
List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions

2024-05-29 00:00:00

Logory Logistics Technology Co. Ltd.合肥维天运通信息科技股份有限公司 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2482) List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions The members of the board of directors (the ‘‘Board’’) of Logory Logistics Technology Co.Ltd. are set out below: Executive Directors Mr. Feng Lei (Chairman) Mr. Du Bing (Chief executive officer) Mr. Ye Sheng Ms. Wang Yao Non-Executive Directors Mr. Fu Da Mr. Chen Zhijie Independent Non-Executive Directors Mr. Dai Dingyi Mr. Li Dong Mr. Liu Xiaofeng – 1 –There are three Board committees. The composition of the Board committees are set out below: Audit Committee Mr. Li Dong (Chairman) Mr. Liu Xiaofeng Mr. Dai Dingyi Remuneration Committee Mr. Liu Xiaofeng (Chairman) Mr. Li Dong Mr. Du Bing Nomination Committee Mr. Dai Dingyi (Chairman) Mr. Liu Xiaofeng Mr. Feng Lei Anhui People’s Republic of China May 29 2024 –2–