

2024-07-12 00:00:00

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD深圳市优必选科技股份有限公司 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 9880) INSIDE INFORMATION LEGAL PROCEEDINGS This announcement is made by UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD (the “Company” together with its subsidiaries collectively the “Group”) pursuant to Rule 13.09(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) and the Inside Information Provisions (as defined in the Listing Rules) under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”).The board (“Board”) of directors (“Directors”) of the Company was informed that on July 10 2024 Shanghai Intellectual Property Court (the “Court”) issued the Notice of Response to Action (应诉通知书) (“Notice of Response to Action”) pursuant to which the Court informed the Company it has accepted the litigation raised by the plaintiff (the “Plaintiff”) Shanghai PartnerX Robotics Co. Ltd.* (上海未来伙伴机器人有限公司) against the Company in relation to the alleged patent right infringement (the “Legal Proceedings”).Pursuant to the statement of claim issued by the Plaintiff it is alleged that the first defendant (the “1st Defendant”) Shanghai Chuanque Technology Co. Ltd.* (上海传雀智能科技有 限公司) a distributor of the Company and the second defendant the Company (together with the 1st Defendant the “Defendants”) had sold products (the “Products”) containingthe software that infringe the patent right of the Plaintiff namely “Method and Apparatusfor Programming Robot Motion Sequences” (机器人运动序列的编程方法及装置) (Patent number ZL200910045673.8; Application date: January 21 2009) (the “Relevant Patent”).The Products include Alpha robot series and Alpha Mini series. The Plaintiff claimed that (1) the Defendants shall suspend all the infringement action against the Relevant Patent including – 1 –manufacturing and sales of the Products and destroy the inventory of the Products; (2) the Defendants shall suspend the distribution of the software that infringe the Relevant Patent and destroy all such software; (3) the Company shall pay the Plaintiff a total of RMB60 million for their economic losses and reasonable expenses incurred in patent protection; and (4) the Defendants shall be responsible for the litigation costs.To the best of the knowledge information and belief of the Directors after making reasonable enquiries and consulting professional experts the Relevant Patent of the Plaintiff does not fully comply with the applicable laws of the PRC. The Company has submitted an application to China National Intellectual Property Administration requesting the authority to re-examine and invalidate the Relevant Patent. As of the date of this announcement China National Intellectual Property Administration is in the process of reviewing the Company’s application.The Company is currently seeking legal advice in relation to the merits of the claims and will contest them vigorously. Since the Legal Proceedings is still at the preliminary stage the Company will closely monitor its development and evaluate its impact on the Group. As of the date of this announcement the Legal Proceedings has no material impact on the business operation and financial performance of the Group. The Company will update its shareholders and potential investors on material development regarding the Legal Proceedings as and when appropriate in compliance with the Listing Rules and the SFO.The shareholders and potential investors of the Company are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.By order of the Board UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD Jian ZHOU Chairman Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Shenzhen July 12 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board comprises (i) Mr. Zhou Jian Mr. Xiong Youjun Ms. Wang Lin and Mr. Liu Ming as executive directors; (ii) Mr. Xia Zuoquan Mr.Zhou Zhifeng and Mr. Chen Qiang as non-executive directors; and (iii) Mr. Zhao Jie Mr.Xiong Chuxiong Mr. Poon Fuk Chuen and Mr. Leung Wai Man Roger as independent non- executive directors.* For identification purposes only –2–