(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (于香港注册成立之有限公司) (Stock Code: 18) (股份代号:18) Note Dear Non-registered holder(s) Oriental Enterprise Holdings Limited (the “Company”) – Notification of Publication of 1. Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024; 2. Circular (together with Notice of Annual General Meeting) of Proposed Grant of General Mandates to Buy Back and Issue Shares Re-election of Retiring Directors and Continuous Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Director Who Has Served More Than Nine Years (“Current Corporate Communications”); and 3. Environmental Social and Governance Report for the year ended 31 March 2024 (“2024 ESG Report”) Please be informed that the Current Corporate Communications of the Company (in English and Chinese versions) are now available on the Company’s website at https://oeh.on.cc under “Corporate Information” section (the “Company Website”) and the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited at https://www.hkexnews.hk (the “HKEXnews Website”).Please note that the Company’s 2024 annual general meeting (the “AGM”) will be held at 4th Floor Oriental Media Centre 23 Dai Cheong Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Hong Kong on Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 11:00 a.m.. If you wish to attend the AGM please seek authorisation from your intermediary/nominee directly.If you wish to receive the Corporate Communications* in printed form please complete the enclosed Request Form and return it to the Company’s Share Registrar Tricor Friendly Limited by using the pre-paid mailing label at the bottom of the Request Form or mail directly to 17/F Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong. The Corporate Communications in printed form will be sent to you free of charge upon receipt of your request.The Company’s 2024 ESG Report is published in electronic form only on the Company Website and the HKEXnews Website. If you wish to receive a printed copy of the 2024 ESG Report you may submit your request to the Company’s Share Registrar by post at the above address.If you have any queries relating to this letter please contact our Share Registrar’s hotline at (852) 2980 1333 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.(Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).By order of the board of Oriental Enterprise Holdings Limited Ka-bong WONG Company Secretary Hong Kong 12 July 2024 Encl.Note: This letter is addressed to Non-registered holders of the Company (“Non-registered holder” means such person or company whose shares are held in The Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited to receive Corporate Communications). If you have sold or transferred your shares in the Company please disregard this letter and the attached Request Form.* Corporate Communications refer to any documents issued or to be issued by the Company including but not limited to: (a) annual reports; (b) interim reports; (c) environmental social and governance reports; (d) notices of meetings; (e) listing documents; (f) circulars and (g) proxy forms.附注 各非登记持有人: 东方企控集团有限公司(「本公司」)-发布1.截至2024年3月31日止年度的年度报告; 2.通函(连同股东周年大会通告)有关建议授出回购及发行股份之一般授权、重选退任董事及继续委任在任超过九年之独立非执行董事(「是次企业通讯」);及 3.截至2024年3月31日止年度的环境、社会及管治报告(「2024年度环境、社会及管治报告」)的通知 谨通知 阁下本公司的是次企业通讯(中、英文版本)已上载于本公司网站(https://oeh.on.cc)之「企业资料」内(「本公司网站」)及香港交易及结算所有限公司网站(https://www.hkexnews.hk)(「披露易网站」)。 本公司2024年股东周年大会(「股东周年大会」)将于2024年8月21日(星期三)上午11时正在香港大埔工业邨大昌街23号东 方传媒中心4楼举行。若阁下拟出席股东周年大会及于会上投票,请直接向阁下的中介人╱代理人获取有关授权。 如阁下欲收取企业通讯*之印刷本,请填妥随附之「申请表格」,并使用印于「申请表格」底部的已预缴邮寄标签或直接寄回香港夏悫道16号远东金融中心17楼本公司股份过户登记处卓佳准诚有限公司。