Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.Bank of Zhengzhou Co. Ltd.* 郑州银行股份有限公司* (a joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (H Shares Stock Code: 6196) POLL RESULTS OF THE 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Reference is made to the revised notice of the 2023 annual general meeting dated June 12 2024 the circular dated May 28 2024 (the “Circular”) and the supplemental circular dated June 12 2024 (the “Supplemental Circular”) (collectively the “Circulars”) of Bank of Zhengzhou Co. Ltd.* (the “Bank”). Except as the context otherwise requires capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as ascribed to them in the Circulars.I. VOTING RESULTS OF THE AGM The AGM was duly convened and chaired by Mr. ZHAO Fei an executive Director and the chairman of the Bank. All members of the Board attended the AGM in person or through video access. Voting at the AGM was conducted by a combination of poll onsite and online voting. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC the A Shareholders were entitled to attend and vote at the AGM in person by proxy or via online voting for the relevant resolutions. The time of online voting for the resolutions proposed at the AGM for the A Shareholders held on June 27 2024 was set out in the supplemental notice of AGM to the A Shareholders published on the media designated by the CSRC on June 13 2024.The Bank’s H Share Registrar Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited acted as the scrutineer for the vote-taking at the AGM. King & Wood Mallesons the Bank’s PRC legal advisers one Supervisor and two representatives from the Shareholders were also appointed as the scrutineers for the vote-taking and vote-tabulation at the AGM.As at the date of the AGM the total number of issued Shares of the Bank was 9092091358 (comprising 7071633358 A Shares and 2020458000 H Shares) which was the total number of Shares entitling the holders to attend the AGM. 1Zhengzhou Finance Bureau (郑州市财政局) Zhengzhou Investment Holdings Co. Ltd.* (郑州 投资控股有限公司) Zhengzhou Development & Investment Group Co. Ltd.* (郑州发展投资集 团有限公司) and Zhengzhou City Sanitation & Cleaning Co. Ltd.* (郑州市环卫清洁有限公司) held in aggregate 1418761196 A Shares (including 153409705 A Shares the voting rights of which is restricted pursuant to the Articles of Association) and were deemed to have a material interest in the resolutions numbered 9.1(a) 9.1(b) 9.1(c) 9.1(e) and 9.1(f). Zhengzhou Municipal Group Co. Ltd. (郑州市政集团有限公司) held 66550000 A Shares (including 66550000 A Shares the voting rights of which is restricted pursuant to the Articles of Association) and was deemed to have a material interest in the resolution numbered 9.1(d). Henan Investment Group Co. Ltd.* (河南投资集团有限公司) and Zhongyuan Trust Co. Ltd.* (中原信托有限公 司) held 119482821 A Shares and 318676633 A Shares respectively and were deemed to have a material interest in the resolutions numbered 9.1(g) 9.1(i) 9.1(j) 9.1(k) 9.2(c) 9.2(e) and 9.2(g). Henan Guoyuan Trade Co. Ltd.* (河南国原贸易有限公司) held 320590857 A Shares (including 320590857 A Shares the voting rights of which is restricted pursuant to the Articles of Association) and was deemed to have a material interest in the resolution numbered 9.1(h). Therefore the above Shareholders did not cast any vote on the relevant resolutions numbered 9.II. POLL RESULTS OF THE AGM A total of 499 Shareholders and their proxies holding an aggregate of 2946351723 Shares with voting rights representing approximately 40.603484% of the total Shares with voting rights of the Bank in which 498 A Shareholders and their proxies holding an aggregate of 2616662695 A Shares representing approximately 36.060061% of the total Shares with voting rights of the Bank while one H Shareholder and his/her proxy holding an aggregate of 329689028 H Shares representing approximately 4.543423% of the total Shares with voting rights of the Bank have attended the AGM. The poll results in respect of the resolutions proposed at the AGM are as follows: For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 1. to consider and approve the 2023 A Shares 2445798119 93.470134 107818045 4.120441 63046531 2.409425 Board of Directors’ work report; H Shares 328476678 99.632275 1029400 0.312234 182950 0.055491 Total 2774274797 94.159661 108847445 3.694313 63229481 2.146026 2. to consider and approve the 2023 A Shares 2445738102 93.467840 100857886 3.854447 70066707 2.677713 Board of Supervisors’ work report; H Shares 328476678 99.632275 1029400 0.312234 182950 0.055491 Total 2774214780 94.157624 101887286 3.458083 70249657 2.384293 3. to consider and approve the 2023 A Shares 2445144919 93.445171 101873160 3.893248 69644616 2.661581 annual financial statements; H Shares 328476678 99.632275 