Vico International Holdings Limited 域高国际控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (于开曼群岛注册成立的有限公司) (Stock Code股份代号:1621) 15 July 2024 Dear Non-registered Shareholder Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications Pursuant to the amended Rules Governing The Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) effective from 31 December 2023 the Company has adopted new arrangement to disseminate corporate communications (“Corporate Communications”) electronically. No printed copies of Corporate Communications will be mailed out to you except by request. Please note that both the English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications will be available electronically on the website of the Company at and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) at (the “Website Version”) in place of printed copies.The Company will not send a notice of publication of the website version of Corporate Communications to you. The Shareholders are encouraged to proactively monitor the availability of all future Corporate Communications on the websites and access the Website Version of Corporate Communications by yourselves.We encourage you to access Corporate Communications of the Company in electronic form on the Company’s website. If you wish to receive hard copies of all future Corporate Communications please complete and return the Request Form on the reverse side of this letter to the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong (the “Share Registrar”) Tricor Investor Services Limited at 17/F Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong or send an email to Please note that the hardcopy request will be valid until expiry on the last day of the following financial year of the Company unless being revoked or superseded (whichever is earlier). Further request in writing will be required if a non-registered shareholder prefers to continue receiving hard copies of future Corporate Communications.Should you have any queries relating to any of the above matters please call the Branch Share Registrar’s telephone hotline at (852) 2980 1333 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday excluding public holidays or send an email to Order of the Board Vico International Holdings Limited Hui Pui Sing Chairman and Executive Director Note: Corporate Communications include any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of its securities or the investing public including but not limited to (a) the directors’ report and its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and where applicable its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and where applicable its summary interim report; (c) the quarterly report if any; (d) a notice of meeting; (e) a listing document; (f) a circular; and (g) a proxy form.各位非登记股东: 以电子方式发布公司通讯之安排 根据已于2023年12月31日生效的经修订香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)证券上市规则(「上市规则」),本公司采纳有关向其非登记股东发布日后所有公司通讯的新安排。所有公司通讯均透过本公司网站(及联交所网站(「网站版本」)以电子方式向非登记股东提供并仅会于个别非登记股东要求时才向其发送印刷本。 阁下可于本公司网站 及联交所网站 浏览本公司的中、英文版本公司通讯的网站版本。 我们不会向阁下发出公司通讯网站版本的登载通知。本公司鼓励阁下主动留意网站上所有日后的公司通讯的登载情况,并自行浏览公司通讯的网站版本。 我们鼓励阁下于本公司网站以电子形式浏览本公司的公司通讯。若阁下希望收取日后公司通讯之印刷版,请填妥本函背页之申请表格并交回本公司的香港股份过户登记分处(「股份过户登记处」)卓佳证券登记有限公司,地址为香港夏悫道16号远东金融中心17楼或发送电子邮件至。请注意,非登记股东的印刷版本要求将直至本公司的下一个财政年度结束日到期前有效,除非被撤销或取代(以较早者为准)。若非登记股东希望继续收到日后公司通讯的印刷本,则需要再作书面要求。 如阁下对本函内容有任何疑问,请致电本公司股份过户登记处电话热线(852)29801333,办公时间为星期一至五(公众假期除外)上午9时正至下午5时正,或电邮至 。 承董事会命域高国际控股有限公司主席兼执行董事许沛盛 2024年7月15日附注: 公 司通讯包括本公司发布或将予发布以供其任何证券持有人或投资大众参照或采取行动的任何文件,其中包括但不限于(a)董事会报告,公司年度帐目连同核数师报告以及(如适用)财务摘要报告;(b)中期报告及(如适用)中期摘要报告;(c)会议通告;(d)上市文件;(e)通函;及(f)代表委任表格。