

2024-06-21 00:00:00

THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 此乃要件请即处理 If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this document or as to the action to be taken you should consult your stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities bank manager solicitor professional accountant or other professional adviser.阁下如对本文件任何内容或应采取之行动有任何疑问,应咨询阁下之股票经纪或其他注册证券交易商、银行经理、律师、专业会计师或其他专业顾问。 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)(于开曼群岛注册成立的有限公司) (Stock Code 股份代号:01109) DIVIDEND CURRENCY ELECTION FORM FOR THE FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度末期股息股息货币选择表格 If you wish to receive your 2023 Final Dividend and all future cash dividends in Hong Kong Dollars in the usual manner you are not required to complete and return this election form.倘阁下欲按照惯常方式以港币收取二零二三年度末期股息以及日后所有现金股息,则毋须填写及交回本选择表格。 NAME(S) AND ADDRESS OF REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S)登记股东姓名及地址 REGISTERED HOLDING OF SHARES ON 14 JUNE 2024 于二零二四年六月十四日之登记持股量 IMPORTANT NOTES: 重要提示: 1. Reference is made to the announcement of China Resources Land Limited (the “Company”) dated 7 June 2024 with respect to (a) the payment of final dividend of HK$1.366 per share for the year ended 31 December 2023 (“2023 Final Dividend”); and (b) the option given to the shareholders to elect to receive all or part of their dividend in Renminbi (“RMB”) at the exchange rate of RMB1:HK$1.09908. 兹提述华润置地有限公司(「本公司」)于二零二四年六月七日刊发的公告,内容有关(a)派付截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止的年度末期股息每股港币1.366元(「二零二三年度末期股息」);及(b)给予股东以人民币(「人民币」)收取全部或部分股息的选择权,汇率为人民币1元兑港币1.09908元。 2. This is the dividend currency election form referred to in the announcement set out above. If you elect to receive the 2023 Final Dividend in RMB such dividend will be paid to you at RMB1.243 per share. 此乃上文所述公告所指的股息货币选择表格。如阁下选择以人民币收取截至二零二三年度末期股息,有关股息将按每股人民币1.243元向阁下派付。 To the Directors of China Resources Land Limited致华润置地有限公司董事 I/we hereby authorize and request you to pay the 2023 Final Dividend and/or all future cash dividends in respect of the shares (the “Shares”) in the Company registered in my/our name(s) in any one of the following manners as set out in Part A or Part B: 本人╱吾等兹授权及要求以下述甲部或者乙部的任何一种方式支付以本人╱吾等名义登记之本公司股份(「股份」)之二零二三年度末期股息及╱或日后所有现金股息: DIVIDEND ELECTION — ALL RMB 股息选择—全部人民币 This section needs only be completed if you wish to receive the 2023 Final Dividend and/or all future cash dividends payable in cash in RMB ONLY.如阁下欲以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息及╱或日后应付予阁下之所有现金股息,请填写此部份。 Until further notice to the contrary I/we hereby elect to receive the following dividends that may be payable to me/us in cash in RMB ONLY. (Please insert a “ ” in the box.) 本人╱吾等谨此选择以人民币收取下列应付予本人╱吾等之所有现金股息,直至另行通知为止。(请在以下方格填上「」号。)Part A Election of Dividends 股息选择* 甲部 (i) 2023 Final Dividend; or二零二三年度末期股息;或 (ii) 2023 Final Dividend and all future cash dividends二零二三年度末期股息及日后所有现金股息 * IF A PERMANENT ELECTION IS MADE ON DIVIDEND CURRENCY YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A DIVIDEND CURRENCY ELECTION FORM. A PERMANENT ELECTION CAN BE REVOKED AT ANY TIME BY WRITTEN NOTICE TO TRICOR STANDARD LIMITED.股东如长期选择股息货币,则日后将不会再获寄予股息货币选择表格。所作出之长期选择可随时由股东向卓佳标准有限公司发出书面通知予以撤回。 DIVIDEND ELECTION — PARTLY IN RMB AND PARTLY IN HONG KONG DOLLARS 股息选择—部分人民币及部分港币 This section needs only be completed if you wish to receive the 2023 Final Dividend in a currency combination of the available currencies.如阁下欲以本公司所提供之货币组合收取二零二三年度末期股息,请填写此部份。 I/we wish to receive the 2023 Final Dividend based on the number of Shares registered in my/our name(s) on the record date as follows: 本人╱吾等根据记录日期以本人╱吾等名义登记之股份数目,欲以下列方式收取二零二三年度末期股息: Number of Shares held Part B 持有之股份数目 乙部 Number of Shares on which I/we wish to receive the 2023 Final Dividend in RMB* 本人╱吾等欲以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息之股份数目* * (1) NUMBER OF SHARES ON WHICH YOU DO NOT ELECT TO RECEIVE THE 2023 FINAL DIVIDEND IN RMB WILL BE PAID IN HONG KONG DOLLARS.阁下不选择以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息的股份数目将以港币派付。 (2) IF YOU ELECT TO RECEIVE THE 2023 FINAL DIVIDEND IN RMB IN RESPECT OF A GREATER NUMBER OF SHARES THAN YOUR REGISTERED HOLDING THEN YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE EXERCISED YOUR ELECTION TO RECEIVE THE 2023 FINAL DIVIDEND IN RMB IN RESPECT OF ALL THE SHARES REGISTERED IN YOUR NAME.如阁下所选择以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息之股份数目较登记在名下者为多,则阁下将被视作已选择阁下名下全部股份欲以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息。 (3) YOUR CHOICE TO RECEIVE DIVIDEND IN A CURRENCY COMBINATION OF THE AVAILABLE CURRENCIES IS VALID FOR THE 2023 FINAL DIVIDEND ONLY. 