1029400 0.312234 182950 0.055491 Total 2773621597 94.137491 102902560 3.492542 69827566 2.369967 4. to consider and approve the 2023 A Shares 2445777960 93.469363 107212560 4.097302 63672175 2.433335 annual report; H Shares 328476678 99.632275 1029400 0.312234 182950 0.055491 Total 2774254638 94.158977 108241960 3.673762 63855125 2.167261 2For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 5. to consider and approve the 2023 A Shares 2356092139 90.041874 260035649 9.937683 534907 0.020443 profit distribution proposal; H Shares 55679978 16.888635 274009050 83.111365 0 0.000000 Total 2411772117 81.856219 534044699 18.125626 534907 0.018155 6. to consider and approve the 2024 A Shares 2445051791 93.441612 101892720 3.893995 69718184 2.664393 financial budget; H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Total 2773711419 94.140540 102922120 3.493205 69718184 2.366255 7. to consider and approve the re- A Shares 2446743712 93.506271 100294249 3.832907 69624734 2.660822 appointment of Ernst & Young and H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as the Bank’s overseas and domestic Total 2775403340 94.197964 101323649 3.438953 69624734 2.363083 auditors for 2024 and for the annual audit interim review and provision of professional services such as internal control audit whose term of office ends after the Bank’s 2024 annual general meeting and their remuneration; 8. to consider and approve the special A Shares 2445694083 93.466158 100868579 3.854856 70100033 2.678986 report on related party transactions H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 for 2023; Total 2774353711 94.162339 101897979 3.458446 70100033 2.379215 9. to consider and approve the estimated quota on recurring related party transactions for 2024: 9.1 Credit-granting related party transactions (a) estimated quota on related A Shares 1359667472 88.895555 99411490 6.499559 70432242 4.604886 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhengzhou Development & Investment Group Co. Total 1688327100 90.809321 100440890 5.402371 70432242 3.788308 Ltd. (郑州发展投资集团有 限公司) and its associated corporations; (b) estimated quota on related A Shares 1359692572 88.897196 99078615 6.477796 70740017 4.625008 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhengzhou Construction Investment Group Co. Ltd. Total 1688352200 90.810671 100108015 5.384467 70740017 3.804862 (郑州市建设投资集团有 限公司) and its associated corporations; 3For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) (c) estimated quota on related A Shares 1359692572 88.897196 99563680 6.509510 70254952 4.593294 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhengzhou Transportation Construction Investment Total 1688352200 90.810671 100593080 5.410557 70254952 3.778772 Co. Ltd. (郑州交通建设 投资有限公司) and its associated corporations; (d) estimated quota on related A Shares 2446804063 93.508577 98523890 3.765250 71334742 2.726173 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhengzhou Municipal Group Co. Ltd. (郑州市 Total 2775463691 94.200012 99553290 3.378866 71334742 2.421122 政集团有限公司) and its associated corporations; (e) estimated quota on related A Shares 1360358972 88.940765 98737670 6.455505 70414562 4.603730 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhengzhou Metro Group Co. Ltd. (郑州地铁集团有 Total 1689018600 90.846514 99767070 5.366128 70414562 3.787358 限公司) and its associated corporations; (f) estimated quota on A Shares 1360074533 88.922169 98615454 6.447514 70821217 4.630317 related party transactions H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 with Zhengzhou Zhongrongchuang Industrial Total 1688734161 90.831215 99644854 5.359555 70821217 3.809230 Investment Co. Ltd. (郑州市中融创产业投资有 限公司) and its associated corporations; (g) estimated quota on related A Shares 2009216887 92.229236 98953632 4.542276 70332722 3.228488 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Investment Group Co. Ltd. (河南投资集团有 Total 2337876515 93.209621 99983032 3.986259 70332722 2.804120 限公司) and its associated corporations; (h) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447249324 93.525594 98511237 3.764766 70902134 2.709640 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Guoyuan Trade Co.Ltd. (河南国原贸易有限 Total 2775908952 94.215125 99540637 3.378437 70902134 2.406438 公司) and its associated corporations; 4For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) (i) estimated quota on related A Shares 2009179887 92.227537 98560099 4.524212 70763255 3.248251 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Asset Management Co. Ltd. (河南资产管理有 Total 2337839515 93.208146 99589499 3.970569 70763255 2.821285 限公司) and its associated corporations; (j) estimated quota on related A Shares 2010107863 92.270134 98842377 4.537169 69553001 3.192697 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Central China Securities Co. Ltd. (中原证券股份有 Total 2338767491 93.245144 99871777 3.981823 69553001 2.773033 限公司) and its associated corporations; (k) estimated quota on related A Shares 2009111970 92.224420 99349189 4.560433 70042082 3.215147 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhongyuan Trust Co. Ltd.