

2024-06-18 00:00:00

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.SUNSHINE OILSANDS LTD.阳光油砂有限公司* (a corporation incorporated under the Business Corporations Act of the Province of Alberta Canada with limited liability) (HKEX: 2012) POLL RESULTS OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON JUNE 18 2024 (HONG KONG TIME) / JUNE 17 2024 (CALGARY TIME) Reference is made to the management information circular dated May 17 2024 (the “Circular”) the notice (the “Notice”) of the annual meeting of shareholders (the “General Meeting”) of Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. (the “Company”) and the accompanying form of proxy all dated May 17 2024.Unless the context requires otherwise terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular and the Notice.POLL RESULTS The Board wishes to announce that all the Resolutions as set out in the Notice were duly passed by the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) by way of poll at the General Meeting.Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong was appointed as the scrutineer for the vote-taking at the General Meeting.*For identification purposes only -1-Poll results in respect of all the resolutions proposed at the General Meeting are set out below: Number of Votes (%) Total voting Ordinary Resolution rights present at the For Against General Meeting 1. To receive the audited consolidated 8612644 5000 8617644 financial statements of the (99.94%) (0.06%) Company and its subsidiaries and the reports of the directors and independent auditors of the Company for the year ended December 31 2023 The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.Number of Votes (%) Total voting Ordinary Resolution rights present at the For Against General Meeting 2. To fix the number of directors to be 8612644 5000 8617644 elected at the General Meeting at (99.94%) (0.06%) eight (8) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.Number of Votes (%) Total voting rights Ordinary Resolutions present at the General Meeting For Withhold from Voting 3. To elect the following directors for the ensuing year: (a) Kwok Ping Sun 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(b) Michael J. Hibberd 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(c) Gloria Pui Yun Ho 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.-2-(d) Xijuan Jiang 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(e) Linna Liu 8611644 1000 8612644 (99.99%)(0.01%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(f) Yi He 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(g) Guangzhong Xing 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.(h) Jue Pang 8612644 0 8612644 (100.00%)(0%) The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.Number of Votes (%) Total voting rights Ordinary Resolution For Withhold from present at the General Meeting Voting 4. To appoint Prism Hong Kong 8612644 0 8612644 and Shanghai Limited as auditor (100.00%) (0%) of the Company for the ensuing year and to authorize the Board to fix their remuneration The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.Number of Votes (%) Total voting rights Ordinary Resolution present at the General For Against Meeting 5. To approve a proposal for the 8612644 5000 8617644 Company to grant to the Board a (99.94%) (0.06%) general mandate to allot issue and otherwise deal with un-issued Shares not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of its issued share capital details are set out in the Circular The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.-3-Number of Votes (%) Total voting rights Ordinary Resolution present at the For Against General Meeting 6. To approve a proposal for the 8612644 5000 8617644 Company to grant to the Board a (99.94%) (0.06%) general mandate to repurchase Shares not exceeding ten percent (10%) of its issued share capital details are set out in the Circular The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.? The above figures are rounded up to two decimal places to the nearest integer.As at the date of the General Meeting the total number of shares in issue of the Company was 243478681 Shares which was the total number of Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote for or against the resolutions at the General Meeting. There were no Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and abstain from voting in favor of the resolutions at the General Meeting as set out in Rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules. No Shareholders were required to abstain from voting at the General Meeting under the Listing Rules. No Shareholders had stated their intention in the Circular to vote against or to abstain from voting on the resolutions at the General Meeting.All Directors participated the General Meeting by means of telephone.By Order of the Board of Sunshine Oilsands Ltd.Kwok Ping Sun Executive Chairman Hong Kong June 18 2024 Calgary June 18 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board consists of Mr. Kwok Ping Sun and Ms. Gloria Pui Yun Ho as executive directors; Mr. Michael John Hibberd Ms. Linna Liu and Ms. Xijuan Jiang as non-executive directors; and Mr. Yi He Mr.Guangzhong Xing and Ms. Jue Pang as independent non-executive directors.