KA SHUI INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 嘉瑞国际控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock code: 822) LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLE AND FUNCTION With effect from 31 May 2024 the members of the board of directors (the “Board”) of Ka Shui International Holdings Limited (the “Company”) are set out below: EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Mr. Lee Yuen Fat (Chairman) Mr. Wong Wing Chuen (Vice Chairman) Mr. Chu Weiman (Chief Executive Officer) Ms. Chan So Wah INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Professor Sun Kai Lit Cliff BBS JP Ir Dr. Lo Wai Kwok GBS MH JP Mr. Kong Kai Chuen Frankie Mr. Tang Koon Yiu Thomas The Board has set up four committees. The table below provides membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves.Board Committee Risk Audit Nomination Remuneration Management Committee Committee Committee Director Committee* Mr. Lee Yuen Fat - - - - Mr. Wong Wing Chuen - - - M Mr. Chu Weiman - M M C Ms. Chan So Wah - - - M Professor Sun Kai Lit Cliff M C C - BBS JP Ir Dr. Lo Wai Kwok M M M - GBS MH JP Mr. Kong Kai Chuen C M M - Frankie Mr. Tang Koon Yiu Thomas M M M - 1Notes: C: Chairman of the relevant Board committee M: Member of the relevant Board committee * The Risk Management Committee comprises (i) Chief Executive Officer of the Company (namely Mr. Chu Weiman) as its chairman (ii) Director of Manufacturing (namely Mr. Wong Wing Chuen) (iii) Director of Planning and Management (namely Ms. Chan So Wah) and (iv) Director of Sales and Marketing (namely Mr.Wong Wai Chung Peter) as its members.Hong Kong 31 May 2024 2