

2024-06-06 00:00:00

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited网龙网络控股有限公司 (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 777) POLL RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 6 JUNE 2024 The Board is pleased to announce that all the resolutions proposed were duly passed by way of poll at the AGM held on 6 June 2024.Reference is made to the circular (the “Circular”) of NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited (the “Company”) dated 24 April 2024 and all resolutions proposed in the notice (the “Notice”) of annual general meeting (the “AGM”) contained herein. Unless stated otherwise capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.POLL RESULTS The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) of the Company is pleased to announce that all the resolutions proposed were duly passed by way of poll at the AGM of the Company held on 6 June 2024. The poll results in respect of all resolutions proposed at the AGM were as follows: Number of Shares represented Ordinary Resolutions by votes cast (percentage of total number of Shares represented by votes cast) For Against 1. To receive and approve the audited consolidated 284958022 2381813 financial statements of the Company and its (99.17%) (0.83%) subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2023 and the reports of the directors and auditors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2023 2. To approve the recommended final dividend for 287019330 320505 the year ended 31 December 2023 (99.89%) (0.11%) 1Number of Shares represented Ordinary Resolutions by votes cast (percentage of total number of Shares represented by votes cast) For Against 3. To re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 234771695 52568140 as the auditors of the Company and to authorise (81.71%) (18.29%) the board of directors to fix their remuneration 4A. To re-elect Liu Dejian as executive director of the 264970187 22369648 Company (92.21%) (7.79%) 4B. To re-elect Liu Luyuan as executive director of the 285490392 1849443 Company (99.36%) (0.64%) 4C. To re-elect Lee Kwan Hung Eddie as independent 233841191 53498644 non-executive director of the Company (81.38%) (18.62%) 4D. To authorise the board of directors to fix the 286144382 1195453 remuneration of the directors of the Company for (99.58%) (0.42%) the year ending 31 December 2024 5A. To grant a general and unconditional mandate to 234776369 52563466 the directors to issue allot and otherwise deal with (81.71%) (18.29%) the Company’s Shares 5B. To grant a general and unconditional mandate to 286108702 1231133 the directors to buy back the Company’s Shares (99.57%) (0.43%) 5C. To add the number of the Shares bought back by 234481944 52857891 the Company to the mandate granted to the (81.60%) (18.40%) directors under resolution no. 5A 6. To terminate the 2018 share option scheme 284447507 2892328 (98.99%)(1.01%) 7. To adopt a 2024 share option scheme 234169103 53170732 (81.50%)(18.50%) 8. To terminate the 2008 share award scheme 284561830 2778005 (99.03%)(0.97%) 9. To adopt a 2024 share award scheme 234283426 53056409 (81.54%)(18.46%) 10. To approve and adopt the scheme mandate limit 234266231 53073604 under the 2024 share option scheme and the 2024 (81.53%) (18.47%) share award scheme 11. To approve and adopt the service provider sublimit 234266231 53073604 under the 2024 share option scheme and the 2024 (81.53%) (18.47%) share award scheme 2As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each of the above-mentioned ordinary resolutions No.1 to No.11 all ordinary resolutions were duly passed by way of poll at the AGM.As at the date of the AGM the total number of issued Shares was 531262533 Shares which was equivalent to the total number of Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote for or against the relevant resolutions at the AGM. To the best of the Directors’ knowledge belief and information no Shareholders had a material interest in the resolutions proposed at the AGM. No Shareholders were entitled to attend the AGM and abstain from voting in favour of the required resolutions at the AGM as set out in rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules.No Shareholders were required under the Listing Rules to abstain from voting on the resolutions at the AGM. None of the Shareholders have stated their intention in the Circular to vote against or to abstain from voting on any of the resolutions at the AGM. The AGM was chaired by Dr. Leung Lim Kin Simon an executive Director. Dr. Leung Lim Kin Simon an executive Director Mr. Lee Kwan Hung Eddie Mr. Liu Sai Keung Thomas and Mr.Sing Chung Matthias Li the independent non-executive Directors attended the AGM in person.Tricor Investor Services Limited the Hong Kong branch share registrar of the Company was appointed to act as the scrutineer for the vote-taking at the AGM.By order of the Board NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited Liu Dejian Chairman Hong Kong 6 June 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board comprises four executive Directors namely Dr. Liu Dejian Dr. Leung Lim Kin Simon Mr. Liu Luyuan and Mr. Chen Hongzhan; one non-executive Director namely Mr. Lin Dongliang; and three independent non-executive Directors namely Mr. Li Sing Chung Matthias Mr. Lee Kwan Hung Eddie and Mr. Liu Sai Keung Thomas. 3