在收到阁下的要求后,企业通讯之印刷本将免费发送予阁下。 本公司之2024年度环境、社会及管治报告仅以电子形式上载于本公司网站及披露易网站。倘阁下希望收取2024年度环境、社会及管治报告的印刷本,可通过邮寄方式向本公司股份过户登记处提出相关要求,地址如上。 如阁下对本函件有任何疑问,请于上午9时至下午5时30分(星期一至五,公众假期除外)致电本公司股份过户登记处热线(852) 29801333查询。 承董事会命东方企控集团有限公司公司秘书黄嘉邦香港,2024年7月12日附件附注:此函件乃向本公司之非登记持有人(“非登记持有人”指股份存放于中央结算及交收系统的人士或公司,透过香港中央结算有限公司不时向本公司发出通知,希望收到企业通讯)发出。如果阁下已经出售或转让所持有之本公司股份,则无需理会本函件及所附之申请表格。 * 企业通讯指由本公司发出或将予发出的任何文件,包括但不限于:(a)年度报告;(b)中期报告;(c)环境、社会及管治报告;(d)会议通告;(e)上市文件;(f)通函及(g)代表委任表格。REQUEST FORM 申请表格To: Oriental Enterprise Holdings Limited (the “Company”) 致: 东方企控集团有限公司(「本公司」) (Stock Code: 18) (股份代号: 18) c/o Tricor Friendly Limited 经卓佳准诚有限公司 17/F Far East Finance Centre 香港夏悫道 16 号 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong 远东金融中心 17 楼 I/We would like to receive a printed form of the following Company’s Corporate Communications*: (Please “?” in the appropriate box) 本人/吾等希望收取贵公司以下之「企业通讯*」印刷本: (请在适当空格内划上「?」号) □ 1. Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024 截至 2024 年 3 月 31 止年度的年度报告 □ 2. Circular (together with Notice of Annual General Meeting) of Proposed Grant of General Mandates to Buy Back and Issue Shares Re-election of Retiring Directors and Continuous Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Director Who Has Served More Than Nine Years通函(连同股东周年大会通告)有关建议授出回购及发行股份之一般授权、重选退任董事及继续委任在任超过九年之独立非执行董事 Signature(s) 签署 Date 日期 Name(s) of Non-registered holder(s) Name(s) of Non-registered holder(s) in English (Please use BLOCK LETTERS) in Chinese 「非登记持有人」的英文名称(请以大楷书写)「非登记持有人」的中文名称 Non-registered holder(s) address 「非登记持有人」的地址 Contact Telephone Number 联络电话 Notes 附注 : 1. Please complete all your details clearly. 请阁下清楚填妥所有资料。 2. This Request Form is for the use of the Non-registered holders of the Company (“Non-registered holder” means such person or company whose shares are held in The Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited to receive Corporate Communications).本申请表格供本公司之非登记持有人(「非登记持有人」指股份存放于中央结算及交收系统的人士或公司,透过香港中央结算有限公司不时向本公司发出通知,希望收到企业通讯)使用。 3. This Request Form with no box ticked or otherwise incorrectly completed will be deemed void and would assume you would like to receive the Company’s future Corporate Communications by electronic means.如在本申请表格未有作出选择或在其他方面填写不正确,本申请表格将作废及假设阁下欲以电子方式收取本公司日后的企业通讯。 4. The above instruction will apply to the Corporate Communications to be sent to you until you notify the Company’s Share Registrar Tricor Friendly Limited to the contrary or unless you have at any time ceased to have shares holding in the Company.上述指示适用于发送予阁下之所有企业通讯,直至阁下通知本公司股份过户登记处卓佳准诚有限公司另有安排或任何时候不再持有本公司的股份。 5. For the avoidance of doubt we do not accept any other instruction (other than those imprinted herein) given on this Request Form. 免生疑问,在本申请表格上的任何额外指示(本表格上所印列之指示除外),本公司将不予处理。 * Corporate Communications refer to any documents issued or to be issued by the Company including but not limited to: (a) annual reports; (b) interim reports; (c) environmental social and governance reports; (d) notices of meetings; (e) listing documents; (f) circulars and (g) proxy forms.* 企业通讯指由本公司发出或将予发出的任何文件,包括但不限于:(a)年度报告;(b)中期报告;(c)环境、社会及管治报告;(d)会议通告;(e)上市文件; (f)通函及(g)代表委任表格。 (Please cut along the dotted line 请沿虚线剪下) ?------------------------------------------------------ Please cut the mailing label and stick this on the envelope 邮寄标签 MAILING LABEL to return this Request Form to us.No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong. 卓佳准诚有限公司 Otherwise please affix an appropriate stamp. Tricor Friendly Limited 阁下寄回此申请表格时,请将邮寄标签剪贴于信封上。 简便回邮号码 10 GPO Freepost No. 10 GPO如在本港投寄毋须贴上邮票,否则请贴上适当的邮票。 香港 Hong Kong