
致非登记股东函件 - 以电子方式发布公司通讯之安排及回条

2024-07-02 00:00:00

3 July 2024 Dear non-registered H shareholder(s), Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications Pursuant to Rule 2.07A of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) under the expansion of paperless listing regime and electronic dissemination of corporate communications that came into effect on 31 December 2023, Lingbao Gold Group Company Ltd. (the “Company”) is writing to inform you that the Company has adopted electronic dissemination of corporate communications (the “Corporate Communications”), which mean any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of its securities or the investing public, including but not limited to (a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form. Please note that both the English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications will be available electronically on the website of the Company at www.lbgold.com/ and the HKEXnews website at www.hkexnews.hk/ in place of printed copies. As a non-registered shareholder, you should liaise with your bank(s), broker(s), custodian(s), nominee(s) or HKSCC Nominees Limited through which your shares are held (collectively, the “Intermediaries”) and provide your email address to your Intermediaries. If you want to receive the Corporate Communications in printed form, please complete and return the reply form on the reverse side to the Company’s H share registrar (the “H Share Registrar”), Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong or send an email with a scanned copy of the duly completed reply form to lbgh.ecom@computershare.com.hk. Should you have any queries relating to this letter, please contact the H Share Registrar at (852)2862 8688 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time), Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays. Yours faithfully, By order of the Board LINGBAO GOLD GROUP COMPANY LTD. Chen Jianzheng Chairman 各位非登记H股股东: 以电子方式发布公司通讯之安排 根据自 2023年 12月 31日起生效的扩大无纸化上市机制及以电子方式发布公司通讯规定下的香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则(「上市规则」)第2.07A条,灵宝黄金集团股份有限公司(「公司」)谨此通知 阁下,公司已采用以电子方式发布公司通讯(「公司通讯」),该公司通讯是指公司已发布或将予发布以供其任何证券持有人或投资大众参照或采取行动的任何文件,包括但不限于(a) 董事报告、其年度帐目以及审计报告副本以及(如适用)其财务摘要报告; (b) 中期报告及(如适用)其中期报告摘要; (c) 会议通告; (d) 上市文件; (e) 通函;及 (f) 代表委任表格。 请注意,所有未来公司通讯的英文版和中文版将在公司网站www.lbgold.com/和披露易网站www.hkexnews.hk/ 提供,以代替印刷本。 作为非登记股东, 阁下应联络代 阁下持有股份的银行、经纪、托管商、代理人或香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(统称「中介公司」),并向 阁下的中介公司提供 阁下的电子邮件地址。 若 阁下希望收取公司通讯之印刷版,请填妥本函背页之回条并交回公司的 H 股股份过户登记处(「H 股股份过户处」)香港 中央证券登记有限公司,地址为香港湾仔皇后大道东 183号合和中心 17M 楼,或把已填妥之回条的扫描副本以电邮发送至lbgh.ecom@computershare.com.hk。 如 阁下对本函件有任何疑问,请于办公时间星期一至五(香港公众假期除外)上午9时正至下午6时正(香港时间)期间致电H股股份过户处(852)2862 8688查询。