Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.UNITED COMPANY RUSAL INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (Incorporated under the laws of Jersey with limited liability and continued in the Russian Federation as an international company) (Stock Code: 486) OVERSEAS REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.United Company RUSAL international public joint-stock company (the “Company”) announces that the attached announcement has been released in Russian to Public Joint-Stock Company ?Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS? on which the Company is listed and on the website of the Company.For and on behalf of United Company RUSAL international public joint-stock company Evgenii Nikitin General Director Executive Director 28 June 2024 As at the date of this announcement the members of the Board of Directors are the following: the executive Directors are Mr. Evgenii Nikitin Ms. Natalia Albrekht and Ms. Elena Ivanova the non-executive Directors are Mr. Vladimir Kolmogorov Mr. Semen Mironov and Mr. Aleksander Danilov and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Christopher Burnham Ms. Liudmila Galenskaia Mr. Kevin Parker Dr. vgeny Shvarts Ms. Anna Vasilenko and Mr. Bernard Zonneveld (Chairman). All announcements published by the Company are available on its website under the links http://www.rusal.ru/en/investors/info.aspx and http://rusal.ru/investors/info/moex/ respectively.? 1 ?Notice on material fact of holding of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer and the passed resolutions 1. General information 1.1. Full corporate name (for a non-profit United Company RUSAL international public organization - name) of the issuer joint-stock company 1.2. Address of the issuer indicated in the Office 410 8 Oktyabrskaya street unified state register of legal entities Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad 236006 Russian Federation 1.3. Primary State Registration Number 1203900011974 (OGRN) of the issuer (if applicable) 1.4. Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of 3906394938 the issuer (if applicable) 1.5. The issuer’s unique code assigned by the 16677-A Bank of Russia 1.6. Website address used by the issuer for the http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=38288 purposes of disclosure of information http://rusal.ru/investors/info/moex/ 1.7. Date of the event (material fact) being 27.06.2024 subject matter of the notice 2. Notice content 2.1. Type of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer (annual (ordinary) extraordinary): Annual (ordinary). 2.2. Form of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer (meeting (compresence) or absentee voting): Meeting (compresence). 2.3. Date place time of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer: Date of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer: 27 June 2024; Place of holding the general meeting of the Issuer’s shareholders: Hotel “Kaiserhof” Oktyabrskaya street 6a Kaliningrad Russian Federation; Time of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer: Time of commencement of the general meeting of shareholders: 10:00 a.m. local time in Kaliningrad (4:00 p.m. Hong Kong time). Time of closure of the general meeting of shareholders: 10:45 a.m. Kaliningrad time (4:45 p.m. Hong Kong time). 2.4. Quorum of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer: The number of votes held by the persons entitled to vote on each item from 1 to 6 at the general meeting of the shareholders of the Issuer amounted to 14886053498. The number of votes provided by the voting shares in the Company determined with due regard for the provisions of paragraph 4.24 of the Regulations “On General Shareholders’ Meetings” No.660-П dated 16.11.2018 on each item from 1 to 6 is 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on each item of the agenda from 1 to 6 is 13601346481 (which is 89.5237 % of the total number of votes accepted to define the quorum). The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to vote at the general meeting on item 7 of the agenda is 14886053498. The number of votes provided by the voting shares in the Companydetermined with due regard for the provisions of paragraph 4.24 of the Regulations “On GeneralShareholders’ Meetings” No.660-П dated 16.11.2018 on item 7 of the agenda is — 15192904762. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on item 7 of the agenda is 13601346481 (89.5243% of the total number of votes accepted to define the quorum). There is a quorum for opening the meeting and for making decisions on the items of agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer. The meeting is competent to consider and make decision on the agenda items.? 2 ?2.5. Agenda of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer: 1. Approval of the annual report of UC RUSAL IPJSC for 2023. 2. Approval of the consolidated financial statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023. 3. Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023 prepared in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards. 4. Payment (declaration) of dividends based on the results of 2023. 5. Approval of the auditor of UC RUSAL IPJSC the terms and conditions of the agreement with the auditor including determination of the remuneration of the auditor. 6. Election of the Board of Directors of the Company. 7. Election of members of the Internal Audit Committee of UC RUSAL IPJSC. 2.6. Results of voting on the agenda items of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer for which there was a quorum and the wording of resolutions of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer on these issues: On Item No.1 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Approval of the annual report of UC RUSAL IPJSC for 2023.