Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.NEW CHINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 01336) POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF 2023 AND DISTRIBUTION OF 2023 ANNUAL DIVIDEND CONVENING AND ATTENDANCE OF THE MEETING The Annual General Meeting of 2023 (the “Meeting”) of New China Life Insurance Company Ltd.(the “Company”) was held by way of a physical meeting on 28 June 2024 at NCI Tower A12 Jianguomenwai Avenue Chaoyang District Beijing the PRC.The Meeting was convened by the board of directors (the “Board”) of the Company and presided over by Mr. YANG Yucheng the chairman of the Company. The Meeting adopted both onsite voting and for the Company’s A share Shareholders only online voting. Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited the Company’s H share registrar was appointed by the Company as the scrutineer for the Meeting.The convening of the Meeting was in compliance with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations of the PRC the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) and the Articles of Association of New China Life Insurance Company Ltd. (the “Articles of Association”). 10 of the 11 incumbent directors of the Company attended the Meeting. Non-executive Director HU Aimin failed to attend the Meeting for business reasons. 4 of the 4 incumbent supervisors and the board secretary of the Company attended the Meeting. Members of senior management of the Company were present at the Meeting.The total number of issued shares of the Company as at the date of the Meeting was 3119546600 shares of which the A shares and the H shares were 2085439340 shares and 1034107260 shares respectively which was the total number of eligible shares that entitled the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) to attend and vote for or against or abstain from voting at the Meeting.- 1 -To the best knowledge information and belief of the directors of the Company there was no restriction on any Shareholder casting votes on the proposed resolutions at the Meeting. There were no shares entitling the Shareholders to attend but abstain from voting in favour of the resolutions at the Meeting in accordance with Rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules. No Shareholders were required under the Listing Rules to abstain from voting on any resolution at the Meeting.Details about the attendance of the Shareholders and their authorized proxies at the Meeting are set out as follows: Number of Shareholders and their authorized proxies attending the Meeting 27 Of which: Number of A share Shareholders 26 Number of H share Shareholders 1 Total number of the voting shares held by the attendees (shares) 1567377331 Of which: Total number of shares held by A share Shareholders 1375520763 Total number of shares held by H share Shareholders 191856568 Percentage of the total number of voting shares of the Company (%) 50.243755 Of which: Percentage of the voting shares held by A share Shareholders to the 44.093612 total number of voting shares (%) Percentage of the voting shares held by H share Shareholders to the 6.150143 total number of voting shares (%) CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSALS The voting results in respect of the proposed resolutions at the Meeting are set out as follows: Numbers of votes & Percentage of the total voting shares (%) For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions No. of shares No. of shares No. of shares voted Percentage voted Percentage voted Percentage 1. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558416737 99.428307 7651695 0.488184 1308899 0.083509 the Report of the Board for the Year 2023 2. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558543737 99.436409 7524695 0.480082 1308899 0.083509 the Report of the Board of Supervisors for the Year 2023 3. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558560137 99.437456 7508295 0.479035 1308899 0.083509 the Report of Performance of Directors for the Year 2023 - 2 -Numbers of votes & Percentage of the total voting shares (%) For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions No. of shares No. of shares No. of shares voted Percentage voted Percentage voted Percentage 4. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558543737 99.436409 7524695 0.480082 1308899 0.083509 the Report of Performance of Supervisors for the Year 2023 5. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558543737 99.436409 7524695 0.480082 1308899 0.083509 the Report of Performance of Independent Non-executive Directors for the Year 2023 6. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558560137 99.437456 7508295 0.479035 1308899 0.083509 the Annual Report (A Shares/H Shares) for the Year 2023 7. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1558560137 99.437456 7508295 0.479035 1308899 0.083509 the Preparation of Annual Financial Report for the Year 2023 8. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1566388231 99.936895 353800 0.022572 635300 0.040533 the Profit Distribution Plan for the Year 2023 9. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1566388631 99.936920 353400 0.022547 635300 0.040533 the Arrangement for the Interim Dividend Distribution for the Year 2024 10. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1563990545 99.783920 2751486 0.175547 635300 0.040533 the Re-appointment of Accounting Firms for the Year 2024 As more than half of the votes were cast in favor of the proposals each of the proposals aforementioned was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.Numbers of votes & Percentage of the total voting shares (%) For Against Abstain Special Resolutions No. of shares No. of shares No. of shares voted Percentage voted Percentage voted Percentage 11. