Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.Keymed Biosciences Inc.康诺亚生物医药科技有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock code: 2162) POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON JUNE 25 2024 The Board announces that all the resolutions as set out in the Notice were duly passed by the Shareholders as ordinary resolutions and special resolution by way of poll at the Annual General Meeting.The board of directors (the “Board”) of Keymed Biosciences Inc. (the “Company”) is pleased toannounce the poll results of the annual general meeting of the Company (the “Annual GeneralMeeting”) held at 7F D2 Building Tianfu International Biotown Shuangliu District Chengdu Sichuan China on Tuesday June 25 2024 at 2:00 p.m.Reference is made to the Company’s circular (the “Circular”) in connection with the Annual General Meeting and notice of the Annual General Meeting (the “Notice”) dated April 25 2024.Unless the context requires otherwise capitalized terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.The poll results in respect of the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting were as follows: Number of Votes (%) Ordinary Resolutions For Against 1. To receive consider and adopt the audited consolidated financial 121452933 0 statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and the reports (100.00%) (0.00%) of the directors of the Company (the “Director(s)”) and independent auditor for the year ended December 31 2024. 1Number of Votes (%) Ordinary Resolutions For Against 2. (a) (i) To r e - e l ec t P ro f . X iao -Fan WANG as an 121194815 258118 independent non-executive Director. (99.79%) (0.21%) (ii) To re-elect Prof. Yang KE as an independent non- 121452922 11 executive Director. (100.00%) (0.00%) (iii) To re-elect Mr. Cheuk Kin Stephen LAW as an 119618729 1834204 independent non-executive Director. (98.49%) (1.51%) (b) To authorise the board of Directors (the “Board”) to fix 121433992 18941 the remuneration of the Directors. (99.98%) (0.02%) 3. To re-appoint Messrs. Ernst & Young as auditor of the Company 121452933 0 until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the (100.00%) (0.00%) Company and to authorize the Board to fix its remuneration. 4. (A) To give a general mandate to the directors of the 116220228 5232705 Company to allot issue and deal with additional shares (95.69%) (4.31%) (including any sale and transfer of the shares of the Company out of treasury that are held as treasury shares) not exceeding 20% of the total number of issued shares of the Company (excluding any treasury shares) as at the date of passing this resolution. (B) To give a general mandate to the directors of the 121452933 0 Company to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the (100.00%) (0.00%) total number of issued shares of the Company (excluding any treasury shares) as at the date of passing this resolution. (C) To extend the authority given to the Directors pursuant to 116227773 5225160 ordinary resolution no. 4(A) to issue shares by adding to (95.70%) (4.30%) the number of issued shares of the Company the number of shares repurchased under ordinary resolution no. 4(B).Number of Votes (%) Special Resolution For Against 5. To adopt the sixth amended and restated memorandum and 121452433 0 articles of association of the Company. (100.00%) (0.00%) Please refer to the Notice for the full text of the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting. 2As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each of the resolutions numbered 1 to 4 above they were passed as ordinary resolutions at the Annual General Meeting. In addition as not less than 75% of the votes were cast in favour of resolution number 5 above it was passed as a special resolution at the Annual General Meeting.The total number of issued Shares as at the date of the Annual General Meeting was 279735566 which was the total number of Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote for or against all resolutions. There were no Shares entitling the holders to attend and abstain from voting in favour at the Annual General Meeting as set out in rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules. There were no restrictions on any Shareholders casting votes on any of the proposed resolutions at the Annual General Meeting. No person was required under the Listing Rules to abstain from voting on the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting and no party has stated its intention in the Circular to vote against or to abstain from voting on the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting.Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited the Hong Kong share registrar of the Company was appointed as the scrutineer for the vote-taking at the Annual General Meeting.Dr. Bo CHEN Dr. Changyu WANG and Dr. Gang XU attended and participated in the Annual General Meeting either in-person or by electronic means.By order of the Board Keymed Biosciences Inc.Dr. Bo CHEN Chairman Hong Kong June 25 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Board of Directors of the Company comprises Dr. Bo CHEN Dr. Changyu WANG and Dr. Gang XU as executive Directors; Mr. Qi CHEN Dr. Min Chuan WANG and Mr. Yilun LIU as non-executive Directors; Prof. Xiao-Fan WANG Prof. Yang KE and Mr. Cheuk Kin Stephen LAW as independent non-executive Directors. 3