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Voting results: ?For? - 9 015 115 979 votes (662811%) ?Against? - 6 391 votes (000005%) ?Abstained? - 3 972 795 285 votes (292088%) ?Voting ballot is void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 428 826 votes (45101%) The resolution was passed: To approve the annual report of UC RUSAL IPJSC for 2023 (included in the materials (information) provided to persons entitled to participate in the general meeting in preparation for the general meeting).On Item No.2 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Approval of the consolidated financial statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Voting results: ?For? -9 015 114 639 votes (662810%) ?Against? - 7 481 votes (00001%) ?Abstained? - 3 972 795 045 votes (292088%) ?Voting ballot is void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 429 316 votes (45101%) The resolution was passed: To approve the consolidated financial statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023 (included in the materials (information) provided to persons entitled to participate in the general meeting in preparation for the general meeting).On Item No.3 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023 prepared in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards.? 3 ?The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Voting results: ?For? - 9 015 108 679 votes (662810%) ?Against? - 7 001 votes (00001%) ?Abstained? - 3 972 800 435 votes (292088%) ?Voting ballot is void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 430 366 votes (45101%) The resolution was passed: To approve the annual accounting (financial) statements of UC RUSAL IPJSC for the year ended 31 December 2023 prepared in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards (included in the materials (information) provided to persons entitled to participate in the general meeting in preparation for the general meeting).On Item No.4 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Payment (declaration) of dividends based on the results of 2023.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Voting results: ?For? - 8 537 577 439 votes (627701%) ?Against? - 4 450 317 546 votes (327196%) ?Abstained? - 23 750 votes (00002%) ?Voting ballot is void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 427 746 votes (45101%) The resolution was passed: Not to distribute profit of UC RUSAL IPJSC based on the results of 2023 not to declare and not to pay dividends based on the results of 2023.On Item No.5 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Approval of the auditor of UC RUSAL IPJSC the terms and conditions of the agreement with the auditor including determination of the remuneration of the auditor.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Voting results: ?For? 12 987 679 884 votes (954881%) ?Against? - 78 321 votes (00006%) ?Abstained? - 160 560 votes (00012%) ?Voting ballot is void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 427 716 votes (45101%) ? 4 ?The resolution was passed: To approve TSATR - AUDIT SERVICES LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY as the auditor of UC RUSAL IPJSC for 2024. To approve total remuneration for services in 2024: RUB 245662000 net of VAT but including out-of-pocket expenses. To approve the following terms and conditions of the agreement with the auditor: Customer: UC RUSAL IPJSC; Auditor: TSATR - AUDIT SERVICES LLC; Subject: audit of the financial statements (both prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards) for the year ending 31 December 2024 conducting a review of interim financial statements (prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards) for the six months ending 30 June 2024 and other audit services; Indemnification: unlimited indemnity to compensate or reimburse any expense or loss of TSATR - AUDIT SERVICES LLC in connection with the audit of the financial statements (both prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards) for the year ending 31 December 2024 conducting a review of interim financial statements (prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards) for the six months ending 30 June 2024 and other audit services.On Item No.6 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Election of the Board of Directors of the Company.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14886053498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15193014862. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13601346481 (89.5237% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Number of votes cast for each candidate: 1. Ms. Albrekht Natalia Aleksandrovna ?For? - 8 533 378 834 votes (627392%) ?Against? - 3 977 198 700 votes (292412%) ?Abstained? - 477 294 820 votes (35092%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 474 127 votes (45104%) 2. Ms. Galenskaia Liudmila Petrovna ?For? - 8 533 384 714 votes (627393%) ?Against? - 4 421 505 votes (00325%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 064 325 votes (327178%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 475 937 votes (45104%) 3. Danilov Aleksander Vladimirovich ?For? - 8 533 403 204 votes (627395%) ?Against? - 4 399 915 votes (00323%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 026 075 votes (327175%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 517 287 votes (45107%) 4. Mr. Zonneveld Bernard ?For? - 8 533 351 194 votes (62739%) ?Against? - 3 977 221 610 votes (292414%) ?Abstained? - 477 246 880 votes (35088%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 526 797 votes (45108%) 5. Ms. Ivanova Elena Anatolievna ?For? - 8 533 403 864 votes (627394%) ?Against? - 3 977 162 250 votes (292409%) ?Abstained? - 477 298 340 votes (35092%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ? 