(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (于香港注册成立之有限公司) (Stock code: 984) (股份代号:984)NOTIFICATION LETTER 通知信函 16 July 2024 Dear Registered Shareholder AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co. Limited (the “Company”) Notice of Publication of (1) Circular relating to Continuing Connected Transactions Entering Into of the Card Acquiring Merchant Agreement and the Royalty Agreement (2) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and (3) Proxy Form (collectively the “Current Corporate Communications”) The English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communications of the Company are now available on the Company’s website at www.aeonstores.com.hk and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s (“HKEX”) website at www.hkexnews.hk. If you have elected to receive the Corporate Communications in printed form the Current Corporate Communications are enclosed. The extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held at Function Room Units 7-11 26/F CDW Building 388 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan New Territories Hong Kong on Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 9:00 a.m..Shareholders who have chosen (or are deemed to have consented) to read the Company’s Corporate Communications (Note) published on the Company’s website instead of receiving printed version thereof may request the printed version of the Current Corporate Communications and/or future Corporate Communications to be sent to them.If you wish to receive the printed version of the Current Corporate Communications and/or change your choice of means of receipt of the Company’s CorporateCommunications in future please complete the attached Change Request Form and return it to the Company’s share registrar Tricor Secretaries Limited (the “ShareRegistrar”) by post using the mailing label provided (applicable for posting within Hong Kong only) or by email to is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com. The printed version of the Current Corporate Communications and/or future Corporate Communications will be sent to you free of charge upon receipt of your request.You have the right at any time by giving at least a 7-day notice in writing to the Share Registrar (by post to 17/F Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong or by email to is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com) to change the choice of means of receipt of the Company’s Corporate Communications.Should you have any query relating to this letter please call the dial-up hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2980 1333 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Monday to Friday excluding Hong Kong public holidays).Yours faithfully For and on behalf of AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co. Limited Toshiya GOTO Chairman Note: “Corporate Communication(s)” refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for information or action of holders of any of its securities or the investing public including but not limited to the directors’ report and annual accounts together with a copy of the auditor’s report the summary financial report (where applicable) the interim report the summary interim report (where applicable) a notice of meeting a listing document a circular and a proxy form.致列位股东,永旺(香港)百货有限公司(「本公司」) (1)有关持续关连交易订立持卡购买商户协议及专利权协议、(2)股东特别大会通告、以及(3)代表委任表格(统称「本次公司通讯」)之刊发通知 本公司有关本次公司通讯的中英文版本已登载于本公司网站www.aeonstores.com.hk及香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)网站www.hkexnews.hk,欢迎浏览。如阁下已选择收取公司通讯的印刷本,随函附上本次公司通讯。本公司谨定于2024年7月31日(星期三)上午9时正假座香港新界荃湾青山公路388号中染大厦26楼7–11室的会议室举行股东特别大会。 凡选择(或被视作已同意)浏览在本公司网站登载之本公司通讯(附注)以代替收取印刷本之股东,均可要求索取本次公司通讯及╱或收取本公司日后发布之公司通讯的印刷本。 倘阁下拟收取本次公司通讯之印刷本及╱或欲更改选择收取本公司日后发布之公司通讯的方式,请填妥随附的变更申请表格,利用邮寄标签(只适用于香港投寄)寄回本公司之股份过户登记处-卓佳秘书商务有限公司(「股份过户登记处」)或电邮至 is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com。当收到 阁下之要求,本次公司通讯及╱或日后公司通讯的印刷本将免费发送予阁下。 阁下可在任何时候向股份过户登记处给予不少于7天的书面通知,以邮寄方式至香港夏悫道16号远东金融中心17楼或电邮至 is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com,以更改收取本公司之公司通讯之方式之选择。 阁下如对本信内容有任何查询,请于星期一至星期五(香港公众假期除外)上午9时正至下午5时正致电卓佳秘书商务有限公司客户服务热线,电话号码为(852) 29801333。 代表永旺(香港)百货有限公司后藤俊哉主席 2024年7月16日 附注:公司通讯指由本公司发出或将予发出以供其任何证券之持有人或投资大众参照或采取行动之任何文件,其中包括但不限于董事会报告、年度账目连同独立核数师报告及(如适用)财务摘要报告;中期报告及(如适用)中期摘要报告;会议通告;上市文件;通函;及代表委任表格。Shareholder’s information (English full name and address)股东资料(英文全名及地址) Change Request Form 变更申请表格 To: A EON STORES (HONG KONG) CO. LIMITED (“the Company”) 致: 永旺(香港)百货有限公司(「本公司」) (Stock Code: 984) (股份代号:984) c/o Tricor Secretaries Limited 经卓佳秘书商务有限公司转交 17/F Far East Finance Centre 香港夏悫道16号远东金融中心17楼 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong Part A: To receive printed version of the Current Corporate Communications 甲部: 收取本次公司通讯之印刷本 (Please mark “?” in the following boxes) ﹙请在以下空格内划上「?」