China Youran Dairy Group Limited 中国优然牧业集团有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 9858) LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLE AND FUNCTION The members of the board of directors (the “Board”) of China Youran Dairy Group Limited (the “Company”) are set out below.Executive Directors Mr. Yuan Jun (Chairman and President) Mr. Dong Jiping Non-executive Directors Mr. Yang Huicheng Mr. Xu Jun Mr. Xu Zhan Kevin Mr. Qiu Zhongwei Independent Non-executive Directors Ms. Xie Xiaoyan Mr. Yao Feng Mr. Shen Jianzhong 1The Board has three Board committees. The table below provides the membership information of these committees on which each director of the Company serves.Audit Remuneration Nomination Committee Committee Committee Mr. Yuan Jun Mr. Dong Jiping Mr. Yang Huicheng Mr. Xu Jun M Mr. Xu Zhan Kevin M Mr. Qiu Zhongwei M Ms. Xie Xiaoyan C M Mr. Yao Feng M C Mr. Shen Jianzhong C M Notes: C Chairman of the relevant Board committee M Member of the relevant Board committee June 14 2024 2