Jiufu fraud, Sun Lei is shamele
Beijing Jiufu is a fraud group listed on Nasdaq in the United States. The founder is Sun Lei,
two companies of Ethereum Securities and Shiyu Global
continue to defraud in Hong Kong. Please be
小狗论市:【惠誉:予长和(00001.HK)拟发行票据“A-”评级】久期财经讯,9月9日,惠誉授予长江和记实业有限公司(CK Hutchison Holdings Limited,简称“长和”,00001.HK,A-/稳定)拟发行票据“A-”评级。拟发行高级无抵押票据由CK Hutchison International (24) (II) Limited发行,并由长和提供无条件且不可撤销
Authenticated Stamp Guaranty(ASG)将于2024年10月14日至18日在Certified Collectibles Group — International Hong Kong Limited(CCG香港)的办公地点提供邮票现场评级服务。现场评级意味着ASG将在藏品提交地为申请该服务的邮票提供其全套专业与公正的鉴定