阁下欲以本公司所提供之货币组合收取股息之选择,只适用于二零二三年度末期股息。 Date(3): Telephone number: 日期(3):电话号码: Signature(s) of shareholder(s)(4) 股东签署(4) (1)(3) (2)(4) Notes: 附注: 1. If you wish to receive your 2023 Final Dividend and all future cash dividends in Hong Kong Dollars in the usual manner you are not required to complete and return this election form. 倘阁下欲按照惯常方式以港币收取二零二三年度末期股息及日后所有现金股息,则毋须填写及交回本选择表格。 2. If you are minded to receive your 2023 Final Dividend and/or all future cash dividends in RMB you should note that (i) you should ensure that you have an appropriate bank account to which the RMB cheques for dividend can be presented for payment; and (ii) there is no assurance that RMB cheques can be cleared without handling charges or delay in Hong Kong or that RMB cheques will be honoured for payment upon presentation outside Hong Kong.倘 阁下拟以人民币收取二零二三年度末期股息及╱或日后所有现金股息, 阁下须注意:(i)请确保 阁下持有适当的银行账户以使收取股息的人民币支票可兑现;及 (ii)概不保证人民币支票在香港结算并无手续费或不会有所延误,或人民币支票能够于香港境外兑现时过户。 3. If you wish your election to be applicable for the 2023 Final Dividend you must complete this election form and make sure that it is received by the Company’s Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar Tricor Standard Limited at 17/F Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong not later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday 9 July 2024 (“Closing Time”). If no election form is received by the Company’s Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar by Closing Time you will receive your 2023 Final Dividend in Hong Kong Dollars.倘阁下希望阁下之选择适用于二零二三年度末期股息,阁下须填妥本选择表格及确保于二零二四年七月九日(星期二)下午四时三十分(「最后时限」)前送达本公司之香港股份过户登记分处卓佳标准有限公司(地址为香港夏悫道16号远东金融中心17楼)。 倘选择表格未能于最后时限前送达本公司之香港股份过户登记分处,则阁下将会以港币收取二零二三年度末期股息。 The Closing Time will be adjusted as the case may be in accordance with (a) or (b) below if a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted a Black Rainstorm Warning is in force in Hong Kong or “extreme conditions” resulting from a typhoon or a rainstorm are announced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China: (a) at any local time before 12:00 noon on Tuesday 9 July 2024. In such a case the Closing Time will be extended to 5:00 p.m. on the same business day; or (b) at any local time between 12:00 noon and 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday 9 July 2024. In such case the Closing Time will be extended to 4:30 p.m. on the next business day which does not have any of the above warnings in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m..倘悬挂八号或以上台风信号、黑色暴雨警告信号或中华人民共和国香港特别行政区政府宣布由台风或暴雨引致的「极端情况」于以下香港时间生效,则最后时限将根据下文 (a)或 (b)段作出调整: (a) 于二零二四年七月九日(星期二)中午十二时正之前任何时间生效,则最后时限顺延至同一营业日下午五时正;或(b) 于二零二四年七月九日(星期二)中午十二时正至下午四时三十分期间任何时间生效,则最后时限顺延至下一个营业日的下午四时三十分,惟该下一个营业日上午九时正至下午四时三十分期间概无悬挂或发出上述任何警告信号。 4. In the case of joint registered holders ALL joint registered holders must sign. In the case of a corporation this form must either be executed under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney or other person duly authorized. 倘为联名登记股东,所有联名登记股东均须签署。如为公司股东,本表格必须盖上公司印鉴,或由公司负责人或正式授权代表或其他获授权的人士签署。 5. Compliance by China Resources Land Limited with this authorization will discharge it from all liability in connection with the dividend so paid. 倘华润置地有限公司按本授权支付股息,则其毋须就所支付的股息承担任何其他责任。 6. Any alteration made to this election form must be initialed by the person(s) who sign(s) it. 本选择表格上每项更改均须由签署人简签示可。 PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION STATEMENT收集个人资料声明 (i) “Personal Data” in this statement has the same meaning as “personal data” in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong (“PDPO”).本声明中所指的「个人资料」具有香港法例第486章《个人资料(私隐)条例》(「《私隐条例》」)中「个人资料」的涵义。 (ii) Your Personal Data is supplied to the Company on a voluntary basis. Failure to provide sufficient information may render the Company not able to process your instructions and/or request as stated in this dividend currency election form.阁下是自愿向本公司提供个人资料。倘若阁下未能提供足够资料,本公司可能无法处理阁下在本股息货币选择表格上所述的指示及╱或要求。 (iii) Your Personal Data may be disclosed or transferred by the Company to its subsidiaries the Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and/or other companies or bodies for any of the stated purposes and retained for such period as may be necessary for verification and record purposes.本公司可就任何所说明的用途,将阁下的个人资料披露或转移给本公司的附属公司、香港股份过户登记分处、及╱或其他公司或团体,并将在适当期间保留该等个人资料作核实及记录用途。 (iv) You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be in writing and sent to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of the Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar.阁下有权根据《私隐条例》的条文查阅及╱或修改阁下的个人资料。任何该等查阅及╱或修改阁下个人资料的要求均须以书面方式邮寄至香港股份过登记分处的个人资料私隐主任。