
List of Directors and their Roles and Functions

2024-06-28 00:00:00

芯智控股有限公司 Smart-Core Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2166) List of Directors and their Roles and Functions With effect from 1 July 2024 the members of the board of Directors (the ‘‘Board’’) of Smart-Core Holdings Limited are set out below: Executive Directors Mr. TIAN Weidong (Chairman) Mr. LIU Hongbing Mr. MAK Hon Kai Stanly Mr. ZHENG Gang Non-executive Director Mr. WONG Tsz Leung Independent non-executive Directors Dr. TANG Ming Je Ms. XU Wei Dr. XUE Chun Three committees have been set up under the Board. The table below provides membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves.Board Directors Committee Audit Remuneration Nomination Committee Committee Committee Mr. TIAN Weidong — M C Dr. TANG Ming Je M M M Ms. XU Wei C C M Dr. XUE Chun M — — Notes: C = Chair of the relevant Board committees M = Member of the relevant Board committees 28 June 2024