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1425169205 90.927001 139590846 8.906014 2617280 0.166985 Amendments to the Articles of Association 12. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1566387131 99.936824 354900 0.022643 635300 0.040533 Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of General Meeting 13. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1430503145 91.267311 135882206 8.669400 991980 0.063289 Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Board of Directors - 3 -Numbers of votes & Percentage of the total voting shares (%) For Against Abstain Special Resolutions No. of shares No. of shares No. of shares voted Percentage voted Percentage voted Percentage 14. To consider and approve the Proposal on 1566387131 99.936824 354900 0.022643 635300 0.040533 Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Board of Supervisors As more than two-thirds of the votes were cast in favor of the proposals each of the proposals aforementioned was duly passed as a special resolution.Please refer to the circular of the Meeting of the Company dated 27 May 2024 for the full text of the proposals.DISTRIBUTION OF 2023 ANNUAL DIVIDEND The Proposal on the Profit Distribution Plan for the Year 2023 was duly approved by the Shareholders at the Meeting. The full text of the proposals was set out in the circular of the Meeting published by the Company on 27 May 2024.The annual dividend for the year ended 31 December 2023 (the “2023 Annual Dividend”) will be distributed on 9 August 2024 to the H share Shareholders whose names are listed on the register of members of the Company on 18 July 2024.The 2023 Annual Dividend as calculated and declared in Renminbi on the basis of the total number of 3119546600 shares currently issued by the Company is RMB0.85 (including tax) per share totalling approximately RMB2652 million (including tax) representing approximately 30.4% of the net profit attributable to Shareholders of the Company in the 2023 financial statements of the Company which meets the minimum percentage requirement of cash distribution as stipulated in the Articles of Association. Dividends of H shares shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars. The 2023 Annual Dividend payable by the Company to H share Shareholders is converted at the arithmetic average of the central parity exchange rate between Renminbi and Hong Kong dollars as announced by the People’s Bank of China in the five business days before the date of approval by the Meeting (i.e. 28 June 2024) which is HK$1 = RMB0.912424. The 2023 Annual Dividend calculated based upon such exchange rate shall be HK$0.93158444 per share (including tax).For the purpose of determining H share Shareholders’ entitlement to the 2023 Annual Dividend the H share register of members of the Company will be closed from 13 July 2024 to 18 July 2024 (both days inclusive) during which period no transfer of shares will be registered. In order to be entitled to the 2023 Annual Dividend H share Shareholders should ensure that all transfer documents together with relevant share certificates are lodged with the Company’s H share registrar Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716 17th Floor Hopewell Centre 183 - 4 -Queen’s Road East Wanchai Hong Kong no later than 4:30 p.m. on 12 July 2024. The last trading date for the Company’s H shares before the Ex-dividend date will be 10 July 2024 and the Ex- dividend date for the Company’s H shares will be 11 July 2024.Withholding and Payment of Enterprise Income Tax for Non-resident Enterprise ShareholdersPursuant to the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China《( 中华人民共和国企业所得税法》) and its implementation regulations and other relevant rules and regulations the Company is obligated to withhold and pay enterprise income tax at the rate of 10% before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend to non-resident enterprise shareholders listed on the H share register of members of the Company. Any shares registered in the name of non-individual registered shareholders including HKSCC Nominees Limited other nominees trustees or other organizations and groups will be deemed as shares held by non-resident enterprise shareholders and therefore the dividend attributable to such shares will be subject to the withholding of enterprise income tax.If any resident enterprise (as defined in the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China《( 中华人民共和国企业所得税法》)) listed on the H share register of members of the Company which is duly incorporated in China or under the laws of a foreign country (or a region) but with a China-based de facto management body or expecting to apply to relevant requirements pursuant to the Circular on the Scope of Implementation of Policy of Temporarily Not Levying the Withholding Tax on Distributed Profits Used by Overseas Investors for Direct Investment (Cai Shui [2018] No.102)《(关于扩大境外投资者以分配利润直接投资暂不征收预提所得税政策适用范围的通知》(财税[2018]102号)) and the Announcement on Issues concerning the Scope of Implementation of Policy of Temporarily Not Levying the Withholding Tax on Distributed Profits Used by Overseas Investors forDirect Investment (SAT Announcement [2018] No. 53)《( 关于扩大境外投资者以分配利润直接投资暂不征收预提所得税政策适用范围有关问题的公告》(国家税务总局公告2018年第53号)) or the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Promulgating the Administrative Measures for Tax Convention Treatment for Non-resident Taxpayers (SAT Announcement [2019]No. 35) 《( 国家税务总局关于发布〈非居民纳税人享受税收协定待遇管理办法〉的公告》(国家税务总局公告2019年第35号)) does not desire the Company to withhold and pay the said 10% enterprise income tax it shall submit to Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at or before 4:30 p.m. on 12 July 2024 a legal opinion issued