
List of Directors and their Role and Function

2024-05-27 00:00:00

WINOX HOLDINGS LIMITED 盈利时控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 6838) List of Directors and their Role and Function The members of the Board of Directors of Winox Holdings Limited are set out below: Executive Directors Yiu Hon Ming (Chairman) Yiu Tat Sing (Deputy Chairman) Li Chin Keung (Managing Director) Law Wai Ping Chau Kam Wing Donald (Finance Director) Yiu Ho Ting Independent Non-Executive Directors Hou Bojian Carson Wen Wong Lung Tak Patrick Wu Ming Lam Roles of each member of the Board of Directors in the following committees: Audit Remuneration Nomination Name of Director Committee Committee Committee Yiu Hon Ming M C Yiu Tat Sing Li Chin Keung Law Wai Ping Chau Kam Wing Donald Yiu Ho Ting Hou Bojian M M M Carson Wen M M M Wong Lung Tak Patrick C C M Wu Ming Lam M M M Notes: C Chairman of the relevant board committees M Member of the relevant board committees Hong Kong 27 May 2024