5 ??Did not vote? - 613 482 027 votes (45105%) 6. Mr. Kolmogorov Vladimir Vasilievich ?For? - 8 533 406 184 votes (627394%) ?Against? - 4 394 875 votes (00323%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 069 565 votes (327179%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 475 857 votes (45104%) 7. Mr. Nikitin Evgenii Viktorovich ?For? - 8 537 757 439 votes (627714%) ?Against? - 3 972 821 345 votes (29209%) ?Abstained? - 477 296 350 votes (35092%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 471 347 votes (45104%) 8. Mr. Shvarts Evgeny Arkadievich ?For? - 8 537 723 979 votes (627712%) ?Against? - 3 972 841 885 votes (292092%) ?Abstained? - 477 296 500 votes (35091%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 484 117 votes (45105%) 9. Mr. Mironov Semen Viktorovich ?For? - 12 506 161 329 votes (91948%) ?Against? - 4 400 855 votes (00324%) ?Abstained? - 477 260 660 votes (35088%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 523 637 votes (45108%) 10. Ms. Buto Oksana ?For? - 3 977 993 119 votes (292471%) ?Against? - 84 580 votes (00006%) ?Abstained? - 9009791225 votes (66.2419 %) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613477557 votes (45104%) 11. Mr. Burnham Christopher ?For? - 8 533 350 474 votes (62739%) ?Against? - 4 449 895 votes (00327%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 062 625 votes (327178%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000 %) ?Did not vote? - 613 483 487 votes (45105%) 12. Ms. Vasilenko Anna Gennadievna ?For? - 8 537 737 059 votes (627713%) ?Against? - 3 972 833 985 votes (292091%) ?Abstained? - 477 294 780 votes (35092%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 480 657 votes (45104%) 13. Mr. Parker Kevin ?For? - 8 537 697 700 votes (62771%) ?Against? - 103 550 votes (00008%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 061 995 votes (327177%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 483 236 votes (45105%) The resolution was passed: To elect the following persons to the Board of Directors of UC RUSAL IPJSC: 1. Ms. Albrekht Natalia Aleksandrovna 2. Ms. Galenskaia Liudmila Petrovna 3.Ms. Danilov Aleksander Vladimirovich 4. Mr. Zonneveld Bernard 5. Mr. Ivanova Elena Anatolievna 6.Mr. Kolmogorov Vladimir Vasilievich 7. Mr. Nikitin Evgenii Viktorovich 8. Mr. Shvarts Evgeny Arkadievich 9. Dr. Mironov Semen Viktorovich ? 6 ?10. Mr. Burnham Christopher 11. Mr. Vasilenko Anna Gennadievna 12. Mr. Parker Kevin On Item No.7 of the Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the Issuer — Election of members of the Internal Audit Committee of UC RUSAL IPJSC.The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on the item of the agenda of the meeting — 14 886 053 498.The number of votes attributable to the voting shares of the Company determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.24 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 660-P dated 16 November 2018 “On general meetings of shareholders” on this issue — 15 192 904 762. The number of votes held by the persons who took part at the general meeting on the item of the agenda was 13 601 346 481(89. 5243% of the total number of votes taken to determine the quorum).The quorum for making a decision on the item of the agenda is present.Number of votes cast for each candidate: 1. Ms. Petrova Oksana Fedorovna ?For? - 8 537 831 809 votes (62772%) ?Against? - 26 070 votes (00002%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 048 885 votes (327177%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 439 717 votes (45101%) 2. Mr. Rudominsky Aleksey Valerievich ?For? - 8 537 808 459 votes (627718%) ?Against? - 39 140 votes (00003%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 052 785 votes (327177%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 446 097 votes (45102%) 3. Ms. Cherepanova Nataliya Dmitrievna ?For? - 8 537 808 229 votes (627718%) ?Against? - 40 360 votes (00003%) ?Abstained? - 4 450 052 445 votes (327177%) ?Void? — 0 votes (0.0000%) ?Did not vote? - 613 445 447 votes (45102%) The resolution was passed: To elect the following persons to the Internal Audit Committee of UC RUSAL IPJSC: 1. Ms. Petrova Oksana Fedorovna 2. Mr. Rudominsky Aleksey Valerievich 3. Ms. Cherepanova Nataliya Dmitrievna 2.7. Date and number of the minutes of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer: 27 June 2024 minutes № n/a. 2.8. Identification features of securities (shares the owners of which are entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer): Ordinary shares registration number of the securities issue: 1-01-16677-А date of registration: 03.09.2020 international securities identification code (ISIN): RU000A1025V3 classification of financial instruments international code (CFI): ESVXFR. The resolution of the Bank of Russia on the state registration of the issue of shares of the international company came into force on the date of state registration of the international company (Section 11 Article 7 of the Federal Law dated 03.08.2018 № 290-FZ On International Companies and International Funds) i.e. on 25.09.2020. The issuer’s shares are circulated outside the Russian Federation by circulation in accordance with foreign law of shares under the trade code 486 on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 3. Signature 3.1. Legal Counsel (under Power of Attorney No. ОКR-DV-24-0012 as of February 12 2024) T.V. Atrokhova (name of the position of the authorized (signature) (full name) person of the issuer) 3.2. Date “28” June 2024 ?7?