(中原信托有限公司) and its Total 2337771598 93.205438 100378589 4.002029 70042082 2.792533 associated corporations; (l) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447976783 93.553395 97770155 3.736445 70915757 2.710160 party transactions with Bank H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 of Lanzhou Co. Ltd. (兰州 银行股份有限公司); Total 2776636411 94.239815 98799555 3.353284 70915757 2.406901 (m) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447682683 93.542155 98783330 3.775165 70196682 2.682680 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhongyuan Bank Co. Ltd.(中原银行股份有限公司); Total 2776342311 94.229833 99812730 3.387672 70196682 2.382495 (n) estimated quota on A Shares 2447264424 93.526171 98401314 3.760565 70996957 2.713264 related party transactions H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 with Great Wall Fund Management Co. Ltd. (长 Total 2775924052 94.215637 99430714 3.374706 70996957 2.409657 城基金管理有限公司); (o) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447249024 93.525582 99350689 3.796847 70062982 2.677571 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Jiuding Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (河南九鼎 Total 2775908652 94.215115 100380089 3.406928 70062982 2.377957 金融租赁股份有限公司); (p) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447356746 93.529699 98540772 3.765895 70765177 2.704406 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhongmu Zhengyin County Bank Co. Ltd. (中牟郑银村 Total 2776016374 94.218771 99570172 3.379439 70765177 2.401790 镇银行股份有限公司); and (q) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447345246 93.529260 98837907 3.777251 70479542 2.693489 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Yanling Zhengyin County Bank Co. Ltd. (鄢陵郑银村 Total 2776004874 94.218380 99867307 3.389524 70479542 2.392096 镇银行股份有限公司). 5For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 9.2 N o n - c r e d i t - g r a n t i n g r e l a t e d p a r t y transactions (a) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447955883 93.552596 97782195 3.736905 70924617 2.710499 party transactions with Bank H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 of Lanzhou Co. Ltd. (兰州 银行股份有限公司); Total 2776615511 94.239106 98811595 3.353693 70924617 2.407201 (b) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447625172 93.539957 98915481 3.780215 70122042 2.679828 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhongyuan Bank Co. Ltd.(中原银行股份有限公司); Total 2776284800 94.227881 99944881 3.392157 70122042 2.379962 (c) estimated quota on related A Shares 2009127881 92.225150 98743923 4.532650 70631437 3.242200 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Zhongyuan Trust Co. Ltd.(中原信托有限公司); Total 2337787509 93.206073 99773323 3.977898 70631437 2.816029 (d) estimated quota on A Shares 2447669713 93.541660 98640360 3.769701 70352622 2.688639 related party transactions H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 with Great Wall Fund Management Co. Ltd. (长 Total 2776329341 94.229393 99669760 3.382819 70352622 2.387788 城基金管理有限公司); (e) estimated quota on related A Shares 2010124752 92.270909 98784645 4.534519 69593844 3.194572 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Central China Securities Co. Ltd. (中原证券股份有 Total 2338784380 93.245817 99814045 3.979521 69593844 2.774662 限公司); (f) estimated quota on related A Shares 2447225713 93.524691 99150240 3.789187 70286742 2.686122 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Jiuding Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (河南九 Total 2775885341 94.214323 100179640 3.400125 70286742 2.385552 鼎金融租赁股份有限公司); and (g) estimated quota on related A Shares 2009226276 92.229667 97623577 4.481222 71653388 3.289111 party transactions with H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Henan Asset Management Co. Ltd. (河南资产管理有 Total 2337885904 93.209996 98652977 3.933230 71653388 2.856774 限公司).For Against Abstain Special Resolution Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 10. to cons ide r and app rove t he A Shares 2447339607 93.529044 97788188 3.737134 71534900 2.733822 issuance of tier-two capital bonds. H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Total 2775999235 94.218189 98817588 3.353897 71534900 2.427914 6For Against Abstain Additional Ordinary Resolution Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 11. to consider and approve