by a mainland China qualified lawyer (inscribed with the seal of the relevant law firm) as well as a scanned copy of the business license (duplicated) that verifies its resident enterprise status or relevant materials stated in Cai Shui [2018] No. 102 and SAT Announcement [2018] No. 53 or relevant materials stated in SAT Announcement [2019] No. 35.These materials shall be handed on by the Company to the competent tax authorities for approval and then excess portions of the tax amounts withheld can be refunded.Withholding and Payment of Individual Income Tax for Individual Foreign ShareholdersPursuant to the Individual Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China《( 中华人民共和国个人所得税法》) the Implementation Regulations of the Individual Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China 《( 中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》) the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Promulgating the Administrative Measures for Tax Convention- 5 -Treatment for Non-resident Taxpayers (SAT Announcement [2019] No. 35)《( 国家税务总局关于发布〈非居民纳税人享受税收协定待遇管理办法〉的公告》(国家税务总局公告2019年第35号)) the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Questions Concerning the Levy and Administration of Individual Income Tax after the Repeal of Guo Shui Fa [1993] No. 045 (Guo ShuiHan [2011] No. 348)《( 国家税务总局关于国税发[1993]045号文件废止后有关个人所得税征管问题的通知》(国税函[2011]348号)) and other relevant laws and regulations and normative documents the Company shall as a withholding and payment agency withhold and pay individual income tax for the individual H share Shareholders before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend. However the individual H share Shareholders may be entitled to certain tax preferential treatments pursuant to the tax treaties between the countries (regions) in which the individual H share Shareholders are domiciled and People’s Republic of China and the tax arrangements between mainland China (the “Mainland”) and Hong Kong (Macau). In this regard the Company will implement the following arrangements in relation to the withholding and payment of individual income tax for the individual H share Shareholders: * For individual H share Shareholders who are Hong Kong or Macau residents or whose country (region) of domicile is a country (region) which has entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a tax rate of 10% the Company will withhold and pay individual income tax at the rate of 10% on behalf of the individual H share Shareholders before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend.* For individual H share Shareholders whose country (region) of domicile is a country (region) which has entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a tax rate of less than 10% the Company will temporarily withhold and pay individual income tax at the rate of 10% on behalf of the individual H share Shareholders before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend. If anyone listed on the H share register of members of the Company and expecting to apply to the relevant requirements pursuant to the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Promulgating the Administrative Measures for Tax Convention Treatment for Non-residentTaxpayers (SAT Announcement [2019] No. 35)《( 国家税务总局关于发布〈非居民纳税人享受税收协定待遇管理办法〉的公告》(国家税务总局公告2019年第35号)) does not desire the Company to withhold and pay the said 10% individual income tax he/she shall submit to Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at or before 4:30 p.m. on 12 July 2024 relevant materials stated in SAT Announcement [2019] No. 35. These materials shall be handed on by the Company to the competent tax authorities for approval and then excess portions of the tax amounts withheld can be refunded.* For individual H share Shareholders whose country (region) of domicile is a country (region) which has entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a tax rate of more than 10% but less than 20% the Company will withhold and pay individual income tax at the effective tax rate stipulated in the relevant tax treaty on behalf of the individual H share Shareholders before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend.- 6 -* For individual H share Shareholders whose country (region) of domicile is a country (region) which has entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a tax rate of 20% or a country (region) which has not entered into any tax treaties with the PRC or under any other circumstances the Company will withhold and pay individual income tax at the rate of 20% on behalf of the individual H share Shareholders before distributing the 2023 Annual Dividend.The Company assumes no liability for any failure to submit proof materials within the stipulated time frame which lead to the failure to apply to the abovementioned policies and requirements. The Company will withhold and pay the enterprise income tax as well as the individual income tax for Shareholders whose names are listed on the H share register of members of the Company as required by law on the date of share registration. If H share Shareholders who do not provide the Company with relevant proof materials before the aforesaid deadline need to apply for tax refund after the completion of the distribution of the 2023 Annual Dividend he/she/it shall personally or appoint a representative or appoint the withholding and payment agency to handle the procedures at competent tax authorities of the Company in accordance with the applicable tax regulations and relevant provisions of China.Distribution of Final Dividend for Northbound and Southbound Trading Investors For investors of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (including enterprises and individuals)investing in the A shares of the