Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.UMP HEALTHCARE HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 722) SUPPLEMENTAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN RELATION TO (1) CONNECTED TRANSACTION AND (2) RENEWAL OF CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS The Company wishes to provide further information in relation to the pricing policy and the basis for determining the fees under the 2024 Continuing Connected Transactions Renewal Agreements. Unless otherwise specified in this announcement terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the announcement of the Company dated 26 June 2024 (the “Announcement”).The 2024 Consultancy Renewal Agreement with Dr. Patrick Lee In determining the consultancy fees payable under the 2024 Consultancy Renewal Agreement with Dr. Patrick Lee to ensure that the fees payable to Dr. Patrick Lee are no less favourable to the Company than those made available to the Company by independent consultants the Company will in addition to the pricing policies set out in the Announcement under the heading of “Internal Control” conduct market analysis by performing fee estimation based on the following parameters: (a) the seniority and professional qualifications of Dr. Patrick Lee; (b) the expertise and experience of Dr. Patrick Lee in relation to the provision of dental services; (c) the nature and complexity of dental services to be provided by Dr. Patrick Lee under the 2024 Consultancy Renewal Agreement with Dr. Patrick Lee; and 1(d) the professional fee arrangement of other independent dentists of similar seniority and professional qualifications engaging in the provision of comparable services to the Group taking into account their expertise and experience scope of services and responsibilities.The Business Department will obtain quotations from at least two independent dentists with reference to the above parameters and report the findings together with the recommended pricing determined based on such findings to the senior management of the Company which will then determine the fees for the relevant services.The 2024 Consultancy Renewal Agreement with Dr. Michael Sun In determining the consultancy fees payable under the 2024 Consultancy Renewal Agreement with Dr. Michael Sun to ensure that the fees payable to Dr. Michael Sun are no less favourable to the Company than those made available to the Company by independent consultants the Company will in addition to the pricing policies set out in the Announcement under the heading of “Internal Control” conduct market analysis by performing fee estimation based on the following parameters:– (a) the seniority and professional qualifications of Dr. Michael Sun; (b) the expertise and experience of Dr. Michael Sun in relation to the provision of radiologist services; and (c) the professional fee arrangement of other independent radiologists of similar seniority and professional qualifications engaging in the provision of comparable services to the Group taking into account their expertise and experience scope of services and responsibilities.The Business Department will obtain quotations from at least two independent radiologists with reference to the above parameters and report the findings together with the recommended pricing determined based on such findings to the senior management of the Company which will then determine the fees for the relevant services.The 2024 Medical Services Framework Renewal Agreement In determining the service fees under the 2024 Medical Services Framework Renewal Agreement to ensure that the fees to be paid by CTFE are no more favourable to CTFE than the price at which the Company provides similar services to independent third parties having regard to the scope and terms of the services provided the Company will in addition to the pricing policies set out in the Announcement under the heading of “Internal Control” take into account the prevailing market prices and benchmark price information for similar services obtained through the market or third-party customers. 2In particular where comparable services are available the Business Development will consider at least two quotations offered by the Group to independent third-party customers taking into account the nature and scope of medical dental and auxiliary services to be provided by the Group. In the absence of any comparable services the Business Department will conduct market research (through means such as discussions with customers/market surveys) on the prevailing prices charged for similar services by independent medical service providers in the market in general. Under any of the above circumstances the Business Department will report the findings together with the recommended pricing determined based on such findings to the senior management of the Company which will then determine the prices for the relevant services.The additional information disclosed herein does not affect any other information contained in the Announcement.By order of the Board UMP Healthcare Holdings Limited CHEUNG Chi Wah Patrick Company Secretary Hong Kong 9 July 2024 As at the date of this announcement the Executive Directors of the Company are Dr. SUN Yiu Kwong (Chairman) Dr. SUN Man Kin Michael (Vice-chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer) Ms. KWOK Cheuk Kwan Jacquen (Co-Chief Executive Officer) Mr. TSANG On Yip Patrick Dr. LEE Pak Cheung Patrick; the Non-executive Director is Dr. LEE Kar Chung Felix; and the Independent Non-executive Directors are Mr. LEE Luen Wai John Dr. LI Kwok Tung Donald and Mr. YEUNG Tak Bun. 3