the Mid- A Shares 2446021408 93.478667 107681822 4.115235 62959465 2.406098 term Capital Plan (2024-2026). H Shares 328659628 99.687766 1029400 0.312234 0 0.000000 Total 2774681036 94.173449 108711222 3.689689 62959465 2.136862 In accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements of the CSRC and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange among all of the resolutions proposed at the AGM the voting on resolutions involving significant events which affect the interest of minority investors of A Shares (being Shareholders other than the Directors Supervisors and senior management of the Bank and the Shareholders who individually or jointly hold 5% or more of the Shares of the Bank) was counted separately at the AGM the poll results of which are as follows: For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) 5. to consider and approve the 2023 profi t 1268940648 82.963802 260035649 17.001226 534907 0.034972 distribution proposal; 7. to consider and approve the re-appointment 1359592221 88.890635 100294249 6.557275 69624734 4.552090 of Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as the Bank’s overseas and domestic auditors for 2024 and for the annual audit interim review and provision of professional services such as internal control audit whose term of office ends after the Bank’s 2024 annual general meeting and their remuneration; 8. to consider and approve the special report on 1358542592 88.822010 100868579 6.594824 70100033 4.583166 related party transactions for 2023; 9. to consider and approve the estimated quota on recurring related party transactions for 2024: 9.1 Credit-granting related party transactions (a) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1359667472 88.895555 99411490 6.499559 70432242 4.604886 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h Z h e n g z h o u Development & Investment Group Co.Ltd. (郑州发展投资集团有限公司) and its associated corporations; (b) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1359692572 88.897196 99078615 6.477796 70740017 4.625008 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h Z h e n g z h o u Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd. (郑州市建设投资集团有限公司) and its associated corporations; (c) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1359692572 88.897196 99563680 6.509510 70254952 4.593294 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h Z h e n g z h o u Transportation Construction Investment Co. Ltd. (郑州交通建设投资有限公 司) and its associated corporations; 7For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) (d) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1359652572 88.894581 98523890 6.441528 71334742 4.663891 transactions with Zhengzhou Municipal Group Co. Ltd. (郑州市政集团有限公 司) and its associated corporations; (e) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360358972 88.940765 98737670 6.455505 70414562 4.603730 transactions with Zhengzhou Metro Group Co. Ltd. (郑州地铁集团有限公 司) and its associated corporations; (f) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360074533 88.922169 98615454 6.447514 70821217 4.630317 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h Z h e n g z h o u Z h o n g r o n g c h u a n g I n d u s t r i a l Investment Co. Ltd. (郑州市中融创 产业投资有限公司) and its associated corporations; (g) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 922065396 84.488378 98953632 9.067070 70332722 6.444552 transactions with Henan Investment Group Co. Ltd. (河南投资集团有限公 司) and its associated corporations; (h) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360097833 88.923692 98511237 6.440701 70902134 4.635607 transactions with Henan Guoyuan Trade Co. Ltd. (河南国原贸易有限公 司) and its associated corporations; (i) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 922028396 84.484988 98560099 9.031011 70763255 6.484001 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h H e n a n A s s e t Management Co. Ltd . (河南资产 管理有限公司 ) and i t s assoc ia ted corporations; (j) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 922956372 84.570018 98842377 9.056876 69553001 6.373106 t r ansac t ions wi th Cen t r a l Ch ina Secur i t i e s Co . L td . (中原证券股 份有限公司 ) a n d i t s a s s o c i a t e d corporations; (k) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 921960479 84.478765 99349189 9.103315 70042082 6.417920 transactions with Zhongyuan Trust Co. Ltd. (中原信托有限公司) and its associated corporations; (l) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360825292 88.971254 97770155 6.392248 70915757 4.636498 transactions with Bank of Lanzhou Co.Ltd. (兰州银行股份有限公司); (m) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360531192 88.952025 98783330 6.458490 70196682 4.589485 transactions with Zhongyuan Bank Co.Ltd. (中原银行股份有限公司); 