Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 01250) SUMMARY OF POWER GENERATION FOR MAY 2024 This voluntary announcement is made by Shandong Hi-Speed New Energy Group Limited (the “Company” together with its subsidiaries the “Group”) to keep the shareholders and potential investors of the Company informed of the latest business development of the Group.The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of the Company announces that according to the Company’s preliminary statistics currently available the power generation of the Group on a consolidated basis amounted to approximately 645533 megawatt-hour (“MWh”) for May 2024 representing an increase of approximately 19.1% compared with the corresponding period of 2023. For the five months ended 31 May 2024 (the “Period”) the aggregate power generation of the Group amounted to approximately 2755700 MWh representing an increase of approximately 13.6% compared with the corresponding period of 2023. The operating power generation* of the projects held and/or managed by the Group the associates and the joint ventures of the Group for May 2024 was approximately 659688 MWh representing an increase of approximately 9.1% compared with the corresponding period of 2023. For the Period the aggregate operating power generation of the projects held and/or managed by the Group the associates and the joint ventures of the Group amounted to approximately 2801765 MWh representing an increase of approximately 1.9% compared with the corresponding period of 2023.* The operating power generation included (i) the power generation of the projects held by the Group the associates and the joint ventures of the Group; and (ii) the power generation of the projects managed by the Group through the provision of entrusted management services. 1Among them details of the power generation of the Group’s centralised photovoltaic power plants (including those held by the joint ventures of the Group) and wind power plants are set out as follows: Approximate aggregate power Approximate Approximate Approximate generation power power aggregate for the generation generation Year-on-year power corresponding Year-on-year for May for May percentage generation period of percentage Location 2024 2023 change for the Period 2023 change (MWh) (MWh) (%) (MWh) (MWh) (%) Centralised photovoltaic power plants Subsidiaries and joint ventures: Hebei Province 93636 79684 17.5 368591 342542 7.6 Henan Province 24378 24931 (2.2) 103530 113229 (8.6) Shandong Province 34081 27813 22.5 120855 124109 (2.6) Guizhou Province 18713 22234 (15.8) 89930 86614 3.8 Anhui Province 23582 19958 18.2 84806 115050 (26.3) Shaanxi Province 17979 17525 2.6 71798 94577 (24.1) Jiangxi Province 12334 12230 0.9 43267 49582 (12.7) Jiangsu Province 28488 14891 91.3 92909 60446 53.7 The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 14397 11341 26.9 56521 57834 (2.3) Hubei Province 7713 5819 32.5 27080 27713 (2.3) Guangdong Province 9071 11407 (20.5) 44785 48921 (8.5) Jilin Province 3870 3508 10.3 17805 16214 9.8 The Tibet Autonomous Region 3402 3133 8.6 12606 16093 (21.7) Tianjin Municipality 4871 3912 24.5 18910 17011 11.2 Yunnan Province 2347 3043 (22.9) 14123 15410 (8.4) Shanxi Province 9308 2408 286.5 28633 12267 133.4 Whyalla Southern Australia Australia 525 394 32.2 2337 1673 39.7 Sub-total 308695 264234 16.8 1198486 1199285 (0.1) Wind power plants Subsidiaries: Henan Province 74531 99990 (25.5) 399672 438843 (8.9) Shandong Province 53620 31229 71.7 245041 171109 43.2 The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 37064 41234 (10.1) 168242 190667 (11.8) Hebei Province 66220 26295 151.8 340802 140224 143.0 Shanxi Province 8735 8254 5.8 51644 59619 (13.4) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 12894 – N/A 79511 – N/A Sub-total 253064 207002 22.3 1284912 1000462 28.4 Total 561759 471236 19.2 2483398 2199747 12.9 Note: The figures provided herein are subject to rounding adjustments and will be subject to other possible adjustments due to accounting procedures. 2Shareholders and/or potential investors of the Company are hereby reminded that the information provided above is based on preliminary assessment of the internal management information only. Such information is for the purpose of investors’ reference only and is by no means a representation or a basis of reference or indication of the revenue or profit to be generated or derived by the Group or any financial performance of the Group for the Period or for the year ending 31 December 2024.Shareholders and potential investors of the Company are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.By Order of the Board Shandong Hi-Speed New Energy Group Limited Wang Xiaodong Chairman Hong Kong 3 July 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board comprises Mr. Wang Xiaodong Mr. Zhu Jianbiao Mr. Wang Wenbo Mr. Sun Qingwei Ms. Liao Jianrong Mr. Li Li Mr. He Yongbing and Mr. Wang Meng as executive Directors; and Professor Qin Si Zhao Mr. Victor Huang Mr. Yang Xiangliang and Mr. Chiu Kung Chik as independent non-executive Directors. 3