Company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (the “NorthboundTrading”) their dividends will be distributed in Renminbi by the Company through the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited to the account of the nominee holding such A shares. The Company shall withhold an income tax at the rate of 10% and report to the competent tax authorities on such withholding and payment. For investors of Northbound Trading who are tax residents of other countries and whose country of domicile is a country which has entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a dividend tax rate of lower than 10% those enterprises or individuals may or may entrust a withholding and payment agency to apply to the competent tax authorities of the Company for the entitlement of the rate under such tax treaty. Upon approval by the competent tax authorities the paid amount in excess of the tax payable based on the tax rate according to such tax treaty will be refunded. The record date and the date of distribution of cash dividends and other arrangements for investors of Northbound Trading will be the same as those for holders of A shares of the Company.For investors of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (including enterprises and individuals) investing in the H shares of the Company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the “Southbound Trading”) the Company has entered into the Agreement on Distribution of Cash Dividends of H Shares for Southbound Trading《( 港股通H股股票现金红利派发协议》) with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited pursuant to which China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited as the nominee of the investors of H shares for Southbound Trading will receive all cash dividends distributed by the Company and distribute the cash dividends to the relevant investors of H shares of Southbound Trading through its depositary and clearing system. The cash dividends for the investors of H shares of Southbound Trading will be paid in Renminbi. Pursuant to the Notice on the Tax Policies Related to the Pilot Program of the- 7 -Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Cai Shui [2014] No. 81)《( 关于沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制试点有关税收政策的通知》(财税[2014]81号)) and the Notice on the Tax Policies Concerning thePilot Program of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Cai Shui [2016] No. 127)《( 关于深港股票市场交易互联互通机制试点有关税收政策的通知》(财税[2016]127号)) for dividends received by domestic individual investors from investing in H shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect the company of such H shares shall withhold and pay individual income tax at the rate of 20% on behalf of the investors. For dividends received by domestic securities investment funds from investing in H shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect or Shenzhen- Hong Kong Stock Connect the tax payable shall be the same as that for individual investors. The company of such H shares will not withhold and pay the income tax of dividends for domestic enterprise investors and those domestic enterprise investors shall report and pay the relevant tax themselves. The record date and the date of distribution of cash dividends and other arrangements for the investors of Southbound Trading will be the same as those for the holders of H shares of the Company.Should the H share Shareholders of the Company have any doubt in relation to the aforesaid arrangements they are recommended to consult their tax advisors for relevant tax impacts in the Mainland Hong Kong (Macau) and other countries (regions) on the possession and disposal of the H shares of the Company.Receiving Agent Bank of China (Hong Kong) Trustees Limited is the receiving agent of the Company in Hong Kong (the “Receiving Agent”) which shall receive the 2023 Annual Dividend declared from the Company on behalf of the H share Shareholders. The 2023 Annual Dividend will be paid by the Receiving Agent and the relevant dividend warrants are expected to be delivered by the H share registrar of the Company Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited to the H share Shareholders who are entitled to receive the 2023 Annual Dividend on or before 9 August 2024 via ordinary post at the H share Shareholders’ own risk.This announcement is not applicable to the distribution of the 2023 Annual Dividend to A share Shareholders of the Company. The Company will announce separately on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange the details of the arrangements regarding the distribution of the 2023 Annual Dividend to A share Shareholders of the Company.- 8 -WITNESS BY SOLICITORS The Company engaged Commerce & Finance Law Offices in Beijing to certify the Meeting.Commerce & Finance Law Offices in Beijing appointed solicitors Ms. YANG Min and Mr. LIU Xiangyu to attend the Meeting and issued the legal opinion stating that the convening of the Meeting the qualifications of the Shareholders and their authorized proxies who attended the Meeting the qualification of the convener the voting process and the voting results of the proposals as well as other relevant matters were all in compliance with the requirements of applicable PRC laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. The resolutions passed at the Meeting were legal and valid.By Order of the Board New China Life Insurance Company Ltd.YANG Yucheng Chairman Beijing China 28 June 2024 As at the date of this announcement the chairman and executive director of the Company is YANG Yucheng; the executive director is ZHANG Hong; the non-executive directors are YANG Yi HE Xingda YANG Xue HU Aimin and LI Qiqiang; and the independent non-executive directors are MA Yiu Tim LAI Guanrong XU Xu and GUO Yongqing.