M&L HOLDINGS GROUP LIMITED 明梁控股集团有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (the “Company” Stock Code:8152) List of Directors and their Roles and Functions The members of the board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Company are set out below: Executive Directors Mr. Ng Lai Ming (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer) Mr. Ng Lai Tong Mr. Ng Lai Po Independent Non-executive Directors Mr. Tai Wai Kwok Ir Lo Kok Keung Mr. Lau Chi Leung Ms. Luk Pui Yin Grace The Board has established four Board Committees. The table below provides membership information of these Board Committees on which certain Board members serve:- Board Committees Audit Nomination Remuneration Corporate Directors Committee Committee Committee Governance Committee Mr. Ng Lai Ming M M Mr. Ng Lai Po C Mr. Tai Wai Kwok C M M M Ir Lo Kok Keung M M C M Mr. Lau Chi Leung M C M M Ms. Luk Pui Yin Grace M M M M Notes: C Chairman of the relevant Board Committees M Member of the relevant Board Committees If there is any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version the English version shall prevail.Date: 1 June 2024