号﹚ I/We would like to receive the Current Corporate Communications in the printed English and Chinese versions.本人╱我们希望收取本次公司通讯的英文及中文印刷本。 Part B: To change the means of receipt of all future Corporate Communications 乙部: 更改选取所有日后公司通讯之收取方式 I/We would like to receive all future Corporate Communications of the Company in the manner as indicated below: (Please mark “?” in ONLY ONE of the following boxes) 本人╱我们希望以下列方式收取贵公司之所有日后公司通讯:﹙请仅在下列其中一个空格内划上「?」号﹚ to read all future Corporate Communications to be published on the Company’s website (the “Website Version”) in place of receiving printed copies and to receive an email notification of the publication of the relevant Corporate Communications on the Company’s Website; OR 浏览将于本公司网站上登载的所有日后公司通讯(「网上版本」)以代替收取印刷本,并收取有关公司通讯已刊载于本公司网站的电邮通知;或Email Address电邮地址 to receive the printed English version of all future Corporate Communications only; OR只收取所有日后公司通讯的英文印刷版本;或 to receive the printed Chinese version of all future Corporate Communications only; OR只收取所有日后公司通讯的中文印刷版本;或 to receive both the printed English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications.同时收取所有日后公司通讯的英文及中文印刷版本。 Name of Shareholder (in ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS): 股东姓名(以英文正楷填写): Signature: Date: Contact Phone Number: 签署:日期:联络电话: Notes:注: 1. Please complete all your details clearly in this Form. 请阁下清楚填妥本表格所有资料。 2. By selecting to read the Website Version of Corporate Communications published on the Company’s Website in place of receiving printed copies you have expressly consented to waive the right to receive Corporate Communications in printed form.在选择浏览公司通讯之网上版本以代替收取印刷本后,阁下已明示同意放弃收取公司通讯印刷版本的权利。 3. Shareholders are entitled at any time to change their elected choice of language(s) and means of receipt of the Corporate Communications by providing reasonable prior notice (of not less than 7 days) in writing to Tricor Secretaries Limited or by sending an email to is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com.股东有权随时于合理时间内事先(不少于七天)向卓佳秘书商务有限公司发出书面通知或发送电邮至 is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com,要求更改彼等已选择的公司通讯的语言版本及收取方式。 4. If your shares are held in joint names the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign this Change Request Form in order to be valid. 如属联名股东,则本变更申请表须由该名于本公司股东名册上就联名持有股份之其姓名位列首位的股东签署,方为有效。 5. If both English and Chinese versions of the Corporate Communications are combined into one document a printed form of the Corporate Communications with both English and Chinese versions will be sent to the Shareholder requesting for a printed form of any version(s) of the Corporate Communications.若公司通讯的英文版本及中文版本合并为一份文件,则公司通讯的英文版本及中文版本的印刷版本将寄给要求索取任一版本公司通讯印刷版本的股东。 6. For the avoidance of doubt the Company does not accept any special instructions written on this Reply Form. 为免存疑,任何在本回条上的额外手写指示,本公司将不予处理。 PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION STATEMENT 收集个人资料声明 Your supply of your email address and telephone number is on a voluntary basis for the purposes of verifying and recording your means of receipt and choice of language of Corporate Communications of the Company and/or the delivery of those Corporate Communications (the “Purposes”). We may transfer your email address and telephone number to our agent contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative computer and other services to us for use in connection with the Purposes and to such parties who are authorised by law to request the information or are otherwise relevant for the Purposes and need to receive the information. Your email address and telephone number will be retained for such period as may be necessary to fulfil the Purposes. Request for access to and/or correction of the relevant personal data can be made in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and any such request should be in writing by mail to the privacy compliance officer of Tricor Secretaries Limited at the above address.本声明所指的「个人资料」具有《个人资料(私隐)条例》阁下是自愿提供阁下的电邮地址及电话号码,以用于核实及记录阁下收取本公司公司通讯的方式及语文版本的选择,以及╱或传送公司通讯(「该等用途」)。我们可能向就该等用途为我们提供行政、电脑及其他服务的代理人、承办商或第三者服务供应商,以及其他获法例授权而要求取得有关资料的人士或其他与该等用途有关以及需要接收有关资料之人士提供阁下的电邮地址及电话号码。阁下的电邮地址及电话号码将就履行该等用途所需的期间保留。有关存取及╱或更正相关个人资料的要求可按照《个人资料(私隐)条例》之条文提出,而有关要求均须以书面方式邮寄至卓佳秘书商务有限公司(地址如上)的私隐条例事务主任。 (Please cut along the dotted line请沿虚线剪下) MAILING LABEL邮寄标签 Please cut the mailing label and stick this on an envelope to return the Request Form to us. Tricor Secretaries Limited No postage stamp is required for local mailing 卓佳秘书商务有限公司 当 阁下寄回此表格时,请将此邮寄标签剪贴于信封上。 Freepost No.: 简便回邮号码 : 10 GPO如在本港投寄, 阁下无需支付邮费或贴上邮票 Hong Kong 香港