Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.V.S. INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED威铖国际集团有限公司 (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (stock code: 1002) POLL RESULTS OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Reference is made to the circular (“Circular”) of V.S. International Group Limited (“Company”) dated 24 May 2024. Terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.At the extraordinary general meeting of the Company (“EGM”) held on 18 June 2024 voting on the proposed ordinary resolution (“Resolution”) as set out in the Notice of the EGM contained in the Circular was conducted by poll. The Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited acted as scrutineers for the vote-taking at the EGM.The Board is pleased to announce that the Resolution was duly passed at the EGM. The poll results in respect of the Resolution are as follows: For Against Resolution Number of Shares Number of Shares (%)(%) (a) To approve the Sale and Purchase Agreement; 717621290 (b) To grant the specific mandate to allot and issue the (100.00%) (0.00%) Consideration Shares; and (c) To authorise any one Director to do all such acts and things and to sign and execute all such documents instruments and agreements for and on behalf of the Company as he/she may consider necessary appropriate desirable or expedient to give effect to or in connection with this resolution.Note: The percentage of votes is based on the total number of Shares held by the Shareholders who voted at the EGM in person or by corporate representative or proxy. 1As at the date of the EGM the total number of issued Shares was 2307513363 Shares. As disclosed in the Circular VS Berhad Mr. Beh Kim Ling Mr. Beh Chern Wei and their respective associates who together controlled the voting rights in respect of an aggregate of 1368555938 Shares as at the date of the EGM representing approximately 59.32% of the Shares in issue were required to abstain from voting on the Resolution at the EGM and accordingly abstained from voting on the Resolution at the EGM. The total number of Shares entitling the Independent Shareholders to attend and vote for or against the Resolution at the EGM was 938957425 Shares representing approximately 40.68% of the issued Shares. As at the date of the EGM there were (i) no treasury shares held by the Company (including any treasury shares held or deposited with the Central Clearing and Settlement System established and operated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited) and as such no voting rights of treasury shares were exercised at the EGM; and (ii) no Shares repurchased by the Company which were pending cancellation.Save as disclosed above none of the Shareholders were required to abstain from voting to approve the Resolution at the EGM. There were no Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend but requiring them to abstain from voting in favor of the resolution at the EGM as set out in Rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules and none of the Shareholders were entitled to attend and vote only against the resolution at the EGM.Mr. Beh Kim Ling Mr. Beh Chern Wei Ms. Beh Hwee Sze Mr. Tang Sim Cheow and Mr. Wan Mohd Fadzmi attended the EGM in person and Mr. Zhang Pei Yu and Ms. Fu Xiao Nan attended the EGM via video conference.By order of the Board V.S. International Group Limited Beh Kim Ling Chairman Johor Bahru Malaysia 18 June 2024 List of all Directors as at the date of this announcement: Executive Directors: Independent non-executive Directors: Mr. Beh Kim Ling Mr. Tang Sim Cheow Mr. Beh Chern Wei Ms. Fu Xiao Nan Mr. Zhang Pei Yu (Ms Beh Hwee Sze Mr. Wan Mohd Fadzmi as his alternate) 2