

2024-06-03 00:00:00

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.HUAZHONG IN-VEHICLE HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 6830) POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 3 JUNE 2024 At the annual general meeting of Huazhong In-Vehicle Holdings Company Limited (the “Company”) held on Monday 3 June 2024 (the “AGM”) the voting of all proposed resolutions as set out in the notice of the AGM dated 29 April 2024 (the “Resolution(s)”) had been taken by poll. The Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong Union Registrars Limited was appointed as the scrutineer at the AGM for the purpose of vote-taking.As at the date of the AGM the total number of issued shares of the Company was 1769193800 shares which was the total number of shares of the Company entitling the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) to attend and vote for or against the Resolutions at the AGM. There were no restrictions on any Shareholders to cast votes on any of the Resolutions at the AGM and there was no share of the Company entitling any Shareholders to attend and abstain from voting in favour of any of the Resolutions at the AGM as set out in Rule 13.40 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”). None of the Shareholders has indicated in the circular of the Company dated 29 April 2024 containing the notice of the AGM that he/she/it intends to abstain from voting on or vote against any of the Resolutions at the AGM.No Shareholder was required under the Listing Rules to abstain from voting on any of the Resolutions at the AGM.- 1 -The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of the Company is pleased to announce that all of the Resolutions were duly passed by the Shareholders. The poll results in respect of the Resolutions were as follows: Numbers of votes cast and approximate percentage of total ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS# number of votes cast For Against 1. To receive and consider the audited consolidated 1337372895 0 financial statements of the Company and its (100%) (0%) subsidiaries the reports of the Directors and the auditors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2023. 2. To approve and declare a final dividend of 1337372895 0 RMB0.2464 cent (equivalent to HK0.2717 cent at (100%) (0%) exchange rate of HK$1 equals to RMB0.9071) per ordinary share for the year ended 31 December 2023 to the shareholders of the Company which shall be paid out of the share premium capital reserve or retained earnings of the Company. 3. To re-elect Mr. Zhou Minfeng as an executive 1336330429 1042466 Director. (99.922051%) (0.077949%) 4. To re-elect Ms. Lai Cairong as a non-executive 1337285909 86986 Director. (99.993496%) (0.006504%) 5. To re-elect Mr. Wang Dongchen as an independent 1337361895 11000 non-executive Director. (99.999177%) (0.000823%) 6. To authorize the Board to fix the remuneration of the 1337338795 34100 Directors. (99.997450%) (0.002550%) 7. To re-appoint Ernst & Young as the auditor of the 1337372895 0 Company and to authorize the Board to fix its (100%) (0%) remuneration. 8. To grant a general mandate to the Directors to issue 1331376053 5996842 allot and deal with additional shares of the Company (99.551595%) (0.448405%) not exceeding 20% of the amount of the issued shares of the Company as at the date of this resolution. 9. To grant a general mandate to the Directors to 1337372895 0 repurchase shares of the Company not exceeding 10% (100%) (0%) of the amount of the issued shares of the Company as at the date of this resolution.- 2 -Numbers of votes cast and approximate percentage of total ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS# number of votes cast For Against 10. To extend the general mandate granted to the 1331376053 5996842 Directors to issue additional shares of the Company (99.551595%) (0.448405%) by the amount of the shares repurchased by the Company.As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each of the Resolutions set out above all Resolutions were duly passed as ordinary Resolutions. All Directors attended the AGM accordingly.# The full text of the Resolutions is set out in the notice of the AGM.By order of the Board Huazhong In-Vehicle Holdings Company Limited Zhou Minfeng Chairman Hong Kong 3 June 2024 As at the date of this announcement the executive Director is Mr. Zhou Minfeng; the non-executive Directors are Ms. Lai Cairong Mr. Guan Xin and Mr. Yu Zhuoping; and the independent non- executive Directors are Mr. Wong Luen Cheung Andrew Mr. Wang Dongchen and Mr. Xu Jiali.