the websites of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Company.– 7 –VI. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR At the AGM Mr. Shi Zhirong was elected as an executive Director of the eighth session of the Board of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Shi Zhirong will commence from the conclusion of the AGM and expire upon the election of the ninth session of the Board of the Company. For biographical details of Mr. Shi Zhirong and other information required to be disclosed under Rule 13.51(2) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 3 June 2024 and the Supplemental Circular dated 7 June 2024.Immediately following the conclusion of the AGM the Company held the 23rd meeting of the eighth session of the Board and the Board elected and approved Mr. Shi Zhirong to serve as the chairman of the eighth session of the Board of the Company and resolved that he would serve as the chairman of the Development and Planning Committee and the member of the Nomination Committee under the Board.VII. APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISOR At the AGM Mr. Zhang Wenjun was elected as a shareholder representative Supervisor of the eighth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.The term of office of Mr. Zhang Wenjun will commence from the conclusion of the AGM and expire upon the election of the ninth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. For biographical details of Mr. Zhang Wenjun and other information required to be disclosed under Rule 13.51(2) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 3 June 2024 and the Supplemental Circular dated 7 June 2024. By order of the Board Aluminum Corporation of China Limited* Ge Xiaolei Joint Company Secretary Beijing the PRC 25 June 2024 As at the date of this announcement the members of the Board comprise Mr. Shi Zhirong Mr. Zhu Runzhou Mr. Ou Xiaowu and Mr. Jiang Tao (Executive Directors); Mr. Zhang Jilong and Mr. Chen Pengjun (Non-executive Directors); Mr. Qiu Guanzhou Mr. Yu Jinsong and Ms. Chan Yuen Sau Kelly (Independent Non-executive Directors).* For identification purpose only –8–