8For Against Abstain Ordinary Resolutions Number of Percentage Number of Percentage Number of Percentage shares (%) shares (%) shares (%) (n) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360112933 88.924679 98401314 6.433514 70996957 4.641807 transactions with Great Wall Fund Management Co. Ltd. (长城基金管理 有限公司); (o) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360097533 88.923672 99350689 6.495584 70062982 4.580744 t ransac t ions wi th Henan J iud ing Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (河南九鼎 金融租赁股份有限公司); (p) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360205255 88.930715 98540772 6.442632 70765177 4.626653 transactions with Zhongmu Zhengyin County Bank Co. Ltd. (中牟郑银村镇 银行股份有限公司); and (q) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360193755 88.929963 98837907 6.462058 70479542 4.607979 transactions with Yanling Zhengyin County Bank Co. Ltd. (鄢陵郑银村镇 银行股份有限公司). 9.2 N o n - c r e d i t - g r a n t i n g r e l a t e d p a r t y transactions (a) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360804392 88.969887 97782195 6.393036 70924617 4.637077 transactions with Bank of Lanzhou Co.Ltd. (兰州银行股份有限公司); (b) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360473681 88.948265 98915481 6.467130 70122042 4.584605 transactions with Zhongyuan Bank Co.Ltd. (中原银行股份有限公司); (c) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 921976390 84.480223 98743923 9.047855 70631437 6.471922 transactions with Zhongyuan Trust Co.Ltd. (中原信托有限公司); (d) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360518222 88.951177 98640360 6.449143 70352622 4.599680 transactions with Great Wall Fund Management Co. Ltd. (长城基金管理 有限公司); (e) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 922973261 84.571566 98784645 9.051586 69593844 6.376848 t r ansac t ions wi th Cen t r a l Ch ina Securities Co. Ltd. (中原证券股份有 限公司); (f) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 1360074222 88.922148 99150240 6.482479 70286742 4.595373 t ransac t ions wi th Henan J iud ing Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (河南九鼎 金融租赁股份有限公司); and (g) es t imated quota on re la ted par ty 922074785 84.489239 97623577 8.945198 71653388 6.565563 t r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h H e n a n A s s e t Management Co. Ltd. (河南资产管理 有限公司). 9Notes: (a) In counting the voting results for a resolution abstained votes were regarded as votes with voting rights.(b) As a majority of the votes were cast in favour of each of the resolutions No. 1 to 9 and No. 11 all such resolutions were duly passed as ordinary resolutions.(c) As at least two-thirds of the votes were cast in favour of the resolution No. 10 such resolution was duly passed as a special resolution.(d) Insofar as the Bank is aware certain Shareholders participating in the AGM have pledged 50% or more of its/his/her equity interests in the Bank the voting rights of such Shareholders at the AGM shall therefore be subject to restrictions pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Bank resulting in a total of 1835690156 Shares subject to restrictions. Such Shares were not involved in the voting.(e) There was no Shares requiring the holder to abstain from voting in favour of the resolutions at the AGM under Rule 13.40 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.(f) Save as disclosed above none of the Shareholders stated their intention in the Circulars to vote against any of the resolutions at the AGM or abstain from voting.III. LAWYER’S CERTIFICATION LI Yuanyuan and YUAN Bingyu lawyers of King & Wood Mallesons the Bank’s PRC legal advisers witnessed the AGM and issued a legal opinion certifying that the procedures to call and convene the AGM were in compliance with laws and regulatory regulations including the Company Law of the PRC and the Securities Law of the PRC the Rules Governing Shareholders’ General Meetings of Listed Companies and the Articles of Association of the Bank; the qualifications of attendees and the convener of the AGM were lawful and valid; and the voting process and poll results of the AGM were lawful and valid.By Order of the Board Bank of Zhengzhou Co. Ltd.* ZHAO Fei Chairman Zhengzhou Henan the PRC June 27 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board comprises Mr. ZHAO Fei as executive Director; Ms. WANG Dan Mr. LIU Bingheng and Mr. WANG Shihao as non-executive Directors; and Ms.LI Yanyan Mr. LI Xiaojian Mr. SONG Ke and Ms. LI Shuk Yin Edwina as independent non- executive Directors.* The Bank is not an authorized institution within the meaning of the Banking Ordinance (Chapter 155 of the Laws of Hong Kong) not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and not authorized to carry on banking and/or deposit-taking business in Hong Kong. 10