Non-registered Shareholder’s information (English name and Address):非登记股东资料(英文姓名及地址): REQUEST FORM申请表格 To: Vico International Holdings Limited 致:域高国际控股有限公司 (Stock Code: 1621) (the “Company”) (股份代号:1621)(「本公司」) c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited 经卓佳证券登记有限公司 17/F Far East Finance Centre 香港夏悫道16号 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong 远东金融中心17楼 REMINDER提示 As a non-registered shareholder if you wish to receive Corporate Communications (1) pursuant to the Listing Rules you should liaise with your bank(s) broker(s) custodian(s) nominee(s) or HKSCC Nominees Limited through which your shares are held (collectively the “Intermediaries”) and provide your email address to your Intermediaries.作为非登记股东,如有意根据《上市规则》收取公司通讯(1),阁下应联络阁下持有股份的银行、经纪、托管商、代理人或香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(统称「中介公司」),并向阁下的中介公司提供阁下的电子邮件地址。 I/We would like to receive the current and future Corporate Communications(1) in printed copy of the Company.本人╱吾等要求索取本公司本次及今后刊发之公司通讯(1)之印刷本。 Signature: Date: 签署:日期: Name: Contract Phone Number: 姓名 (English 英文) 联络电话: (in block letters 请以正楷填写) Notes附注: 1. “Corporate Communications” refer to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of the Company’s securities including but not limited to: (a) the directors’ report its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and where applicable its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and where applicable its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; and (e) a circular.「公司通讯」指由本公司发出或将予发出以供本公司任何证券的持有人参照或采取行动的任何文件,其中包括但不限于:(a)董事会报告、年度账目连同核数师报告及财务摘要报告(如适用);(b)中期报告及中期摘要报告(如适用);(c)会议通告;(d)上市文件;及(e)通函。 2. By completing and returning this Request Form to request for the printed copy of the Current Corporate Communications you have expressly indicated that you prefer to receive all future Corporate Communications of the Company in printed copy.当阁下填写及寄回此申请表格以索取刊发之本次公司通讯印刷本后,即表示阁下确认拟收取本公司日后刊发的所有公司通讯的印刷本。 3. This request will be valid unless being revoked or superseded or until expired on the last day of the following financial year of the Company (whichever is earlier). Further request in writing will be required if Shareholder prefers to continue receiving printed copy of future Corporate Communications.此请求将一直有效,除非被撤销或取代,或者直到本公司的下一个财政年度结束日到期(以较早者为准)。如果股东希望继续收到日后的公司通讯的印刷本,则需要做进一步书面请求。 PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION STATEMENT收集个人资料声明 “Personal Data” in this statement has the same meaning as “personal data” defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Cap. 486 (the “PDPO”) which may include but not limited to your name contact telephone number email address and mailing address.Your supply of Personal Data is on a voluntary basis for the purpose of receiving Corporate Communications in the manner chosen. Your Personal Data will be retained for such period as may be necessary for our verification and record purposes.You have the right to request access to and/or to correct the respective Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of the Personal Data should be in writing by either of the following means: 本声明中所指的「个人资料」具有香港法例第486章《个人资料(私隐)条例》(「《私隐条例》」)中「个人资料」的涵义,包括但不限于,阁下的名称,联络电话号码,电子邮箱地址和邮寄地址。 阁下是自愿向本公司提供阁下个人资料,以便以阁下所选之方式接收企业通讯。阁下的个人资料将在适当期间保留作核实及记录用途。 阁下有权根据《私隐条例》的条文要求查阅及╱或修改阁下的个人资料。任何该等要求均须以书面方式提出。 By mail to: Data Privacy Officer 经邮寄: 个人资料私隐主任 Tricor Investor Services Limited 卓佳证券登记有限公司 17/F Far East Finance Centre 香港夏悫道16号 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong 远东金融中心17楼 By email to: 经电邮: ? Please cut the mailing label and stick it on an envelope Mailing Label邮寄标签 to return this Request Form to us.No postage is necessary if posted in Hong Kong. Tricor Investor Services Limited卓佳证券登记有限公司 当 阁下寄回本申请表格时,请将邮寄标签剪贴于信封上。 Freepost No.简便回邮号码:10 GPO如在本港投寄, 阁下无需支付邮费或贴上邮票。 Hong Kong香港Vico International Holdings Limited 域高国际控股有限公司(1621)