Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this notice make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this notice.安徽皖通高速公路股份有限公司 ANHUI EXPRESSWAY COMPANY LIMITED (incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability as a joint stock company) (Stock Code: 995) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that an extraordinary general meeting (the “EGM”) of Anhui Expressway Company Limited (the “Company”) will be held at 2:30 p.m. on 25 July 2024 (Thursday) at the conference room of the Company at 520 Wangjiang West Road Hefei Anhui the PRC to consider and pass (with or without amendments) the following resolutions: 1. Resolution in relation to the application for the registration and public issuance of corporate bonds by the Company; (Special resolution) 2. Resolution in relation to the proposed mandate to the Board to handle the public issuance of corporate bonds at the general meeting of the Company. (Special resolution) By Order of the Board Anhui Expressway Company Limited Lee Chung Shing Company Secretary Hefei Anhui the PRC 8 July 2024 As at the date of this notice the Board comprises: Wang Xiaowen (Chairman) Yu Yong Chen Jiping and Wu Changming being the executive directors; Yang Xudong and Du Jian being the non-executive directors; and Zhang Jianping Lu Taiping and Zhao Jianli being the independent non-executive directors.– 1 –Notes: I. Meeting attendees Any Shareholders who hold shares in the Company and whose names appeared on the register of the Company at the close of trading on 22 July 2024 (Monday) are entitled to attend the EGM.II. Proxy 1. Any Shareholder who is eligible to attend the EGM and to vote thereat shall have the right to appoint in writing one or more persons (who may or may not be a Shareholder(s)) as his proxy(ies) to attend and to vote at the EGM. After filling in the form of proxy and returning the same the proxy(ies) may attend and vote at the EGM. In case of more than one proxy appointed by a Shareholder such proxies may exercise their voting rights only when the relevant resolution is put to the vote on a poll. 2. The appointment of a proxy should be made through a written instrument signed by the Shareholder or by his/her/its agent as authorized in writing. In the event such instrument is signed by the authorized agent of the appointor such authorization or other authority that authorizes such signatory shall be notarized. To be valid such notarized authorization or other authorization together with the instrument shall be deposited in the case of holders of A Shares at the registered office of the Company at 520 Wangjiang West Road Hefei Anhui the PRC or in the case of holders of H Shares at the registrar of H Shares of the Company Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 17M Floor Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wanchai Hong Kong 24 hours before the time for holding the EGM.III. It is expected that the EGM will take half a day. The Shareholders or their proxies who attend the EGM should bear their own accommodation and traveling expenses.IV. The register of the holders of H Shares of the Company will be closed from 22 July 2024 (Monday) to 25 July 2024 (Thursday) (both days inclusive) during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be registered. In order for the holders of H Shares to qualify for attending the EGM of the Company all share certificates with completed transfer forms must be lodged with the Company’s H Share registrar i.e. Hong Kong Registrars Limited not later than 4:30 p.m. on 19 July 2024 (Friday).The address of the H Share registrar in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Registrars Limited Shops 1712–1716 17th Floor Hopewell Center 183 Queen’s Road East Hong Kong V. Office address of the Company: 520 Wangjiang West Road Hefei Anhui the PRC Tel: 86-551-65338697 63738923 63738922 63738989 Fax: 86-551-65338696 Contact persons: Wu Changming Ding Yu – 2 –VI. Matters of concern for voting 1. For the purpose of the EGM a vote may be cast by way of voting in the physical meeting (for holders of H Shares and holders of A Shares) or online voting (for holders of A Shares only). The system of online voting the beginning day and the ending day as well as the voting time are as follows: System for online voting: Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System for Shareholders’ General Meetings The time at which the period for online voting begins and ends: from 25 July 2024 to 25 July 2024 The time for voting on the voting platform of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System is the trading period that is 9:15–9:25 9:30–11:30 and 13:00–15:00 of the day on which the EGM is convened. The time for voting on the Internet voting platform is 9:15–15:00 on the day on which the EGM is convened. 2. Any vote in relation to accounts in respect of margin trading and securities lending refinancing buyback agreement business and investors of the Northbound Trading Link shall be cast in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Implementation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Limited for Online Voting in Shareholders’ General Meetings of Listed Companies and other relevant regulations. 3. Any holder of A Shares of the Company who would like to cast his or her vote through the Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System for Shareholders’ General Meetings could either log in the voting platform of the exchange’s system (through the terminus of any specified securities trading company) or the internet voting platform (URL: vote.sseinfo.com) to vote. Any investor who logs in the internet voting platform to vote for the first time is required to have his or her identity as a Shareholder verified. For details please refer to the instructions for the internet voting platform on the website. 4. Any holder of A Shares of the Company under more than one Shareholder’s account may vote using any of the said accounts through the Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System for Shareholders’ General Meetings. After voting such a Shareholder is deemed to have cast his or her votes in the same way in respect of all the ordinary shares of the same class held under his or her said accounts. 5. For holder of A Shares if the same vote is cast more than once by way of voting in the physical meeting via Shanghai Stock Exchange Online Voting System or otherwise the vote first in time prevails. 6. For online voting submission can only be made after the Shareholder has voted on all the resolutions.This notice was originally prepared in Chinese. In case of discrepancies between the Chinese and the English versions the Chinese version shall prevail.* For identification purpose only –3–