List of Directors and their Roles and Functions The members of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) are set out below.Independent Non-executive Directors Carlson TONG * (Chairman) Nicholas Charles ALLEN Apurv BAGRI CHAN Kin Por * CHEAH Cheng Hye CHEUNG Ming Ming Anna CHOW WOO Mo Fong Susan * LEUNG Nisa Bernice Wing-Yu * LEUNG Pak Hon Hugo YAM Chi Kwong Joseph * YAN King Shun * ZHANG Yichen Executive Director Chief Executive CHAN Yiting Bonnie HKEX has 9 committees and the Directors are serving on the respective committees as below.Committees Listing Nomination Risk? Audit Board Corporate Social Executive Responsibility Investment Operation and Remuneration Risk Management Committee Committee Committee Committee Governance Governance Committee Committee Committee Directors Committee Committee (statutory) Carlson Tong C C C C C Nicholas Allen C M Apurv Bagri M M K P Chan M M C H Cheah M C M M Anna Cheung M M M M Susan Chow M M C M C M Nisa Leung M M Hugo Leung M M M M M M Joseph Yam M M M Peter Yan M M M Zhang Yichen M M M Bonnie Y Chan M M Notes: * Directors appointed by the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region pursuant to Section 77 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”) ? Established under Section 65 of the SFO C Chairman M Member Hong Kong 21 June 2024